The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3833: , No choice

Since the end of the war with Magical Civilization, Luo Ji has been fully restoring his military power in Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, and at the same time he has further improved the size of his army.

In order to achieve this goal, in the years of development, his wife Ye Qingxuan's excellent earning ability undoubtedly played a vital role.

Of course, their army of civilizations won the war against the magical civilization and obtained a large amount of cheap labor and abundant resources, which is also the main reason for the development speed and financial economy of their civilizations.

This made Luo Ji's army expansion plan basically not stumped by money after going through the initial post-war recovery phase.

In this military expansion plan, as the backbone of interstellar warfare, increasing the size of the magic fleet is undoubtedly the top priority.

In terms of fleet, among the five magical fleets, Yuan Xi’s Pioneer Fleet and Gao Yi’s Hyperion Fleet are the old-fashioned fleets of their ten thousand civilizations. The funds, materials, and manpower are all in place. After the expansion, the fleet size will naturally be the same. It has become bigger than before.

Including all types of warships, the total number of guided warships in the Trail Blazers fleet is 1,971, and the total number of guided warships in the Hyperion Fleet is 1,939.

The other three magic fleets are the new fleets established later, relatively small in scale.

The total number of guided warships in the Star Chaser fleet is 1,559, the total number of guided warships in the Trident fleet is 1,427, and the final Raging Wave fleet is 1,480. Four ships.

Therefore, the total number of warships in the five magic fleets is 8,380.

In terms of losses, excluding those that can continue to be used for simple repairs on the front line, 972 of the Magi Vanguard were destroyed, and the serious damage is equivalent to about 645 of the scrapped. The magical fireship was destroyed 297 ships, and 469 ships were seriously damaged.

In this wave, their losses of warships alone amounted to 2,383!

Fortunately, the mechanical civilization fleet has even greater losses. The value is calculated based on the battle records of each magic guided warship and the starship wreckage on the battlefield. There may be some errors.

However, the general situation is mechanical civilization. The S-class starship lost 1,392 ships, and the A-class starship lost more than 10,000. According to preliminary statistics, the figure is 13,781!

Among them, there were nearly four thousand ships. After their mechanical civilization dispersed and retreated, their magical fleet was wiped out in the process of pursuit, and the result was successfully expanded!

From this point of view, there is no doubt about their victory in the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization.

But the atmosphere in the army did not seem too cheerful.

It's different from the previous war of attrition, which still grasped some offensive strength.

In this round of storming, the price they paid for the Expeditionary Army of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization was far more than any previous war of attrition.

Especially the army of magic pilots who went into battle for the first time...

Ordinary magic pilots have a total strength of 3 million. The number of soldiers excluding minor injuries is not counted. According to the latest statistics, the number of magic pilots killed in this battle is as high as 70 Thirty-five thousand seven hundred and twenty-one people, and the number of severely wounded magic pilots was thirty-two thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine.

In this wave of shopping, the strength of the ordinary magic pilot unit has been reduced by one-third at once.

As an elite fighter group, although the combat power of each individual soldier is higher than that of ordinary magic fighters, it is the first time to go to the battlefield and cannot adapt to the battlefield. The lack of actual combat experience is a flaw. .

The third to fifth magic pilot regiments, each of the magic pilot regiments has 30,000 elite-level magic pilots in the army. When added together, calculated by the number of soldiers, that is 90,000 troops.

Under this premise, the result of casualty statistics is...

Twenty-three thousand, 631 people were killed in the battle, and 6,719 people were seriously injured. This number, calculated in proportion, can only be said to be half the size of ordinary magic pilots.

Under this premise, the commander of the Fifth Magic Pilot Corps was killed, and the commander of the Third Magic Pilot Corps Jarvin was seriously injured and disabled.

These **** figures are in front of them, inside the magic pilot unit, the atmosphere can be better when it is ghosts.

In comparison, the martial arts corps, which are basically led by experienced veterans and have accumulated actual combat experience in advance, the entire casualty number is much smaller.

At the same time, after the fighting rhythm is brought up, grasping the rhythm, the martial arts army led by the veteran will perform better.

The generals are undoubtedly aware of the competitive relationship between martial arts soldiers and magic pilots, and even individual officers have been mixed into it.

After all, this person is competitive, especially those who practice martial arts.

Now the martial arts corps performed outstandingly, while the magic pilots performed poorly. Considering this situation, in order to avoid the people below, something would happen to them.

On this side, the veterans including Zhao Hao basically didn't need to say much, they had already begun to restrain their soldiers.

The martial arts corps and the magic pilot army have different systems, so the stationed areas on both sides are also separated.

Zhao Hao and the others directly ordered their soldiers to stay in their stationed area for rest and reorganization, and were not allowed to leave without authorization.

Healthy competition is a good thing, but once a vicious event occurs that intensifies the contradiction and eventually evolves into a vicious competition, it is not so good.

On the other hand, for the Budo Corps, Jarvan also has a sense of competition, but unlike some of the more extreme magic pilots, his sense of competition basically stays on'competition' and will not rise to hostility. To the point.

But there is no guarantee that other magic pilots will not...

With this in mind, Jarvan did the same thing as Zhao Hao. Together with the officers in the magic pilots, they ordered the soldiers not to leave the stationed area.

Fortunately, UU Reading has just experienced a severe beating, and the magic pilots who have suffered heavy casualties are not in the mood to run around.

This level of tacit understanding between the officers on both sides allowed them to smoothly avoid possible internal troubles.

And that is, during the time when their expeditionary army was resting after the war, the detection fleet sent by Xi Sen and Dominique Adolf had also been able to detect the surrounding star field.

In this process, while they got an unexpected result, Xi Sen and Dominique Adolf also gradually realized that the frontier garrison army of the mechanical civilization before, faced with their pursuit, why did they not choose to leave some troops behind. , To accelerate the retreat of the large forces, and retreat to the planetary defensive circle to gain home field advantage.

The answer is that in the star field behind them, a blank area without a mechanical civilization planet unexpectedly appeared!

In other words, the previous approach of garrisoning troops on the frontier with mechanical civilization was purely no choice!

After all, it is impossible for them to withdraw without a fight, and directly break them into pieces. The price that needs to be paid, but it is not small.