The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 412: Cold bitter land

"The bitter cold..."

The look on the face of Shizikawa is not like a fake. For the bitter cold, he feels panic from the heart.

Zhou Yi is not an old-fashioned person. He has always been persuaded to persuade him, and it is really not a good thing to escape a dog.

At this point, Zhou Yi apparently dispelled the idea of ​​sending people to chase and go up, and then said to the soldiers behind him, "Hurry up and deal with these bodies, and then we will evacuate overnight."

In order to avoid the outbreak of the disease, these bodies must be disposed of. For such things, the soldiers under the hand are also very skilled.

After all the bodies were quickly piled up on the arranged wood piles, Zhou Yi poured some smoldering oil as a combustion aid, and then gently blew the fire-carrying carry-on, and the whole body was ignited when it was piled up.

After the bodies were burned out, according to the meaning of Zhou Yi, everyone lifted the torches and rushed the road overnight, and evacuated the northern forests at the fastest speed.

The head of the hyena and a war report were sent to Luo Ji’s eyes two days later.

Open the battle report, this time, Zhou Yi did a good job, with a very limited casualties cleared the group of dog walkers gathered in the northern mountains, Luo Ji expressed satisfaction.

At the same time, many things have been reported one by one, the Kobolds are not honest, there is a dog walking to the north, and the bitter cold, Zhou Yi wrote in this battle report in great detail.

"The bitter cold land?" That place is an unexplored area for Luo Ji. However, according to what is reported in the battle report, it seems that Ichikawa understands the other side. It seems that it is necessary to ask back. Asked the last one.

In addition, Luo Ji glanced at the wooden box containing the head of the hyena. To be honest, he had no idea what to do with the spoils. If you want to say it, it should be ugly.

However, after all, it was the spoils that he had sent him. It was not so good to lose it. After Luo had pondered it, he gave the head to the guardian He Liang and asked him to call the queen of the dog. After the fur and flesh were cleaned, a skull specimen was obtained.

At the same time, it seems that the Luo Ji quickly opened his own two special plates and glanced at it, with a hint of his face.

Sure enough, clearing the enemies within his own world is also able to earn conquest points and orc points.

Although the difficulty of clearing the shoes is too low, it will earn a little bit of two points in the fight. But the mosquito legs are small and meaty. It is good to earn a profit. There is nothing to be disgusted.

At the same time, on the other hand, Zhou Yi, after a simple rest in Baihe City, began to return to Mingjing City...

In this regard, Luo Ji is also more considerate, after all, stayed in the northern mountain forest for nearly half a month, plus at that time in order to prevent accidents, they did not rest, directly evacuated the Northland forest, the soldiers They are all exhausted. After the report was sent, it was understandable to take a day off in Baihe City.

When Zhou Yi arrived at Der Spiegel City, it was already two days after the war card was invalid...

For the fact that he has already left the invasion of other players, Luo is obviously mentally prepared. Now it is completely calm, what should he do?

After receiving Zhou Yi and others, Luo Ji made a simple remark on them with a calm face, including of course the Kobold.

Although Zhou Yi mentioned in the war report that they are not too honest, but after all, they also made a contribution. If there is no reward, it will inevitably not be said.

After a round of rewards, in order to avoid extra-budgets, Luo Ji first signaled them to retreat to rest together, and the next day, the low-key summoned Zhou Yi, Ji Zichuan and Li Ke, and wanted to further understand the situation at that time.

"Li Ke, I will simply ask, for those kobolds, you should know better than me, will they betrayed?"

Today's Li Ke, after two awards by Luo Ji, has reached 88 points of loyalty, and has been completely regarded as a trustworthy loyal minister.

At this time, in the face of Luo's question, Li Kelu opened his mouth after thinking. "The dog head is bullying and hard, and likes to rely on the strong, that is, to find a backing for themselves. Under normal circumstances, they are not courageous, unless... ”

Speaking of this, Li Ke’s voice paused, and Luo Ji, who was sitting in the Lord’s position, had already agreed. “Unless we are against the enemy who is stronger than us, is it?”

"Yes." Li Ke nodded.

After Li Ke said this, for this kobold tribe, Luo Ji’s heart was counted, and then the line of sight was transferred to the body of me.

"Mei Zichuan, I heard that you know a lot about the bitter cold."

Chuanchuan, who heard this, decisively showed a smile on his face. "In fact, it is not a secret. The five tribes that we entangled in the northern mountains and forests are actually escaped from the bitter cold. ""


"Yes, escape." The son of Chuanchuan, who mentioned this, is full of bitterness. "The living environment of the bitter cold is very bad, not only because of the climate, but also because of the northern tribes who live there... ”

"go on."

"In the northern tribes, there are many tribes, big and small, but they are basically the two tribes attached to them. Those tribes have to follow the orders of the two tribes, and the two tribes are the tribes of the winter. And the ice bear tribe..."

Having said that, the voice of Ji Zichuan unconsciously brought a bit of and then said everything he knew...

----split line----

To the north of the northern border, the bitter cold land, in the sky and snow that can almost obscure the horizon, the figure of a few arrows in the body is struggling to escape from the wind and snow.

The **** smell that it exudes attracts fierce beasts, and the **** beasts have regarded it as food, always following it, just waiting for it to die and then rushing to divide its flesh and blood.

At this time, it was not the opponent of the beasts. It was only forced to flee toward the north. It was hoped that the blizzard of this bitter cold could scare off the group of animals behind it.

However, at this time, the sensitive sense of smell has been frozen by this cold snow, and basically no smell has been smelled, making it impossible to confirm that the beasts have not followed, and there is no room for them to return and confirm.

Finally, for your own little life, how far is the decisiveness to run.

Just when the dogman thought so, in the snow, a huge black shadow like a hill appeared in front of it with heavy footsteps, and a strong sense of oppression almost came to me, almost Let it stop the heart.

I couldn’t think too much. At that time, I only heard a long beep, and the shadows flashed in front of me. A horror to the force that did not allow it to resist was directly beaten.

At that moment, it clearly heard the sound of the broken ribs and spine, and the viscera of the stomach was even worse.

The body that was beaten out was flying all the way. I don’t know how many meters and then fell heavily on the ground. The dark red blood slowly flowed out, dyed the color of the surrounding snow, and the eyes had lost the last trace...