The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4200: , Hot military power

After finishing the communication with Huo Qiguang, Ye Qingxuan, who did not restart the game, turned his attention to Luo Ji, who was acting as the host of the game.

"Luo Ji, have you received any news about the assault by the ghost tribe troops this time?"

"No message received."

Luo Ji's concise and clear answer made Ye Qingxuan nod slightly.

Although she had previously said that she lacked understanding of the ghost tribe and it was difficult to speculate on the opponent's actions, in fact, Ye Qingxuan had more or less expected the assault action of the ghost tribe this time.

Of course, this is not to say that she lied before.

It's just that the action of the ghost army this time is inevitable.

The opponent came from the first universe expedition, after the follow-up reinforcements arrived and supplies were in place, naturally they wanted to quickly capture a planet in the third universe as their frontline stronghold to establish a foundation.

Under this premise, the mechanical clan did not cooperate, and the Otto Empire and the Orc Federation relied on the home court advantage and were confident and not afraid to spend time with them, which made the situation of the ghost clan troops suddenly become uncomfortable.

When the time comes, the ghost troops who are eager to break the game will naturally have to choose to take the lead and establish an advantage for themselves by seizing the frontline stronghold.

At the same time, this is also an important part of Ye Qingxuan's follow-up plan after the adjustment.

After all, it is impossible for Huo Qiguang to completely break the existing system of Karen Bell.

He has indeed won the support of countless people, and it can even be said that he is incarnate as a representative of public opinion.

However, this is not enough.

Because in the past Karen Bell, ruled by the upper class, public opinion was not the most important thing.

With the help of the previous time, the absolute rule of the upper class has already been shaken.

But it is still not enough.

She needs a more thorough force to bring destruction and impact to Karen Bell's system and create opportunities for the new system to be established subsequently.

And these forces entrenched around Karen Bell happen to have this ability.

Using this as a prerequisite, it is inevitable that it would be inappropriate for the Machine Race, Otto Empire, or Orc Federation that has already reached cooperation with her to do this.

It will even let others talk about it, and once it is used by someone with a heart, it will be very troublesome to deal with it afterwards.

At the same time, this is also the main reason why Ye Qingxuan did not directly rely on the forces of the Seven Star Alliance to forcibly intervene in Karen Bell's internal affairs.

Moreover, their Seven-Star Alliance's practice of forcibly intervening in other countries’ internal affairs and intervening in a tough stance is also highly discouraged. It goes against their ideals and doing this kind of thing will make them stand on the core philosophy of the Seven-Star Alliance. Unstoppable.

As for Ye Qingxuan now...

Although a little bit of suspicion of taking advantage of the loopholes, she can be regarded as technical assistance for the time being.

For this type of approach, as long as the parties are okay, the Seven Star Alliance will still keep one eye open.

After all, according to Karen Bell's current situation, if they watched the whole process and let them toss on their own, when would they know that day? What will it be like at the same time?

Speaking of the subject, considering various circumstances, in order to bring more complete destruction to Karen Bell's existing system, the most suitable candidate at the moment is basically only the troops of the ghost clan.

Following this momentum, the Ghost Race's troops will definitely take action. This is an inevitable result.

As long as this is confirmed, Ye Qingxuan, who has set up a plan, needs to do nothing more than waiting.

During this time, Huo Qiguang was very busy.

In the previous period, although he was very busy, he was full of motivation.

Because Huo Qiguang knows that in his busy process, his goals are constantly being achieved.

And now?

Huo Qiguang found himself trapped in an endless loop, that is, no matter how hard you work, you can't change the status quo.

This situation has caused Huo Qiguang's pressure to increase day by day, almost making him breathless.

The only thing that supports him now and keeps him from falling is the hope that Ye Qingxuan gave him in the plan.

Due to Karen Bell's special system, all senior military officers are basically held by members of the upper-level families, and it can be said that they firmly hold the core power in their hands.

Now they have become a battlefield and have been ruthlessly affected by Karen Bell, but Karen Bell's military has done nothing, and this has caused a lot of grievances in the whole society.

As the upper-class power holders who firmly control this share of military power, they have been sitting on pins and needles recently because of various issues. The military power in their hands is simply hot.

In the latest meeting of the House of Lords, Huo Qiguang, who has become more and more emotional due to the tremendous pressure that has been accumulating, repeatedly emphasized loudly that they must act against many forces to intervene in their Karenbel territory and conduct military activities. To deal with it, you can no longer be so fearful!

Those in power in the upper class have also been upset recently, and Huo Qiguang's behavior has made them even more upset.

"Move your lips, it's easy to say..."

In the irritable murmur, the upper-class councilor seemed to suddenly think of something, and then directly said...

"I think what Mr Fok said is very reasonable."

As soon as this was said, many members of the House of Lords showed unexpected expressions.

Who doesn't know that today's upper-class members, except Robert, are basically working against Huo Qiguang?

This high-ranking member who spoke at the same time had confronted Huo Qiguang many times before.

What is the situation now? Is his brain flooded? Still changing sex?

All of a sudden, many people were embarrassed.

Just as everyone was thinking about what kind of medicine the drug was taking, the upper-level member suddenly raised his voice by several decibels. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

"Therefore, I hereby propose that this matter should be handed over to Mr. Fok for handling!"

As soon as this sentence was said, everyone remembered it, good fellow, the co-author dug a hole here.

At that moment, after reacting, many high-ranking members raised their hands in response, agreeing to this proposal.

People who don't know really think how high the support rate of Huo Qiguang among the upper parliamentarians is.

Faced with this situation, Huo Qiguang's expression froze, his face faintly showing a bit of difficulty.

"The military is not in my control..."

At this moment, Huo Qiguang's words fell into the ears of a group of high-ranking congressmen, and they were purely evasive.

"Professor Huo is polite, what a big deal is this?"

Before Huo Qiguang could finish speaking, the high-ranking councillor directly interrupted the other party's words, and the whole performance was a enthusiasm!

Now that the military power is in their hands, it is very hot. If Huo Qiguang is willing to carry this matter down, they really don't mind giving power to Huo Qiguang and let him go up.

After all, with this momentum going on, Karen Bell is very likely to be finished. What is the use of them holding on to the military power?

However, these upper-level members are not stupid. It is impossible to give Huo Qiguang all the military power. They will only give a part to ensure that they still hold most of Karen Bell's power.

But they will let Karen Bell's troops all cooperate with Huo Qiguang to start operations.

In addition, the most important thing is that the resources are still in their hands!

Under this premise, if Huo Qiguang can't solve this matter, then there is nothing to say.

On the contrary, if it can be resolved, they are not afraid of Huo Qiguang's rebellion with that little strength.