The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3857: , Storm Kill

Latest website: Through the magical communication device, the news of the landing troops came back, and Zhou Yi frowned when he understood the situation.

As the side with the home field advantage in a war, the home field fire support of the Mechanical Civilization Garrison was undoubtedly expected by Zhou Yi.

Even in the previous battles to capture the planet, Zhou Yi had confirmed it.

Of course, he also expected that the defensive strength of this planet might be higher than those previously captured by him.

But he did not expect that the defensive strength was even higher than he expected.

At least inside this planet, the scale of fortress-level firepower is more than a little bit higher than those of the previous planets.

Now it seems that this planet is really not ordinary!

Making this speculation, the basis of Zhouyi is not only because of the increase in fortress level firepower, but also because of the change in the combat style of the planetary garrison.

Because when they were attacking other planets of mechanical civilization, the garrison of mechanical civilization, under normal circumstances, was mainly to avoid casualties and preserve troops.

As soon as they consume too much, their losses have risen, and they may be unable to hold them, then they will retreat in time to reduce their losses.

But this planet is different.

This planet, the army under Zhou Yi's command, has also been attacking for a long time. According to previous experience, it is reasonable to say that the opponent should have withdrawn before a few battles.

But the truth is, no.

Not only did he not withdraw, Zhou Yi faintly seemed to feel that there was an increase in troops from the opposite side...

Although the size of the additional troops is definitely not comparable to the second line of defense where the undead army is located, compared with before, the uncharacteristic behavior also caused Zhou Yi's speculation.

Now, the increase in fortress-level defensive firepower within the planet undoubtedly allowed Zhou Yi to further strengthen his guess.

In a war, a planet that cannot be handed over easily has strategic value, or it has important facilities inside, or both.

This made Zhou Yi want to take down the planet even more.

Therefore, for Zhouyi, this order from their emperor really came at the right time!

An order was issued, which was originally assisting their main force, suppressing the Mecha Legion of the opposing mechanical civilization fleet, and immediately supported the landing fleet.

I noticed the movement of the Mecha Legion for the first time, and the wizard troops headed by the Royal Wizards blasted the garrison of mechanical civilization with higher-level spells. Although it was brutally suppressed at this moment, it was not so miserable that there was nothing left. The point of resistance.

Upon receiving orders, tens of thousands of mechanical fighters, who were more flexible and more mobile, quickly formed an interception force and dispatched immediately. Their first goal was the enemy’s mecha legion that rushed to support the landing force. .

But on the other hand, it is impossible for the expeditionary force of the ten thousand world civilization to let the mechanical civilization force just run to hinder them.

It is not even necessary for Zhou Yi to say that Zhang Weilian, who is on the side of the battlefield leading the army of elves, has already taken the lead in giving orders...

"Lombard, take the storm cavalry with you, and you will follow along and cover the mecha legion to penetrate into the enemy planet and assist the landing troops to complete the landing!"


In response, Lombard led the storm cavalry under his command, and quickly moved into action.

Pegasus itself, in a normal state, moves at a speed among a large number of beast mounts, relatively speaking, it belongs to the upper middle level.

It's not slow in itself, but it's not much faster. It's almost like this.

However, unlike other monster mounts, Tianma possesses various buff spells with strengthening effects, and the strengthening range is quite high.

After all, this is the biggest capital for Tianma to become an advanced mount!

Although that kind of enhancement is only temporary, but under the enhancement of the buff spell, in terms of speed, the monster mount that can be faster than the Pegasus is already one of the few.

Not to mention, the Storm Swordsman, the predecessor of the Storm Cavalry, is a force that is responsible for attacking the enemy’s rear positions. This type of unit, and generally the corresponding units, will have a lot of speed. Blessed.

After unlocking the storm cavalry of the special arms, the bonus naturally became even greater.

Under the layers of strengthening, the Storm Cavalry troops headed by Lombard, although they were slower than the interception troops on the mechanical civilization side, started their operations.

However, relying on the explosive movement speed, an entire army directly turned into a pure white meteor shower, straddling the void, and at an astonishing speed, blocking the only way for the enemy's interception forces.

In the face of the interception from the Storm Cavalry, tens of thousands of mechanical warriors fired directly without saying a word, bursting out the strongest firepower output, a large number of energy weapons, in a short time, weaving an extremely dense firepower network , Strafing towards the Storm Cavalry.

At the same time, after confirming the existence of Lombard, the two S-class fighters headed by the machine race did not hesitate to apply for permission to start the annihilation mode.

After all, in the previous battle, there was more than one S-class mechanical fighter who died under Lombard’s storm sword...

This allowed the Machine Race to collect Lombard's intelligence to a certain extent.

But in contrast, Lombard has also accumulated experience from many actual battles. After all, his personal experience is different from the theoretical knowledge he learned from written images. Now he has undoubtedly become more aware of how to deal with it. These steel bumps.

The S-class fighters of the machine clan, before the annihilation mode is turned on, there is actually no sign.

And when the armor on them was unfolded and dark red energy particles gushed out, UU Reading annihilation mode had also been turned on.

So many times, people will be unprepared.

But at this moment, just by relying on his own intuition, Lombard felt that the two mechanical S-class fighters headed by the opposite side were about to start annihilation mode.

Therefore, he shot without hesitation!

On both hands, the Great Storm Sword suddenly lifted, inlaid with the Tier 3 Wind Element Demon Core, at this time, a terrifying and brilliant light burst out, carrying an astonishing element of wind, and his condensed on the edge of the sword. The vindictiveness is constantly intertwined, forming a more fierce and violent force.

In the next moment, under the blessing of Tianma's full set of buffs, Lombard swung his strongest sword!

[Storm beheaded! ! ! 】

A sword was swung, and in an instant, it was like a storm passing by. Along the attack path, including the two S-class fighters of the mechanical clan, a swath of mechanical clan fighters was actually at the countless wind blades in an instant. Under the attack, it was crushed!