The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4294: Anxiety

For the Dark Iron Empire, the Elf Kingdom had just established diplomatic relations with them some time ago. The relationship between the two countries is in the honeymoon period. Now that such a major event has happened on the Second Universe, it is completely natural to find the other side to send troops to support it. matter.

After all, judging from the position of the interstellar coordinates, if the Soul Eater continues to grow, after their Dark Iron Empire suffers, the next to suffer is the Elf Kingdom.

From the perspective of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, the Elf Kingdom has not yet joined the Seven Star Alliance at this stage, and is in a stage of investigation.

However, their Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the Elf Kingdom also have some cooperative relations.

To some extent, this time is also an excellent time to investigate the elven kingdom and see how the other party will choose.

With their own ideas, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the Dark Iron Empire quickly contacted the Elf Kingdom and negotiated.

The elf king Jason Luster who understood the situation showed decisiveness, and very simply accepted the help from the Yeh Chamber of Commerce and the Dark Iron Empire, and agreed to send troops to help them deal with the Soul Eater.

From this point of view, the Elf King still has a view of the overall situation.

But considering the issue of time, the army of the Elf Kingdom, from the assembly to the departure, and then to the scheduled battlefield area, time is too late, it is really not easy to say.

No matter how you say it, during this period, the Black Iron Empire must make full use of it and make full preparations.

Although there was only one round of fire before, and their Dark Iron Empire fleet did not pay any losses, since there is another three months, then of course Dominique Adolf does not mind gathering more troops and firepower!

At this point, even Barry Rand will not stop it.

After all, once this Soul Eater came out to hunt, the first threat was their Dark Iron Empire.

For a large-scale deployment of troops, three months is far from ample.

Seeing that there was only one day left before the agreed hands-on time, and the army of the Elf Kingdom was completely gone.

Although, considering the distance and the time required to gather troops, it is only natural that the army of the Elf Kingdom should be late.

According to Luo Ji, the energy body of this Soul Eater is extremely large, and it can even be said to be terrifying. This battle cannot be completed in one or two days.

Once the war starts, it is not impossible to fight for ten and a half months, or even several months.

The army of the Elf Kingdom only needs to arrive within this time.

But even so, in the army of the Black Iron Empire, there are still many dwarves who doubt in their hearts that the Elf Kingdom will not change their minds, let them go, right?

After all, the establishment of diplomatic relations in peace days is different. This war with the Soul Eater will definitely cost losses, and the Elves are a race with a very small population. The other party does not want to lose population, and changed his mind, which makes perfect sense.

As for the rumors within their army these days, Dominique Adolf has naturally heard about it, and at the same time knows it well.

Unlike any enemy they have encountered before, the power of the Soul Eater comes from its unknown, and the fear that has been brought to the dwarves by the tide of the Lost Territory for so many years!

Faced with such a monster now, even the brave and fearless dwarven soldiers will inevitably bring some anxiety in their hearts.

And in this state, any news that would be unfavorable to them will cause some excessive speculation!

This kind of excessive speculation will shake the military's mind, and for the dark iron army that is about to launch a crusade against the Soul Eater, it can be said to be harmful to no benefit.

It is impossible for Dominique Adolf to let this rumors continue to spread in the military.

Before the official war, there will be a mobilization meeting in the army.

Of course, considering the environment and the number of soldiers, it is impossible for all of them to be there. Basically, 99% of the soldiers watched through synchronized live video.

In this mobilization meeting, as the head coach of the army, Dominic Adolf undoubtedly mentioned this matter seriously.

"Recently, there have been some rumors in the military."

As soon as I said this, on the battleships of the Black Iron Empire, all the soldiers of the dwarven race were taut, and there were also many dwarven soldiers, even with a whole heart, all hanging in their throats. In the eye.

Obviously, these dwarven soldiers who were suspenseful had mixed up this rumor.

At that time, I didn't know who picked the head, but as soon as I turned my head, the rumors spread in the army.

When they realized that a large number of dwarf soldiers around them were quietly discussing this matter, they knew that it was dying!

This matter of them is really investigated, it is a serious crime that shakes the morale of the military before the war! The kind that has to be shot!

Just as they wondered whether to find time, take the initiative to confess their guilt, and strive for a lighter attack, during the live broadcast, Dominic Adolf’s voice sounded again...

"I'm so disappointed in you!"

At this moment, Dominique Adolf's voice carried a bit of hatred for iron but not steel.

"Let’s not talk about the issue of the Elf Kingdom. Without the reinforcements of the Elf Kingdom, can’t you win the Soul Eater?! The men of the Dark Iron Empire, are they just a bunch of wastes that can’t win the battle without the help of outsiders? ?!"

Speaking of the latter, Dominique Adolf’s voice can only be described as ‘roar’, every word, deafening!

At this moment, countless dwarven soldiers were dumbfounded.

Before the start of the mobilization meeting, they had thought that the marshal would bring up this matter, and they also expected that the marshal would say this matter, UU read, but it turns out that their marshal's approach once again exceeded all of them. Expectations.

In this regard, I can only say that they are too naive, and the Elven Kingdom has not enough time to dispatch troops, and it is difficult to arrive on time. Hasn't he talked about it before?

In fact, as early as the beginning of the remarks, Dominic Adolf had asked the adjutant to emphasize it, and the soldiers knew it in their hearts.

In the final analysis, the reason for this remark is that the late arrival of the Elf Kingdom is just a small inducement. The fundamental reason lies in the anxiety and anxiety in the hearts of the soldiers!

Under this premise, what use is it for you to emphasize the lateness problem to them?

What they need is not this!

After a roar, Dominique Adolf paused for two seconds, then took a sharp breath and roared again...

"If you are such a bunch of gangsters and trash! Then you can pack your things and get out of here, Lao Tzu's army doesn't need you! Go out in the future, don't say you are Lao Tzu's soldier! Lao Tzu can't afford to lose that person! "

Dominic Adolf's shocking words hit every dwarf soldier's face with his head and face, causing many dwarf soldiers to feel the burning pain on their faces.

Even if it’s like Dominic Adolph, who is definitely a calm dwarf among the dwarves, his temper is still irritable in his bones, let alone the soldiers here, let alone where he can stand it. Stimulate?

The anxiety and anxiety were completely overwhelmed by stronger emotions, and the morale of the army quickly reached its peak!

Pack things and get out? nonexistent!

If this escapes, then they will be placed on the pillar of shame for the rest of their lives, don't even think of raising their heads among the same clan!