The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4277: , Confluence (2)

"what happened?!"

Seeing Ye Feixing's miserable condition, Ye Qingxuan's face obviously sank, and then her eyes swept across Li Ke and Xu Ji, and finally fell on Ye Feixing's body.

Looking at Ye Qingxuan, who was not so good-looking, wrapped in bandages, Ye Feixing lying there, her mouth bluffed a few times, but she couldn't say a word. Between her eyebrows, she was a little bit ashamed and quite embarrassed. So kind of "faceless to face the eldest lady" feeling.

In response, Xu Ji, who was standing by, waved his hand with a big face.

"It's all right, you lie there and have a good rest, I will say to you, Missy."

While speaking, Xu Ji glanced at the direction of the door, and then pulled Ye Qingxuan aside.

"Go ahead, what's the matter?"

"It's actually like this..."

While speaking, Xu Ji quickly explained the ins and outs of the whole thing and told Ye Qingxuan well.

At the beginning, the situation of Xu Ji and others was basically the same as that of Ye Qingxuan and others.

They were also transported here, and then found by the forces of the Gu Yue Empire, and were taken here.

Ye Feixing and Xu Ji came here together, but after the delay, Ye Qingxuan was sent over. Ye Feixing couldn't stand it anymore, so he decided to leave here and find Ye Qingxuan.

Now the problem is coming. Luo Yunxi, who was guarding outside, was ordered by the ancient emperor to stay outside. While avoiding Xu Ji and the others being killed, he also wanted them to stay honestly. Don't run around in the house.

Ye Feixing wanted to go out, and Luo Yunxi, who had given the order, refused to let it go.

He didn't say anything, just blocked the knife there, but the meaning was obvious to the extreme.

Normally, it's fine, but at that time, Ye Feixing was feeling very anxious, but the opposite was also a horny, hard-talking lord.

After that, I couldn't say that it was a disagreement, because the commander Luo didn't even say a word from beginning to end.

In just one face, Ye Feixing was severely injured without the other's sword being unsheathed.

This matter can only be said to be too shameful, and it is no wonder that Ye Feixing has no face to face Ye Qingxuan.


Seeing Ye Qingxuan who fell into silence, Xu Ji suddenly had such a bad feeling.

"Of course, the opponent's action is fairly measured. Although Fei Xing has suffered a lot of damage, it has basically not endangered his life. It should be because he wants to incapacitate him and stay honestly."

Having said that, Xu Ji couldn't help but ask eagerly...

"Miss, don't you want to do something dangerous?"

Ye Qingxuan rolled her eyes when she heard this.

"What dangerous thing? What dangerous things can I do now?"

After saying this, Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but sighed.

"What happened this time, if you really want to talk about it, it's also Fei Xing's impulse, and..."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan glanced at the door.

"Fei Xing is a warrior of the Thousand Army Realm. Although it is only the level of the first entry into the Thousand Army Realm, but the strength is higher than the ordinary warrior who has entered the Thousand Army Realm. He wants to face him and severely wound him. Losing the ability to move, the leader Luo outside must at least have the strength of the Ten Thousand Dharma Realm, maybe even stronger."

Obviously, Ye Qingxuan's mind is still very calm, so she is very clear about her current situation.

"On our side, Luo Ji is the strongest, followed by Fei Xing. If Luo Ji is still in his heyday, I would dare to be tough, but now Luo Ji has only half of the main body left, and there is not much energy left. What's the matter? Just stay honestly, and wait for the emperor on the opposite side to see me and see what the opposite is doing."

Only half of Luo Ji's main body remained. It would be as conspicuous as it would be. If Xu Ji didn't see it, it must be fake.

It's just that he was busy talking about Ye Feixing before, and at the same time, he was afraid that their eldest lady would be stimulated and do something dangerous, so he didn't have time to ask.

After all, their eldest lady's character has always been very short-term, let alone Ye Feixing is still her younger brother.

And now, Ye Feixing's story was finished, and when their eldest lady took the initiative to mention it, Xu Ji's attention naturally shifted to Luo Ji's body immediately.

"What happened? Why is Luo Ji's main body only half of it?"

At this point, Xu Ji's expression, which seemed to have produced some speculation, gradually became more subtle.

"Isn't it a fight with them?"

"Are you stupid?"

Looking at Xu Ji, Ye Qingxuan's face was speechless.

Xu Ji, who had a little aftertaste, soon realized that he was indeed stupid.

If this matter was done by the people of the Gu Yue Empire, then Ye Qingxuan would not have said that before.

"It's the Lost Territory tide, Luo Ji said that it is actually a super huge energy creature..."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan roughly said to Xu Ji what Luo Ji had said to her at the time.

After listening, Xu Ji also had lingering fears on his face.

During the period, Ye Qingxuan, who also turned his attention back, also looked at Xu Ji with some surprise. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"Speaking of which, it's you. I thought you were dead for the battle at that time."

Seeing Ye Qingxuan with an unexpected look, Xu Ji was also obviously thinking of the situation at the time. He wiped out cold sweats and gave out a few dry laughs at the same time.

"Hahaha, good luck, good luck."

At that time, at the frontline base, after the emergency evacuation alarm sounded, Xu Ji rushed back to the spacecraft without stopping, and then got into the highest-level protective cabin in the spacecraft.

Although this protective cabin was not made for mental attacks, it still has some blocking effects.

At the same time, Xu Ji, although timid, is actually quite strong.

After all, for so many years, I have been running around the universe with Ye Qingxuan, and I have experienced a lot of this life-threatening and escape from the tiger's mouth.

If the psychological endurance is not enough, how can I stay until now?

You can simply understand that Xu Ji's psychological endurance is a type with a very low lower limit but a very high upper limit. He is often scared, but not easily scared to death.

After simply saying all the things he wanted to say, Xu Ji ran to find his good brother Luo Ji.

Because Luo Ji often helps with maintenance and inspection of machinery and equipment, Xu Ji can be said to be the first to get acquainted with Luo Ji in the team.

When Luo Ji's main body was sent over, Xu Ji didn't have a chance to take it apart and study it. Now you only have half of it left, so should you show it to me? Research it by the way!

Thinking of this, Xu Ji couldn't help making a cheerful ‘hehe’.

The happiness of a mechanic is so simple. For a while, even his current situation was left behind by Xu Ji, and Ye Qingxuan was speechless when she saw it.