The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3470: ,result

At first, Ivan Last really thought that Zhong Mo was crazy, thinking that Zhong Mo's self-confidence was swelled to the point that he could use his own power to deal with him and Caesar Trunk at the same time.

But now it seems that the newly promoted newcomer from the Celestial Dynasty is indeed not as easy to deal with as he expected...

Temporarily ending the communication with Marshal Bahat, Ivan Last breathed out a long breath and squeezed his eyebrows forcefully.

Marshal Bahat and his troops are now on their way back.

Ivan Last told them to station directly at the border base at that time, and do not retreat back, so as not to cause any trouble.

As for the border base, he will contact him personally later and give him some advice.

After all, at this stage, the fewer people who know this, the better.

And now, the thing that Ivan Last is having a headache is actually another thing, that is, sending more troops again, gathering the army, which troops should he send in the past.

In the process, he inevitably thought of Harros who had withdrawn from the front line before.

As the commander of the Eighth Magic Aircraft Corps of his empire, Harros was beheaded and withdrew from the front. This news was simply bad news for Ivan Last.

They lead civilization and the development of the medical industry is actually more subtle.

The magical civilization with the special system of ‘magic technique’, although there are many things that look like black technology, in fact, their serious technological development is inferior to ordinary civilization.

The development of science and technology will affect the development of the medical industry to a large extent.

Therefore, the medical level of their magic civilization is actually very average.

Under this premise, their magical civilization actually has some special treatment methods, such as treatment techniques.

But don't think of this treatment technique as a powerful method that can bring you back to life.

In fact, it is not. The healing technique is more like an emergency treatment of wounds, similar to the healing spells of the civilization of the world.

But even so, their magical civilization couldn't confirm that the severed arm that was chopped off could be restored 100% as before.

When Harrods withdrew from the front line to recuperate, the arm that was severed by Zhao Hao was actually taken back by the medical soldiers on the front line to help him with emergency surgery.

After that, Ivan Last went to visit Harros specially.

After all, he still values ​​his army commander very seriously, and at the same time, every time he remembers, he will ask about Harros' recovery status.

However, as the emperor of a huge empire, Ivan Rast had so many things to do. In addition, the frontline warfare was also very tense. After a long time, the affairs of Harros were temporarily left behind by him. Inevitable.

Now that I think about it, Ivan Last's face obviously doesn't look good when I ask.

Needless to say, Harrods' recovery is not so good.

At least for him, it is not very good.

According to the results of the latest inspection, the severed arm that Harrods took back is fully able to move normally.

Note that it is normal activity.

According to the doctor's words, in ordinary life, Harros will basically not cause any major problems with his arm as long as he avoids carrying heavy objects.

But if you want to fight...

The arm that had been severed once, probably could not withstand the intensity of use.

By the way, if this breaks again, it will probably be disabled.

This situation makes Ivan Rast's mood horrible, because Harrods is like a waste!

With one hand on his forehead, Ivan Rast eased his emotions for a while before finally gritting his teeth and accepting the result.

In fact, even in this state, Harros's strength is far stronger than 90% of the soldiers in the Imperial Sorcer.

After that, Ivan Last went to confirm it.

According to the confirmation result and Harros’ personal judgment, his current strength may have fallen below the deputy commander...

After getting such an answer, Ivan Last sighed and officially decided to let Harros step back from the front line.

The combat power below the deputy commander cannot be said to be weak, but Ivan Rast is actually not so bad.

Of course, more importantly, Harrods is one of the generals who have served him for many years, and they naturally have enough monarchy and courtship between them.

From this perspective, Ivan Rast did not want Harros to be a disabled person in the rest of his life, but to spend the rest of his life relatively normally...

In this matter, Ivan Last showed a non-negotiable attitude.

And Harrods is a veteran after all. For Imperial soldiers like them, there are only a few endings. They will have to come sooner or later. At any rate, he has retired alive, and there is nothing to look away from, and he has accepted the result.

At the same time, Ten Thousand Realms Civilization...

A tactical meeting has just ended, and the next whole response phalanx has basically been confirmed.

Luo Ji has already given Guo Jia full authority to handle most of the work.

As for himself...

He has other things to do afterwards.

Riding on the exclusive spacecraft and taking the dedicated passage, Luo Ji reached the Anglican Cathedral in the State Parish of Derjing City at the fastest speed.

In that battle on the first battlefield, including Zhao Pan, he lost a lot of important officials.

Among them, the generals, except for Wang Kai, were completely discounted.

This led to a result, that is, An Lijie had to perform multiple reincarnation techniques in a short time, and the pressure would be very high.

Of course, Luo Ji couldn't ignore this situation.

By the time Luo Ji arrived, An Lijie had already performed the reincarnation technique twice, and UU reading www.uukā brought back Bai Ze and Luo Yunxi respectively.

And now, she is taking a nap.

As a divine art with the powerful ability of ‘resurrection from the dead’, even among the top divine art, it is the most complex and consumes the most.

Even An Lijie can only cast it twice in a short period of time. If you want to cast it a third time, it is a bit reluctant, and it has to be delayed for a while.

But today, the situation is different.

After thoroughly mastering his own spiritual sea and attaining the state of'Heaven and Man in One', Luo Ji's spiritual power became stronger, and he practiced divine art, which was also twice the result with half the effort.

Even some of the magic arts that he basically could not learn before, now he feels that he can get it with his hands, of course, including reincarnation!

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