The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 408: ,Humbled

What Ye Qichen is doing, Luo Ji is naturally unclear. At this time, he is busy expanding the salt drying workshop and adding the staff of the workshop to the agenda. At the same time, although he feels that it should not be in the neutral area. How long does it take, but during this time when I am not there, it is better to arrange all kinds of things one by one.

Originally, he has been busy with the development of his own civilization, and he has no interest in neutral areas, and he has no need to go there.

However, taking advantage of this opportunity, it is not bad to get familiar with the terrain. If you need to go there in the future, you will not find a way like a headless fly.

After a proper arrangement, Luo Ji sent a message to Ye Qingyu, then opened the system panel and chose the option to transfer to the neutral area.

System Tip: Are you sure you want to transfer 10,000 points of civilization to a neutral area?

Yes, this neutral area is not what you want to enter. If you want to come out, you will need to spend 10,000 civilization points for each transfer. This is the so-called transfer fee.

For Luo Zhi, who is now a bronze player, the 20,000 points of civilization are naturally nothing, but for some newcomers without a paragraph, this cost is a bit of a pain.

The quick choice was confirmed. At that moment, there was no special feeling. Basically, I blinked my eyes. Luo found that she had already appeared in a completely strange environment.

There were a lot of accidents around the pedestrians. At this time, the body was wearing a black silk robes.

Then I fixed my eyes and saw that the pedestrians around were all wearing strange costumes. After basically no one noticed him, this was a little relieved.

It’s too nervous to laugh at myself. Here is the neutral area. The players who come here, all the times, the clothes on the body are naturally strange.

Like him, there is a lot of natural wearing a silk robes, but if you look at it in a circle, you will find that wearing silk robes can be regarded as a very low-key group.

More people than their high-profile arrogance can go, for example, the one who just walked past his eyes, a body armor, just looking at it, I know that the weight is quite light, and there is a long sword hanging around the waist. A pair of swaying through the city.

Fortunately, the neutral zone is forbidden to use force. Any damage will be invalidated. The long sword hanging can only have the effect of an ornament. Otherwise, this guy is a dangerous person.

At this point, the position of Luo Ji should be a place similar to the central square. Behind it is a fountain. The line of sight is sweeping around. Ye Qingying seems to have not arrived yet, only when the time difference between the two sides is delayed.

Luo Ji is not in a hurry, while habitually playing with the little black fish (money squid) in his hand, while standing next to the fountain, he is not too slow to look at the buildings and other players in this neutral area.

This building has no bright spots. It is a modern square. However, once this modern building is combined with a variety of exotic players, it seems quite interesting.

Originally, Luo Zhi thought that the player who wore a armor and swept the city was already wonderful enough. As a result, it was not long before a player wearing a robes robe renewed his three views...

This posture is too much too terrible, 衮 袍 robes 衮 robes! Actually, there are so many wonderful things to wear directly into the neutral area. To some extent, this also requires great courage.

Anyway, he did not. When he first came in, he was slightly nervous because he was wearing a silk robes. Now it seems that his decisiveness is too shallow, and he is not as good as himself!

Just when he was thinking about it, a beautiful figure appeared in front of him. The other person wore a silk-blue silk dress, which looked quite elegant and dusty, allowing Luo to subconsciously face each other. Look at the face.

Unexpectedly, the other side was wearing a gauze, and the blue-and-white gauze sewn on the edge almost covered most of the people under the veil.

Looking at this figure, when Luo Zhi thought thoughtfully, the other party gently picked up the veil in front of him, the delicate and beautiful face, in the eyes of his eyes, could not help but make him a moment Lost.

Ye Qingying, who had a panoramic view of Luo Zhen’s reaction, noticed a bit of a smile on his face, and then whispered, “Awaiting for a long time?”

"No, how do you wear it like this?" The quick return of the Luo series re-examined Ye Qingyi, and then asked a strange look.

Ye Qing, who heard this, smiled and smacked in one direction. Luo Ji subconsciously looked at the past and saw the player who had just let him feel a slap in the face, and now he was smiling at the moment. Female players initiate a conversation.

A distance of Luo Ji is also vaguely able to hear what the other party is saying...

"Beauty and beauty, add a friend to each other."

"Beauty, do you have a boyfriend?"

In this regard, the female player who was ridiculed was indifferent to the whole face, and quite clearly expressed her impatience, although there was no egg to use...

Retracting the line of sight, Luo's face expression is called a subtle plus complex, but also understand why Ye Qingyi wears such a veil.

Looking at the Luo Ji who had lost sight on himself, Ye Qingyi smiled slightly, then gently picked up the black hair in her ear, revealing the pair of blue diamond earrings that had been worn by her. "Good-looking?"

"Good-looking." Luo Ji did not want to return a sentence, at this time Ye Qingyi's dress looks quite elegant, and the pair of blue diamond earrings, but it has played a finishing touch.

Although he has no idea about the diamond, he has to say that the pair of earrings are really good-looking on the ears of Ye Qingying.

In the face of such a simple answer, it is to let Ye Qingzhen who asked this question a little bit too embarrassed, a pretty face is slightly reddened, and then quickly support the board, so asked angrily "The answer is so simple, say! Did you make a lot of girlfriends?"

"No." Luo Ji stunned his head. "Good looks are good-looking."

Ye Qingying, who had a face in front of him, could be said to be completely broken. A pretty face was directly red to the roots of the ear. She was so anxious that she turned around and turned her back to Luo, and she picked it up in a hurry. After the gauze was released, it finally felt a little relieved.

Forced to rub his own hot cheeks, Ye Qingyi continued to pretend to be calm, "Don't say, put this on, let's go."