The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 3999: , Let him come!

Maintaining this ultra-high-intensity long-range firepower output consumes a lot of ammunition and energy.

If they are not supplemented in time, their subsequent firepower output will definitely be affected, and their continued combat capability will also be greatly compromised.

According to their current scientific and technological capabilities in the civilization of the world, without mechanical civilization getting in the way, the stability of the short-distance space shuttle within the same battlefield is basically guaranteed.

One end of the supply box that flew out of the space gate was directly connected to the stalker under their seat.

Under the device connection, the energy and ammunition in the supply box will be transferred to the stalker in the most efficient way through the device in the connection point, and then through the stalker, the annihilator will be charged and ammunition replenishment.

This is the most efficient way of supplying their Ten Thousand Realms civilization, and at the same time, it will not interfere with the annihilators who are fighting in high intensity.

The replenishment efficiency is very fast. After all the energy and ammunition in the supply box are transferred, an entire supply box is ejected on the spot.

Supply boxes like this are basically used as disposable items in battle.

After all, after replenishing the energy ammunition, letting the stalkers continue to connect with it will only increase unnecessary load. In important battles, it will become a drag on them, and it is absolutely impossible to carry it.

Timely supplies have allowed the fierce and sustained firepower output of the Annihilator troops to continue.

With this wave of long-range firepower consumption, 100% of the Ghost Knight troops could not escape.

However, as a top-tier unit, of course, the Ghost Knight troops would not be suppressed all the way just because they were not as far away as the Annihilator troops.

Maintaining the whole body's death shield throughout the whole process, relying on the powerful advancement ability, the distance between their two troops is constantly being narrowed.

After the distance was narrowed to a certain point, while the firepower was being output, as the commander of the Annihilator army, Chat Black Iron who had been observing the situation quickly issued an order.

Upon receiving the order, the Annihilator forces that had been unanimously maintaining the kite tactics, and fighting all out, were immediately divided into three.

Personal ability, more focused on the long-range output of the annihilator, in the process of continuing to retreat, formed a two-wave formation, and began to spread towards the battlefields on both sides.

And the Annihilator, whose personal ability is more focused on close combat, concentrates his strength and directly launches a frontal attack!

A wave of face suddenly suffocated, and the anger of the ghost knights finally succeeded in venting at this moment.

The powerful assault momentum almost dissipated the annihilator forces that came forward to meet them on the spot.

Although he was gritted his teeth and withstood the group charge of the Ghost Knight troops, it was basically inevitable to pay the cost of casualties in that wave of charge.

From this moment on, leave behind and retreat to both sides of the battlefield here, and re-search for the annihilators in the back row at the firing angle. The close combat between the annihilators in the front row and the ghost knights has completely begun!

It is different from the Ghost Knight, whose combat effectiveness is basically focused on melee combat.

Although the annihilators will also be divided into the back row and the front row, it is only an individual difference. In essence, they are both far and near, a very versatile unit.

However, the almighty arms, and the melee arms with outstanding melee combat capabilities, are definitely hard to take advantage of.

As the commander of the Annihilator army, it is impossible for Chat Black Iron to understand this question.

So their current tactics are also very simple, that is, let the front row troops engage in close dealing with the Ghost Knight troops.

Let the ghost cavalry's mobility and charge ability as a cavalry can't be fully utilized.

And in this process, seize the opportunity and shoot it to death with the firepower of the rear troops!

This entire layout of the Annihilator forces can be said to be the most incisive and incisive display of their dwarven race's bold and careful characteristics.

And in the face of such a battle, as a commander, how could Jialan do nothing?

Between the swings of the Death Scythe in his hand, the slash with the mental impact was unstoppable. Within a short period of time, more than a dozen annihilators were buried under Jialan's Death Scythe.

Locking on Jialan's offensive, Chat Black Iron's gaze condensed, and the fierce firepower shot directly towards Jialan, and at the same time he attracted Jialan's attention.

Regarding this, Jialan was also a daring master of art, and without much thought, he rode a horse and killed him.

At that time, the annihilators closest to Jialan were about to rush up to intercept them subconsciously, but they were stopped by Chat Black Iron in time.

"Just leave it alone, let him come!"

As the ghost knight commander Jialan, the individual strength is obviously stronger than the ordinary ghost knight.

Letting the annihilators under his command to intercept it will only add to the casualties, it is better to let him go directly!

In the process of Jialan's advance, Chatter Black Iron certainly would not let go of this opportunity, venting his long-range firepower to his heart's content. UU reading

Of course, this is not to say that crazy fire is enough.

Chat Black Iron is firing consciously and systematically. While not wasting output opportunities, he is also using this long-range firepower to curb Jialan's charging speed.

After all, the threat level of cavalry units that increase speed must at least rise by one level.

Even if it is a strong fighter with amazing individual combat power like Chat Black Iron, he has no interest in coping with Jialan's charge.

Chat Black Iron's conscious long-range fire suppression has prevented Jialan's charge speed from being completely lifted.

In this process, the distance is constantly getting closer.

Pinching the timing, at the same time the shoulder armor was opened, the magical flame dragon cannon fixed on the main hand of Chat Black Iron had already bounced out.

The hand moved quickly and flew up, grasping the popped out handle, and drew the high-frequency vibration particle tomahawk from the armor of the shoulder!

At almost the same time, the axe blade of the high-frequency vibrating particle battle axe in the hands of Chat Black Iron had already collided with Jialan's Death Scythe!

The exoskeleton-enhanced armor of the "King of War" of the Annihilator troops is basically the same in appearance. Unless you can be familiar with the individual numbers printed on the armor, it is impossible for the enemy to distinguish it from the appearance. from.

When Chat Black Iron used long-range firepower to suppress his advance, Jialan had already faintly noticed that this annihilator was probably not an ordinary character.

But now, through this blow, Jia Lan was completely convinced that the enemy in front of her was at least a general-level existence in the opposing camp.

At the thought of this, Jia Lan obviously became more serious.

Between swinging the death sickle in his hand, the entire offensive strength suddenly increased by one level compared to before!