The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3495: Abacus

Enrijie's intervention made Dick and Linda's heart sink.

Vivienne's combat power had already risen, and Linda, who was confronting her head-on, knew this in her heart.

Therefore, Dick's long-range fire support is very important to her.

But now, due to Enrijie's intervention, Dick's original stable fire support suddenly became unstable.

The only thing Linda can count on right now is that the injuries they caused to Vivian in the previous battle can weaken her combat power.

As a result, in Linda's mind, this thought did not have time to fall, and several brilliances had already enveloped Vivian's body...

【God Blessing】


【Holy Healing】


Raising the Pope's scepter in her hand, after interrupting Dick's attack with a round of judgment blade, An Lijie backhanded Vivian with a complete set of buffing magic.

In this series of buffing magic arts, except for a few magic arts like holy healing arts, Vivian herself actually mastered most of them.

But just now she faced two army chief-level enemies at the same time, and she had done her best just to parry and respond.

Coupled with the fact that Dick and Linda alternated their shots consciously, constantly interrupting her magical skills, making her magical skills unsuccessful all the time.

Had it not been for the blessing of the incarnation of the gods, the time just now would have been enough for her to die last time.

In this state, An Lijie's timely shot was undoubtedly a turning point for her.

The Holy Healing technique, which is higher than the healing technique, quickly stabilized her injury. At the same time, the strengthening of the blessing technique and the shield of the divine blessing technique created a precious breathing opportunity for her.

In fact, I really want to say that in this wave, even if An Lijie blessed Vivian from a distance, it was enough to bring an impact to the battle here.

What's more, she also has the power to directly threaten Dick's life...

A set of almost instantaneous buffing magic arts. After the blessing was completed, An Lijie pointed the Pope's scepter in her hand, and the two golden judgment blades immediately attacked Dick who had movement again, forcing Dick to make evasive actions. , Stop the attack.

After this, Enrijie basically wouldn't pursue Dick.

The reason for this is naturally her idea.

After all, the consumption of Holy Words cannot be ignored. In order to avoid causing greater mental consumption and burden on herself, it is best for her to control the intensity and frequency of her divine arts.

Moreover, in the battle before her, she didn't actually need to kill Dick, she only needed to interrupt Dick's movements so that Dick could not continue to interfere with Vivian's battle with the imperial female captain.

On the other hand, she can bless Vivian from time to time with a blessing technique and a blessing technique. Once this situation is formed, the advantage lies with them.

At this moment, as one of the players in the game, Dick naturally saw this. It is very important to learn to look at the situation like their rear firepower.

Dick, who realized that the situation was wrong, of course would not continue to let An Lijie do whatever he wanted. He responded almost immediately and called his own unsuitable deputy commander over again.

"Charlie, lead soldiers to suppress them, don't let them interfere with me."

Don’t need too much nonsense, of course Charlie knew who Dick meant by ‘them’.

And just as Charlie glanced across the target, Dick's voice rang in his ears again through communication techniques.

"Don't fail again this time."

A simple sentence, without too much emotional fluctuation, but it made Charlie's expression froze when he heard this sentence.

What he had flinched before at a critical moment, it was impossible to escape Dick's eyes.

If this is dealt with after the war in accordance with the guilt of ‘defying military orders in wartime and evading battle’, then according to their empire’s military criminal law, it is directly the death penalty.

And now, what Dick said was to warn him, but at the same time it was also to give him a second chance.

As long as the task this time is done for him, he can treat the previous things as if he didn't see it, and forget the blame.

Charlie undoubtedly understood what he meant.

Realizing that he had no retreat, Charlie quickly adjusted his mentality, and directly summoned the troops of the Sixth Magic Pilot Corps of their Empire in the nearby area, and then formed an assault to form and launched a charge.

There was a lot of movement here, and the guards soldiers who had been alerting the surroundings to ensure their personal safety under the title of the Pope naturally discovered the unit headed by Charlie in the first place.

The four-winged holy wing species of the Papal Guards are among the elite of the Wingmen Legion. They were able to fully support the scene before facing several times their strength. Naturally, there is no need to be afraid at this moment.

Before officially closing the distance, the magic pilot unit headed by Charlie and the four-winged holy wing species of the Pope's Guard, used long-range firepower to fight first.

Under attacking each other, the two waves of men and horses were quickly completely killed.

The enlightened Charlie waved the magic knife in his hand, showing full courage.

After all, it was a combat power equivalent to the Ten Thousand Magic Realm level. How could it be regarded as a strong one on one side. Under the circumstance of fully exerting its own strength, this ordinary guard soldier is really not his opponent.

After several rounds of fighting, several four-winged holy wings have been buried under Charlie's magic knife on the side of the guard.

This feeling of mastering the fighting rhythm and suppressing opponents in strength made Charlie feel at ease.

Depending on the situation, this wave of tasks should not be a big problem.

With the flash of thoughts, Charlie's attention quickly swept over Enrijie, who was being protected by the Papal Guard at the very center.

"This woman is a big threat, but since just now, the frequency of the opponent's shots has dropped significantly. Is it because the previous consumption was too high?"

A person who can be promoted to a deputy army commander has no problem in terms of ability. U U Reading

While fighting, Charlie had already analyzed the situation here in his mind.

"In this wave, if I can seize the opportunity to kill her, it must be a great achievement. Then my previous ‘mistake’ is not worth mentioning."

Obviously, from the bottom of my heart, Charlie did not particularly trust Dick's past.

If the other party regrets it and plans to settle accounts with him, what can he do? The senior officials crush people to death.

Therefore, for the sake of his own future and safety, Charlie felt that he had to build the next great achievement that was obvious to all!

In this way, even if Dick wants to settle accounts after the fall, he has to weigh it first.

Who knows, just as Charlie was struggling with his little abacus, a golden figure quickly flashed in front of him, and in the next second, a sword wrapped in golden flames slashed towards him!

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