The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4328: , 4th Cosmos Council

"On the Fourth Universe, there are still some cosmic countries that maintain cooperative relations with our country. We in the Republic of Vanega will try to send people to contact us and try to persuade the other side to send troops to help."

In the meeting room, when General Rhein said these words, the generals of the Fourth Universe present nodded their heads, indicating that their countries would also send people to persuade the cosmic countries that maintain good cooperative relations with each other.

Although they joined the Seven Star Alliance, they are still in the Fourth Universe after all.

You have to say that it is impossible for them to completely cut off all cooperation and relations with other universe nations except the Seven Star Alliance in the Fourth Universe.

At the same time, the Seven Star Alliance's covenant did not make such a requirement.

Because this requirement itself is unrealistic.

Therefore, there are many trade cooperation relationships among the countries in the fourth universe, and they can all be said to have interests related to each other.

Previously, they were in public contact, but this time, they plan to contact in private to see if they can find opportunities.

On the Vanegas Republic side, while temporarily confirming the next whole policy, another part of the Fourth Universe, an alliance called the "Fourth Universe Council", is holding an online conference...

"Unknown life from the outer universe has invaded massively. This is not a trivial matter. Is it a bit wrong for us to do this? If the Seven Star Alliance withdraws, the Republic of Vanega will definitely not be able to withstand it. At that time, those unknown lives It is bound to flow directly into the Fourth Universe, and it is us who suffer."

This voice suffices to explain that within the Fourth Universe, the ideas of other cosmic nations are not completely the same.

At the same time, these remarks also revealed the inner thoughts of many leaders.

However, before everyone could think about it, another voice rang during the meeting.

"What are you afraid of? Will the Seven Star Alliance leave it alone?"

The tone of this voice was full of confidence, as if he had full confidence, and at the same time brought a bit of ridicule.

"Think of the concepts they promoted by the Seven Star Alliance. According to them, everyone has an obligation to maintain peace in this world."

"Now that unknown life in the outer universe is invading on a large scale, if the Seven Star Alliance withdraws and releases those unknown life into the Fourth Universe, wouldn't it be equivalent to hitting themselves in the face?"

"In this way, as their fundamental philosophy and creed, they will all be questioned and shaken by all parties. Not to mention, their withdrawal is equivalent to destroying the Republic of Vanega, which is even more smashing. It is tantamount to destroying the foundation!"

Speaking of this, the man's voice has already brought a clear sneer.

"So they can’t leave it alone. If they don’t, it’s equivalent to telling the universe that the ideas they had previously promoted were all deceptive. Those unknown unknown lives from outside can just fight to death and death!"

Speaking of this, the meaning and purpose of this person is already obvious at this time.

The same is the alliance organization in this universe. Although the Seven-Star Alliance did not regard the Fourth Cosmos Council as an opponent, it could not hold back the Seven-Star Alliance as an opponent.

Delusion to use the hands of the Zerg to reduce the strength of the Seven Star Alliance and narrow the gap between the two sides.

There are even delusions, if the time is right, replace it!

As for what is the origin of this ‘Fourth Universe Assembly’?

Then we have to talk about it from when the Seven Star Alliance entered the Fourth Universe...

Every time the Seven-Star Alliance enters a universe, it will inspect the various cosmic countries in this universe. Needless to say, this point is no longer necessary.

Basically, as long as they meet the requirements of their alliance and pass the inspection of the universe, their Seven-Star Alliance will send envoys to contact the other party’s leaders and invite the other party to become a member of their Seven-Star Alliance.

And the Fourth Universe is a universe that their Seven-Star Alliance intervened relatively early.

The universe country in the fourth universe has basically been investigated.

Those who meet the requirements and need to be invited to join the alliance are naturally invited.

The universe nations that can meet the requirements of the Seven-Star Alliance, their policy, or in some concepts, must be consistent with them.

Therefore, invitations from the Seven Star Alliance are rarely rejected.

The Dark Iron Empire in the early years was considered one, but didn't it join afterwards?

With this as a premise, in the Fourth Universe, these cosmic nations that did not join the Seven Star Alliance, to put it bluntly, were brushed down during the inspection process.

Among them, there are also a few cosmic nations, who originally applied for joining the Seven Star Alliance.

However, the Seven Star Alliance, which obviously did not intend to break this precedent, initially declined all these requirements without exception.

After this, those universe nations that were screened out in the Fourth Universe did not know whether it was due to some kind of confrontational psychology, or they wanted to save their face to a certain extent.

He directly formed a coalition organization called the ‘Fourth Universe Assembly’.

When it was founded, the core idea was that'the Seven Star Alliance intervenes in the Fourth Universe, and there is a huge threat to our local forces that cannot be ignored. In order to fight against it, we must also unite! ’

Therefore, the essence of the ‘Fourth Cosmic Council’ is to fight against the in-depth Seven Star Alliance and the cosmic nations in the Fourth Universe that have joined the Seven Star Alliance.

Excluding the fact that it does not meet the requirements of the Seven-Star Alliance, many of these cosmic nations have their own strength, and many of them exist.

At the beginning, it really looked decent.

A group of people got together and held meetings every three days, braving some bad water, trying to find the bad luck of those seven-star alliance member states in the fourth universe.

It is best to squeeze them out of the Fourth Universe directly to ensure the unity of their Fourth Universe.

However, the Seven Star Alliance is well-known after all. The label ‘people don’t offend me, I don’t offend people’ is directly affixed to the body.

If there is no valid reason, if you find them unlucky, the consequences may not be too good.

With this as a prerequisite, after the gang of the "Fourth Universe Assembly", various tricks are emerging in endlessly.

Suddenly condemned the human rights issues of their allies, and suddenly said that they did not pay attention to public environmental protection, and produced a large amount of space junk every year.

Don't look at what you are like, don't you produce more space junk than them every year? Not only secretly throwing it away, but also thinking about stuffing it in other cosmic countries every day!

In addition, UU reading often buys rhythm masters in their country to bring rhythm or do some sneaky things there.

Before the change, according to their strengths, facing the guilt of these cosmic nations whose national power was above them, even if they were upset, they could only hold their noses and endure them. After all, they could not provoke each other.

But now that with the Seven Star Alliance as the backing, the leaders of these cosmic nations combined, they just went back.

Faced with this situation, the opinions within the Fourth Cosmos Council are not very unified.

Some cosmic nations may really want to do something, but there are still many cosmic nations, they just joined the alliance out of a sense of self-protection.

For a series of behaviors of individual cosmic nations, they themselves did not have much enthusiasm for participation.

Coupled with the deterrence of the Seven-Star Alliance, individual cosmic nations would not dare to go too far when they were unable to unify their strength.

After a long time, after being slapped a few times and eating a few times, the happiest ones couldn't hold back their face, so they started to shake the pot, such as ‘why don’t you work hard? ’, ‘I suspect you are an agent of the Seven Star Alliance! ’