The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4291: , Take action

At the same time, on the side of the Dark Iron Empire, Barry Rand, as the Dark Iron Emperor, has been in a bad mood these days.

In fact, it's not just the mood, Barry Rand just feels that everything **** lately!

At that time, after passing the news back to the Seven Star Alliance, their Dark Iron Empire was immediately condemned by a large number of other Alliance nations.

On the contrary, the Yip Chamber of Commerce, as the party concerned, did not directly condemn it.

Instead, they chose to dispatch troops from the Chamber of Commerce to search for the missing fleet of their Chamber of Commerce and the traces of their eldest lady while retaining the power of accountability.

However, this move by the Ye's Chamber of Commerce not only did not let Barry Lander breathe a sigh of relief, it actually increased the pressure on him.

Because this made him realize that if he could not find Ye Qingxuan's whereabouts in the end, then the price that their Black Iron Empire would eventually pay would be even higher than he expected.

Under such pressure, Barry Rand could only send out more troops while praying for a miracle to happen, and further intensified the search efforts, hoping to find the trace of Ye Qingxuan.

The result is that in this process, the Lost Territory tide that has already risen twice in succession, but it seems to be taking drugs too much, and it can't stop at all. In a short period of time, the rising tide appears again.

Moreover, similar situations occur frequently, and the range of high tides has become larger and larger. After a few rounds, the eldest lady of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce could not be found, but the border fleet of the Black Iron Empire has not paid enough. Small loss price!

At this moment, within the border fortress of the Black Iron Empire, this long-distance meeting with Barry Rand is being held, and Dominic Adolf, who reports on the latest situation, has a solemn face.

Just now, they experienced the latest high tide of the Lost Territory, and the entire wave's spreading position has even covered the periphery of their Black Iron Empire border.

Following the momentum of this rising tide, they had to wonder, and if the rising tide continued to rise again, this Lost Territory tide might actually have to engulf the border of their Black Iron Empire!

In this process, the border troops of their Black Iron Empire did not do nothing. Of course, they tried to attack the Lost Territory tide.

Similar things, in history, their dark iron empire has not never done it.

But there are basically no good results.

This time is no exception.

But different from the several trials in history, this time, the Lost Territory tide is about to endanger the border of their Black Iron Empire, and the disappearance of Miss Ye's Chamber of Commerce makes the Black Iron Empire do this. At that time, the whole state seems more serious, and at the same time more investment, the results are naturally different.

Under the command of General Dominic Adolf, they quickly confirmed that live-fire weapons hit the Lost Territory tides, although the effect was extremely poor, but after switching to energy weapons to launch the attack, the attack effect was significantly improved.

However, the scale of the Lost Territory tide was huge, and a few simple attacks were obviously not enough to defeat it.

For this reason, to seize the opportunity of a low tide, Dominique Adolf also quickly ordered an emergency adjustment of the weapon configuration of the border fleet.

Fortunately, the proportion of energy weapons in this space fleet is already much higher than that of live ammunition weapons, and adjustments do not require much effort.

At the same time, Dominic Adolf was also ready in his heart, and began to build up his forces. When the next round of Lost Territory erupts, he will fight the tide of Lost Territory!

Of course, for the Lost Territory Tide, they were the first to launch such a large-scale operation.

Therefore, for some unpredictable consequences, they naturally have to be psychologically prepared to endure them.

In response to all these concerns, Dominique Adolf has reported to Barry Rand in all aspects.

For this action, Barry Rand, the Dark Iron Emperor, fully supported it.

Not only for Ye Qingxuan, but also for themselves.

At the end of the meeting, Barry Rand and Dominic Adolf looked at each other from the air, and they both saw the complexity in each other's eyes.

Although they didn't say it, they knew that what they thought of now should be the same.

That is the ideological remarks of the "community of common destiny" that Ye Qingxuan mentioned to them before.

At this moment, their feelings are unprecedentedly profound.

Think about it carefully. If their ancestors of the Black Iron Empire had just discovered this Lost Territory tide in the early years, they invested enough energy and resources to deal with it at the first time, then they still need to face such a situation now. Is it a terrible situation?

Of course, it doesn't help to entangle this now.

Even to speak of it, since Barry Rand took the throne, as the Dark Iron Emperor, he has not been in power for a short time, but after so many years, he has not thought about dealing with the problem of the Lost Territory tide.

Although the previous rising tide of Lost Territory made them pay a considerable price, the Black Iron Empire, as a powerful force in the Second Universe, is still strong after all. Once the frontier army is mobilized, the scale is still terrifying.

There is no need to hide and tuck, the interstellar battleships of the Black Iron Empire have already spread out their formations outside the border fortress at this moment, and the dense number is almost filled with a whole void.

After that, Dominic Adolf gave an order, and the mighty Dark Iron Empire fleet immediately pushed forward towards the periphery of the border of the own Empire.

In a short time, he arrived at the outer area swept by the tides of the Lost Territory.

Just when Dominique Adolf was about to order all warships to enter the highest level of alert, the gray-black tides of Lost Territory at the end of the void seemed to be aware of the actions of their imperial fleet. They appeared so quickly and surged. In the process, showing an astonishing speed, swept toward the fleet of the Black Iron Empire!

"Damn it!"

In the roar, Dominic Adolf didn’t have time to think about it. He quickly issued an order to signal the fleet to retreat steadily and maintain a distance from the tides of the Lost Territory. The thermonuclear energy cannons of the cannon-class energy weapons fired together!

In an instant, a series of amazing dark red energy rays blasted towards the surging Lost Territory tide.

The attack by the thermonuclear energy cannon, which Dominique Adolf had placed high hopes for, continuously cut holes in the main body of the Lost Territory tide.

However, before the openings continue to expand, along with the surging of the Lost Territory tide, the openings will recover in a short time.

This blow came too fast and too heavy, causing many dwarf soldiers, and even generals, to froze there before the joy that appeared on their faces had time to change.

Dominique Adolf is awaiting orders to respond.

I never thought, at this moment, I don’t know what happened. The tide of Lost Territory that swept across, after a few surges, quickly receded...


"Wait! Send orders to the entire fleet, adjust the formation, don't rush forward!"

Dominic Adolf didn't think that their attack just now had a good effect on the tides of Lost Territory.

The tide of the Lost Territory suddenly ebbs. If it is only a natural phenomenon, then of course it is not a big problem, but what if there is fraud?

With such thoughts in mind, Dominique Adolf would rather miss an opportunity, and definitely did not intend to launch a chase lightly. The whole act is based on observation.

And it was during this observation process that they soon discovered that from the ebb and flow of the Lost Territory tide, a figure rushed out quickly and flew toward them quickly!