The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3950: , Manlinda must die! (3)

As the summons of the flying dragon cavalry, it has to be said that the existence of the black flying dragon has greatly enriched the fighting methods of the flying dragon cavalry and effectively improved their combat effectiveness.

From this point of view, compared to Lombard, Delk is indeed too suitable to play against Admiral Tronia.

Even when it is suppressed by the gravity field, the black dragon summoned by Delk can attack as usual.

This was also the main reason why Delk did not choose to attack Manlinda directly, but withdrew first and carried out such a ‘shift’ operation with Lombard.

However, the Flying Dragon Slash of the Flying Dragon Cavalry is no secret to the Mechanical Race.

The attack of the black flying dragon was within the calculation of General Tronia.

The whole body's multi-faceted strengthened shield was quickly mobilized, and coordinated with its own force field shield to directly keep the black flying dragon out of the shield.

But after this, Admiral Tronia didn't seem to have the intention of launching a chase on Delk.

Compared to attacking Delk, the priority of supporting Manlinda is higher for General Tronia at this stage.

After all, according to the calculation results of his individual mastermind, he is different from Lombard, who is a light cavalry unit, whose defense is weak. Once controlled, he can pose a deadly threat to it relatively easily. Delk is a serious and heavy armor. cavalry.

In terms of defensive power, Delk's defensive power can't be overstated.

This set of black heavy knight armor is based on the standard armor of their flying dragon cavalry, the ‘flying dragon armor’ as a prototype, and combined with some of Delk’s own requirements, a luxurious and enhanced version tailored by top craftsmen.

Even during the casting process, a part of Niederhogg's dragon scales were specially incorporated, which further enhanced the defense strength of Delk's armor.

As a piece of elemental equipment, within the civilization of Ten Thousand Realms, Delk’s set of flying dragon armor is definitely among the top equipment.

After the transformation, Admiral Tronia, according to his current weapons and equipment, it was really not that easy to easily hit or even kill Delk, so he needed Manlinda's firepower.

At the same time, Manlinda also needs his support...

At this moment, the Admiral Tronia, who controlled Delk and stopped the black dragon offensive, turned his auxiliary weapon to Lombard again.

Although firepower is relatively limited, Manlinda is not a vegetarian.

For Manlinda, it only needs Admiral Tronia to help her contain her.

Under the envelopment of consciousness, how could Luo Ji, who had confirmed this situation, let the other party do whatever he wanted?

Cerelia moved faster than him, with a slightly recovered arm, quickly bent the bow and set the arrow, and coordinated with the tracking arrow, and launched an attack towards Manlinda to contain Manlinda's offensive.

During this period, Luo Ji also used instant magic skills again and again.

On Lombard's side, he just applied a full set of buffing magic to the opponent, and now it is done again, the BUFF will not be superimposed, the effect will not become stronger, and it does not make much sense.

Therefore, at this juncture, Luo Ji just urgently filled Lombard with a holy light barrier, and then quickly blessed a set of buffing magic arts on Delk's body.

It is hoped that through the strengthening of the increase rate, Delk can get rid of the efficiency of General Tronia’s suppression of the gravity field, so as to curb General Tronia’s actions.

If that set of buffing magic continues, the effect is immediate.

The dragon cavalry itself is a special heavy cavalry known for its strength, and Delk is the leader among them, even if it is the gravity field of an X-class fighter, it is impossible to suppress him for a long time.

Now that Luo Ji's set of power-enhancing magical skills has come down, it undoubtedly hastened his breaking free efficiency.

At that moment, under the eruption of vindictiveness, Delk forcibly got rid of the suppression of the gravity field, resolutely brandished the flying dragon sword, and slashed towards General Tronia again!

The changes in the situation have changed the calculation results and response plans of Admiral Tronia's individual masterminds.

Manlinda needs to be saved, and the priority is high, but not high enough to require him to sacrifice himself.

The situation is complicated right now. He resisted Delk's attack and supported Manlinda on the premise of self-sacrifice, which may not be able to achieve a good result.

After all, once he was destroyed as a front-row unit, Kulin, a rear-row firepower unit, would also be greatly affected.

And Culin's priority is higher than Manlinda.

Under the premise that there is a considerable possibility that it will threaten Kurin's safety, once the two sides are compared, if a trade-off needs to be made, Manlinda will naturally become the abandoned party.

Facing the threat from Delk, Admiral Tronia quickly stopped supporting Manlinda and concentrated his efforts to defuse the attack.

In the meantime, in this extremely chaotic situation, he took a sigh of relief and avoided the attack of Admiral Tronia’s auxiliary weapons and the attack of Manlinda’s firepower. , The Storm Sword in Lombard's hand is already raised high!

In an instant, the sword was swung!

[Storm beheaded! ! 】

At that moment, the terrifying wind elemental power, mixed with Lombard's wind force, was like an astonishing void storm, pouring out from his storm sword!

That is a sword that tears the void! Wherever he went, the surrounding void was crushed on the spot!

At the juncture of life and death, in the annihilation mode, the fully functional Manlinda, while maintaining the highest strength of the force field shield, UU reading www.uukanshu. com also made evasive actions at the fastest speed.

But still failed to avoid Lombard's sword!

Before the value of this panel had been superimposed on the horrible sword, Manlinda's force field shield was like fragile thin paper, which was torn to pieces on the spot.

After a sword, in the messy void, half of Manlinda's body was missing. The chest and half of the energy-powered furnace were completely exposed, accompanied by a beating electric arc, a large amount of unstable dark red. Energy particles are pouring out crazy.

It seems that Lifield Shield should have helped Manlinda gain a certain amount of time, allowing her to avoid frontal damage to a certain extent.

It's a pity that she couldn't destroy her directly with a single sword, but it seems that Manlinda should have been half-waste.

Steady his mind, squeezing the storm sword in his hand, Lombard immediately rode the Pegasus, rushing up, trying to give the opponent the final blow.

Who would have thought that at this moment, behind him, a wormhole suddenly opened, and an astonishing energy attack burst out from the wormhole, instantly engulfing Lombard in!