The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3664: No more

Seven meteor cannons! This time, Ivan Rast had really ignored the rest of the matter, and straightforwardly turned out his own bottom line.

As a result, Marshal Vlad actually gave such an answer?

Fifty percent sure, this result is obviously far from satisfactory to Ivan Last.

But Marshal Vlad really didn't dare to go any further.

This battle seemed to him a bit out of control.

The appearance of the golden dragon, the unexpected disappearance of Trager and Colincol, and the death of Jarvis made him lose his grasp.

The current situation, at first glance, seems to have lost a few top-level combat power, but their empire still has a large army, so there is no way to fight it.

However, after one party loses its top combat power, the other's top combat power will begin to press down to suppress their high-end combat power.

And after the high-end combat power is crushed, the opponent will continue to press down again, pressing down layer by layer until they completely crush their imperial army.

If that super huge tree-shaped creature, in the next battle, Marshal Vlad can use the meteor cannon to threaten the opponent, then face the top battles on the opposite side, including the golden dragon. Power, how should he deal with it?

Vitas recovers, it should be able to hold one, but what about the others?

Do you send out general army commander-level combat power to besiege it?

But the problem is that there are also a lot of combat power comparable to their legion chief level. Although this level of combat power, their imperial army should have more numbers, but the extra combat power, even if they are stacked together, I am afraid they are not the opponent of that golden dragon...

Regarding these situations, Marshal Vlad didn't hide it at all, and directly explained it to Ivan Last.

At this point, as the emperor of their empire, Ivan Rast must understand this situation. At the same time, if this battle is to continue, then Marshal Vlad must also need Ivan Rast’s full support. .

According to Marshal Vlad’s feedback, the situation on the front line is far worse than he expected.

Simply put, if he can't supplement his own top combat power, then their empire will basically lose in this battle.

The only thing to be thankful for now is that the giant tree-shaped creature on the opposite side moves very slowly.

In the case of the fall of the border planet, it would take a lot of time for the opponent to complete the frontline garrison and then bring the super huge tree-shaped creature to the second line of defense specially deployed by Marshal Vlad.

During this period of time, if Ivan Rast can pull enough reinforcements from the mechanical civilization of Caesar Trunk, or come up with a solution, then there will be a battle. Turn around, otherwise, according to the current situation, for Ivan Last, it is really just the difference between early death and late death.

Ivan Last really didn't expect that after he was promoted to an over-spec player, many years after reaching the top, there would be a day of capsize in the gutter.

A mistake in a link directly formed the current situation! It is almost to push him into the abyss, there will never be a day to turn over!

But he obviously didn't intend to sit still, even if he was dying to struggle, he had to struggle hard.

Not to mention, there are so many magical planets that he guides, really biting his teeth to support, for hundreds of years, there is absolutely no problem.

"Vlad, on the mechanical civilization side, I will personally negotiate. As for the border side..."

While speaking, Ivan Last breathed out a long breath.

"On the border, it's all up to you!"

Up to now, Ivan Rast did not intend to return Marshal Bahat to the front line.

Marshal Vlad and Marshal Bahat have different commanding styles. Putting them on the same battlefield will only add chaos to each other and make the situation worse.

Under this premise, the commanding style of Marshal Bahat lies in the word'stable'.

But right now, their magical civilization has entered an extraordinary period.

In this extraordinary period, ‘stability’ alone is no longer useful, he needs Marshal Vlad to make some ruthless or dangerous moves to deal with the enemy’s invasion.

Therefore, Ivan Last, who knew this in his heart, did not make such a move to change coaches.

Instead, he chose to trust his confidant!

After that, Ivan Last adjusted his mentality a bit, and then opened the message window with Caesar Trunk.

Let me add another sentence, the book-chasing app I'm using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] cache reading, offline reading!

Staring at the window, Ivan Last was in a daze for a while, and for a while, he didn't know how to speak.

Caesar Trunk's mechanical civilization is fighting against Zhong Mo's Stygian civilization. He is aware of this situation.

Under this premise, can Caesar Trunk really deploy enough troops to support him and resolve the situation for him?

To be honest, Ivan Rast really has no idea at all.

Thinking of this, Ivan Last felt a trace of regret in his heart.

Could it be said that at the beginning of this war, he should trust Zhong Mo's character and continue to maintain the ally relationship between the two camps, and then everyone joins hands, UU reading is happy Kill Caesar Trunk, so he will be better off than he is now?

Thoughts flashed, and Ivan Last shook his head quickly.


At that time, Caesar Trunk died. Facing the celestial camp with two super-spec level players, he would be completely reduced to fish on the opponent's chopping board. Once that point, he might not even have room to resist. Up.

Thinking of Ivan Rast here, once again strengthened his conviction, and then sent a message to Caesar Trunk.

At the same time, the magical frontier of civilization, along with the retreat order of Marshal Vlad, the imperial garrison began to fully retreat. This protracted border offensive and defensive battle finally came to an end with the victory of the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

After the war, when he learned that Scarlett was still alive for the first time, Luo Ji was not so much a surprise, it was more accurate to say that he was relieved.

"Have you finally come out? Scarlett, this time, you really capsized in the gutter?"

Maintaining the state of coming, Luo Ji directly teased the opponent after seeing Scarlett.

Scarlett was also embarrassed when he heard this.

"Ah this, shameful..."

In this wave, he really didn't want to admit it.

Although the arms that had just grown out at that time were not strong enough and affected his performance to a certain extent, that was one of the reasons, but the bigger reason is undoubtedly that he played off.

At that time, if he came up and started to do it seriously, Fein would have died a long time ago, and the following things would not exist at all.

Now Scarlett can only accept the ridicule of his old friend, but before that...

"Give me an ice coke first!"
