The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3568: ,realm

The soldiers of the God Arm Camp completely ignored Zhao Hao's safety, bent their bows and set arrows unscrupulously, filled each arrow with anger, and launched an attack, causing the major general of the Imperial Army to change his face suddenly.

The soldier on the opposite side could not have the courage to fight directly with his own officer.

Now that the other party has done this, that can only explain this approach, which was signaled by the person in front of him.

The major general of the Imperial Army obviously did not expect the opponent to fight like this.

At this moment, he completely ignored the attack of the God Arm Camp, brandishing the sword in his hand, and launched a fierce pursuit towards him.

From the other side’s long-range attack, basically only ‘sudden’ can tell that this is actually an imperial officer who is good at close combat.

But at this moment, this imperial major general who was good at close combat was extremely embarrassed by Zhao Hao's desperate style of play.

He gritted his teeth, hurriedly responded, and after a few face-to-face encounters, there were already several more wounds on his body.

Depending on the situation, under Zhao Hao's deployment, they undoubtedly gained the upper hand.

But after a few rounds of fighting, Zhao Hao's expression quickly became serious...

According to his original plan, he wanted to forcefully kill the opponent in a short time. In order to achieve this goal, he did not hesitate to let the soldiers of the battalion of the gods fight with him.

Under this premise, if they cannot do this smoothly, the situation is likely to be suspended.

Because they have people, there are only more people on the other side than them.

Even if the battlefield situation is chaotic, the magic pilots on the opposite side did not notice the situation here for a while, but the empire major general who was under his storm is not stupid. He does not use communication techniques to call people. ?

Sure enough, soon, the surrounding magic pilots received their major general's request for help, and they supported them as quickly as possible.

The main targets of this group of magic pilots who came in for emergency support are undoubtedly the soldiers of the God Arm Camp.

Considering this situation, when Zhao Hao was deploying before, he let the soldiers of the Divine Arm Battalion dispersed.

Even if it is targeted, it will not be targeted at all in a short time.

However, although this arrangement is effective, it is obviously not enough to change the situation.

Suffering from the threat from the magic pilots, the soldiers of the Divine Arms Camp definitely had no way to continue to support Zhao Hao as before.

The reduction in pressure on his body caused the major general of the Imperial Army, who had experienced a lot of embarrassment to flee, quickly stabilized his position, then brandished his magic bayonet and launched a vicious counterattack, as if he had just pitted him. Zhao Hao, vent the irritation in his heart!

Taking a sigh of relief, Zhao Hao could cope with this offensive temporarily, but the situation was not optimistic.

After several rounds of fighting, Zhao Hao probably had a bottom line about the strength of the major general of the Imperial Army, and the strength was estimated to be between the ten thousand magic realm and the ten thousand magic realm.

If this is done in peacetime, against enemies of this level, according to Zhao Hao's Wushuang Realm's strength, he would basically fight casually.

But now, the impact of that weak state on him is obviously greater than he expected.

Even on the premise that he still has the priest's magic blessing on him, it is still a bit difficult to fight against such an opponent...

"Stay steady, steady."

During the match, Zhao Hao muttered these two words silently in his heart, implying that he maintained a stable state.

The buffing spell on his body is like a stopwatch that is counting down, and his own weakness is enough to make most people in this world anxious.

But Zhao Hao knew in his heart that the more at this time, the more calm he should be.

It is a calm mind and stable performance that can help him win the battle before him, not the negative emotions such as anxiety and anger. In a real battle, those things will only make his performance better. Bad.

He is essentially a martial arts expert in the unparalleled realm. Even though he is currently in a weak state and his overall strength has declined severely, there are some things that will not be affected by'weakness' for these martial artists, that is The realm of martial arts!

The realm is something mysterious and mysterious to people of other civilizations, but to the warriors of martial arts civilization, it is a real thing.

The two sides of the same strength fight against each other, and the side with the higher realm will win more. In martial arts civilization, this is almost an iron rule.

Between the back and forth confrontations, Zhao Hao took a sigh of relief and adjusted his mentality. His unparalleled martial arts powerhouse's realm advantage gradually came into play, and he felt that he was getting better.

In this regard, the major general of the Imperial Army who originally launched a fierce counterattack, but inexplicably felt that the pressure on his body was getting heavier.

After a miss, Zhao Hao grasped the flaw, and the sword that exuded a sharp blade suddenly cut in.

Even if it avoided the fatal point at a critical juncture, Zhao Hao cut off his left arm with a single knife. UU read

At the juncture of life and death, the one-armed major general of the Imperial Army was in a big loss. Within two rounds, the master's head was already tossed with the splash of blood, and Zhao Hao's life was taken with a single knife.

The Imperial Army has more than one high-end combat power, and the one he beheaded in front of him is just one of them.

But for Zhao Hao, the other party's existence is too important.

Because this allowed him to completely adjust his state to meet the next battle!

At the same time, within Uranus, the western area D, which was also heavily invaded by the Imperial Army, was not as bad as the southern area B, but at this stage, there are already several defensive points that have fallen under the offensive of the Imperial Army.

As the supreme commander of the Uranus defensive battle, Zhao Pan certainly could not let the opponent continue to do whatever he wanted.

At this moment, the teleportation circle was exploded beneath the D zone in the west of Uranus.

Amid the dazzling silver light, a burly, heavily armed force quickly walked out of the teleportation formation.

In this unit, the size of each of their soldiers looks close to five meters, and the whole body is wrapped in a set of technologically full metal armor.

The metal armor is sharp and angular, with a unique beauty of rugged metal machinery. The surface is covered with military green forest camouflage, and the metal equipment all over the body makes them look like they are from science fiction movies. Like the future fighters coming out from here.

"Let's go, guys! It's time to let the group of terrified turtles see what is the real heavy firepower!!!"

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