The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3669: , Win by quantity

The imperial army's control over its own star field is still very high. The Trident fleet under the command of Dak Bem quickly revealed its whereabouts and was intercepted by the larger imperial fleet.

What Marshal Vlad meant was to make the Trident fleet all annihilated here!

But unfortunately, his goal is destined to fail.

There was no need to hide and tuck, in the void, accompanied by a golden figure passing by, in the blink of an eye, an imperial warship was cruelly crushed.

Scarlet, the golden dragon, announced his arrival in the simplest and most brutal way!

With him, unless the Imperial Army sends an even more exaggerated fleet over, otherwise, it is basically impossible to completely destroy the Trident fleet.

Although this situation was in his expectation, Marshal Vlad, who confirmed the intelligence news, inevitably felt a headache when the incident actually happened.

Although Vitas and others were on the front line, Marshal Vlad probably already had a number in his mind regarding the golden dragon's combat power, combined with previous intelligence.

At the same time, according to his guess, the whereabouts of Trager and Colincoln, whose whereabouts are still unknown, can basically be confirmed as dead. The death of one of them, or the death of two of them, is also related to this golden dragon in all likelihood. Can't get rid of the relationship!

Although Vitas was a fighting genius in their Imperial Army, Marshal Vlad did not think that Vitas could come back alive in the face of such a monster.

Moreover, this is not his own idea, he has personally confirmed with Vitas.

Although Vitas has not played against the golden dragon in the true sense, it was only after the trio of Trager, Colincoln and Fein joined forces before Fein sacrificed himself that the golden giant From the intelligence of Longguan entering the black hole, one can see how strong this golden dragon is.

At least he doesn't have the strength to be one-to-three, single-handedly against the three of Trager!

Not to mention that after being imprisoned in a black hole, the golden dragon was not dead! He even crawled out of the black hole again! Regarding this, Vitas felt a little scalp tingling just thinking about it.

Now, the only way their Imperial Army wants to contain the trident fleet with the golden dragon is to send more troops to win by quantity.

In response to this situation, Marshal Vlad was actually well prepared.

Almost at the same time when the golden dragon appeared, the imperial fleet, which had already spread the fire formation, also appeared from several other positions, and then moved towards the trident fleet under the command of Dak Bem. Launched a wide range of firepower strikes!

Just like naval fleet warfare, in a galaxy-level war, this interstellar battleship with a captain of more than one kilometer must maintain a sufficient distance between each other to avoid large-scale battles. Transfer, or what action to take, get in the way of each other.

But now, the distance between the imperial warships of Magic Civilization has been pulled farther.

With this deployment, Marshal Vlad was undoubtedly defending against the golden dragon Scarlet and the top enemy forces like Bai Ze and Rayong.

They are powerless to prevent the golden dragon from destroying their imperial warships with their terrifying power. However, they can choose to extend the distance between each imperial warship further to reduce the destruction of the golden dragon. Efficiency and their losses, and can create more output opportunities to attack the enemy fleet.

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At this point, Marshal Vlad's strategy against the golden dragon Scarlett was actually obvious.

That is if you want to destroy our battleship, then you can destroy it. Anyway, I don't care about you, I will stare at your battleship! See who can't stand it in the end!

Someone might be surprised at this time, fighting with Scarlett for efficiency?

Scarlett attacked the battleship. It was basically one blow. How could the confidence of the Empire Fleet fight this with him?

And for this, we must mention the impact of scale on combat power.

To give a simple example, there are three forces in front of you, consisting of a gunner, ten gunners, and a hundred gunners.

In the case that both parties are gunmen of the same level, ten gunmen can easily shoot one gunman if they fire at the same time, while a hundred gunmen can easily kill ten gunmen if they fire at the same time.

Even between them, there is no need for a tenfold gap, even a five-fold, four-fold, or three-fold gap is deadly enough.

After the force gap reaches a certain level, the side with the higher force will have a significant increase in killing ability. The final result is that one of them has the ability to kill the other side in seconds!

The fleet temporarily transferred from the Imperial Army may not reach the point where it can form a spike against Dak Bem’s trident fleet. UU read www. Once opens fire on a large scale, it is absolutely not a problem to hit them hard.

The opposite made it clear that he didn't want to reason with them.

A round of firepower swept over, almost avoiding the inevitable Trident fleet, and paid the price on the spot.

For the Trident Fleet, this battle was simply impossible to fight.

As for the golden dragon Scarlett, although he was able to blast the surrounding space with one punch, causing extensive damage to the Imperial warships, but due to the fact that the fleet formation was too scattered, there was not much in that whole area. The warships, it is better to rush up one by one to explode the energy-saving and practical.

During this process, Scarlett himself undoubtedly realized this, and finally found that it was in the Trident fleet's situation, and he simply killed it back, blasted several Imperial warships in succession, and began to cover the Trident fleet's retreat.

The trident fleet that paid a certain price, under the cover of Scarlet, evacuated the battlefield as quickly as possible.

After the distance was widened to a certain point, it was undoubtedly difficult for the Imperial fleet to threaten them.

But Scarlett obviously didn't intend to leave like this, instead, he turned his head and slammed the Imperial Fleet again.

He wanted to fight to the end with the Imperial Fleet, but the Imperial Fleet didn't want to fight with him at all.

After seeing that it could not catch up with the Trident fleet, it was confirmed that the Imperial fleet ordered by Marshal Vlad was simply evacuated.

Moreover, the direction of evacuation of each batch of warships is different, which is undoubtedly to avoid revealing the position of the planet behind them.

Faced with this battle, Scarlet's heart is also relatively depressed. After all, he doesn't know how to do avatars. In the end, he can only choose one side randomly. After catching up with a big kill, he **** the golden dragon wings and goes all the way... …