The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3955: , 1 stone and 2 birds

Never give mechanical civilization a chance to recover. This is already a consensus reached by Luo Ji and Zhong Mo long ago.

With the undead army under his command, after advancing all the way to the planetary defense line of mechanical civilization, Zhong Mo directly signaled the great Lich wizards under his command, headed by the Lich King Solenk, to begin to brush up spells for his undead army.

After finishing a set of spells, according to Zhong Mo's intention, the undead army directly launched a high-intensity attack!

The undead powerhouses headed by the king of blood Dracula, undoubtedly once again fought with the eight X-rank fighters on the side of mechanical civilization.

However, for Zhong Mo, the battle over there is no longer the point.

He has put the focus of this battle completely on a number of war units including the Yachi Orochi.

In the battle between the two sides, either fight for the top combat power, or fight for the army below.

Of course, it is more about the two sides at the same time, but there will be more or less focus.

Under normal circumstances, some high military civilizations will obviously prefer to compete for top combat power. By using their own top combat power to kill the opposing top combat power, and then press down layer by layer to crush the enemy. The whole army.

And for some civilizations that are relatively less powerful in their individual combat capabilities, they will prefer to fight large forces and war units.

Take Zhong Mo and Mechanical Civilization as an example.

The X-rank fighter of mechanical civilization, that is in the true sense, Xiaoqiang who can't beat him.

To some extent, the resurrection ability of the high-end combat power of mechanical civilization is simply stronger than that of Styx civilization.

This makes Zhong Mo want to completely solve the top combat power of mechanical civilization, and the difficulty will be astonishingly high.

As long as the mechanical civilization can withstand the explosive attack on the opposite side, the battle will inevitably be dragged into a war of attrition by them.

With that utterly frenzied resurrection ability, even Zhong Mo, if he continues to fight at that rhythm, he will probably be dragged to death by mechanical civilization.

Since it was so troublesome to solve, Zhong Mo simply transferred the main goal from the original top combat power of mechanical civilization to the army of mechanical civilization.

In terms of the size of the army, Zhong Mo didn't counsel the opponent at all, and even in the war unit, he still had an advantage.

To put it simply, Zhong Mo's current core idea is to kill the opposing army, then enter the planets in the heart of the mechanical civilization and destroy all the factory facilities on the planet Caesar Trunk!


The powerful resurrection ability and explosive ability of mechanical civilization, and even the production of weapons and equipment, are all because of the strong enough productivity to support it.

The destruction of factory facilities is equivalent to destroying the productivity of Caesar Trunk.

For Caesar Trunk, this move is a draw from the bottom!

No matter how strong those X-level fighters are, it’s useless. As long as Zhong Mo’s undead army wins, he rushes in and splits out multiple armies to level off all the factory facilities on each planet. When the time comes, watch Caesar ·How else can Trunk toss!

With this mentality and tactical policy, the offensive of the undead army was extremely fierce as soon as it came up.

But the scale of the main force of mechanical civilization at this stage is not small.

Even with a war unit like Yaqi Orochi, Zhong Mo's army of undead, wanting to defeat the opponent in a short period of time is not an easy task.

During the period, Zhong Mo, who was in the commanding room of the main flagship of the Ghost Fleet, had been confirming the situation on the battlefield, and a long-lost mood surged in his heart.

After all, this is really a crucial battle for them.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is overwhelming.

"Almost there?"

Whispering to himself, the void outside the battlefield, a huge energy body, is approaching here at an astonishing speed.

After the distance narrowed to a certain point, through the powerful energy fluctuations, the mechanical civilization side undoubtedly discovered the existence of the target in advance.

It was a horrible hurricane raging crazily in the void!

Needless to say, this is Luo Ji's killer trump card, Wind Elemental Giant!

Since the elemental power was exhausted in the war with the magical civilization, the wind elemental giant has been silently rebuilding power in these years.

After so many years, that power has accumulated to a considerable scale.

Therefore, this decisive battle with mechanical civilization was Luo Ji's important offensive card, and the wind elemental giant was also brought to the battlefield by Luo Ji.

Considering the consumption of elemental power, Luo Ji did not release the wind elemental giant during the war of attrition with the mechanical civilization in the early stage, and wasted its power on things like cleaning up the miscellaneous soldiers.

According to Luo Ji's original plan, if the meteor cannon that had previously attacked the mechanical civilization planet's defense line was destroyed by the mechanical civilization side with a black hole.

Then, after the black hole rages, it's the wind elemental giant's turn to appear.

At that time, he will rely on the power of the wind element giant to defeat the garrison army of mechanical civilization, take down the strategic planet in one breath, lead the army, and completely invade the hinterland of mechanical civilization.

As a result, the appearance of Caesar Trunk and the manipulation of double black holes directly killed Luo Ji's plan in the cradle.

As said before, the hole card of Wind Elemental Giant is used for offense.

Because it needs to cooperate with its own army of a sufficient scale, launch firepower containment, and appropriate siege and interception, in order to exert its value and produce effects.

And under the premise that your army has suffered heavy losses, retreats all the way, and is ready to retreat to the frontline planet, even the morale of the army is a little unstable. What else do you have to do to contain it? Still besiege and intercept?

With no one to check Once the giant wind element came out, such a huge energy fluctuation, after the mechanical civilization sensed it, it dodges and does not fight without paying too much price. He gave this hole card directly for nothing!

That's why Luo Ji had been holding this hole card in his hand before, and didn't play it out until a silent message from the clock came.

Indeed, on his side, the wind element giant can't exert its value, but as long as Zhong Mo's undead army invades the hinterland of mechanical civilization, the wind element giant can play its value in the offensive against the undead army.

Wind Elemental Giant, a super war unit, in conjunction with Zhong Mo's undead army, the most important planetary defense line of one's own civilization, suffered such a threat.

Luo Ji does not believe that Caesar Trunk will not withdraw his troops!

And as long as the army of mechanical civilization pressing on his side returns to the defense of his own planet, then the dead end that has been trapping him here will naturally be solved.

From this perspective, Luo Ji mobilized the wind element giant to cooperate with the undead army to attack the mechanical civilization planet's defense line, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone!