The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3647: , Landing operations (4)

In the unexpected situation, Marshal Vlad, who had not obtained similar information from Marshal Bahat before, frowned.

He didn't think that Marshal Bahat would deliberately conceal such information, just to cheat him.

The marshal of the dignified empire, doing this kind of thing is too lost.

With this as a premise, Marshal Vlad can now conclude that Marshal Bahat hadn’t used this trick when he fought against each other.

Marshal Bahart had reminded him before that when he fought against the enemy this time, his biggest feeling was that the opponent's various methods were endless.

Their imperial army is absolutely superior in hard power.

However, the opponent's various methods are invincible, and they can always cause them big troubles. This is also the main reason for his previous attacks and frequent failures.

In response to such an enemy, Marshal Bahat really had no other better advice besides reminding him to ‘make things happen.’

It now appears that in the battle with Marshal Bahat, the opponent obviously has not used this trick.

It's not that Zhao Pan was concealed at the time, but that it was unnecessary.

As the rock giant of the alchemy unit, this unit is also targeted to a certain extent.

In addition to destroying the enemy's formation and attracting enemy firepower, the greatest value of Rock Giant lies in attacking the enemy's large facilities or equipment, such as fortress bases.

But before the Uranus battle, in their own territory, how can the opponent have any fortress base?

At the same time, the imperial troops that invaded the planet and landed on the surface of the planet, relying on the troop army stationed in the planet, were more than enough to cope.

There is no need to superfluous, but to play this hand that didn't show much value at the time.

Wouldn't it be good to stay behind and wait until needed?

And the current situation is undoubtedly when it is needed.

When attacking the enemy planet, destroying the bases and facilities on the opponent planet is the most important thing.

At the same time, as the attacking and landing side, it will also face the opponent's home firepower.

Under this premise, a rock giant that can threaten the opponent’s military installations and withstand the firepower of the opponent’s home court. How much is this worth?

For the generals who often lead troops on expeditions, the rock giants who can mass-produce, are of sufficient scale, and have very good overall quality, and do not consume materials, are simply the king of cost-effectiveness of the vanguard in the offensive war!

Therefore, each time before the army goes out, the generals confirm the troops under their command and can apply for adjustment and transfer. For this rock giant, they will always have only four words, that is, the more the better!

I want as much as I have. It's better to give me all the inventory. It's that simple.

In this wave, the civilization of Ten Thousand Worlds is undoubtedly fighting. In their civilization, 70% of the rock giants were brought to the front line by them, and the remaining 30% were on the second battlefield and other defense lines.

Facing the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, this large force that has raised its trouser pockets and smashed out for their lives, after all taking shape, even a veteran like Marshal Vlad, who is used to big winds and waves, could not help but gasp. .

The scene in the planet at that time, if you insist on describing it, it is that at that moment, the planet seems to have become a planet of rock giants!

Taking a sigh of relief, Marshal Vlad commanded their empire's army and began to attack the rock giant.

In addition to the magic pilots, the firepower of the magic cannons and the magic chariots of their Imperial Army is also quite amazing.

Basically, as long as the attack hits, it can cause definite damage to the rock giant.

From this point, Marshal Vlad was able to confirm that this rock giant had some defensive power, but it was not a particularly strong type.

As long as enough troops are dispatched, this battle within the planet can still be fought with a certain cost of casualties.

As a result, Marshal Vlad hadn't had time to let go of this idea.

On the battlefield in the border planet, a new situation has already occurred.

One of the rock giants was attacked by the magical cannons of their imperial army, and the entire huge body quickly fell to the ground.

Just when all the imperial soldiers thought they had solved it and were about to switch to attack the next one, an unexpected situation happened.

Driven by an invisible force, the pieces of earth and rock were actually condensed and formed again at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The simple scene brought a strong impact to the imperial army, and even the morale of the army was hit.

The defensive power of these rock giants is indeed not too strong, and ordinary heavy firepower weapons can cause damage to them.

But after it is broken, it can recover on its own, which is too much! ! !

Considering the terrible amount, at that moment, even Marshal Vlad had a strong urge to scold his mother.

Because of the entry of countless rock giants, the morale of the imperial army troops is now getting worse.

If Marshal Vlad hadn't been in the army for a long issued an order in time and stabilized the situation, that wave would have to trigger a bad vicious chain.

But even so, the whole situation is not much better now.

In this process, the follow-up landing troops of Ten Thousand World Civilization were dropped by air.

The airdrops were still huge metal balls, and they were even bigger than those airdropped before.

The imperial army on this planet is really a bit scared by this move of the civilization of the world.

When I saw the landing ship of Ten Thousand Worlds Civilization, it dropped the ball down again. Many imperial soldiers with a slightly worse mentality began to panic and anxious.

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After the news came back, Marshal Vlad, who confirmed the situation and saw the image at the same time, had an uncontrollable jump of his eyelids.

It must be said that you don't know what moves he will make with this kind of attack, and at the same time, the pressure on the opponent's details and not particularly clear enemies is really great!

The large-scale invasion of the rock giants has formed a strong suppressing force on the imperial army on their planet, causing Marshal Vlad to temporarily fail to do anything against the metal **** dropped by the subsequent airdrops.

However, unlike the previous metal balls, these metal **** did not hit the end.

When there was still a considerable distance from the ground, several armors on the surface of the metal sphere were quickly opened, and multiple small jet holes were exposed.

After several injections and quickly calibrated the falling angle, several large propulsion devices at the bottom ignited, and the powerful reverse thrust made the metal **** fall to the ground steadily...