The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 436: Siege again

Standing on the wall of Baihe City, look out into the distance.

The barbaric army’s siege configuration is no different from yesterday’s.

Obviously, the other party has no intention of temptation from the beginning, and it is directly moving.

Today, after the other side has a certain experience, this battle against the city, Zhang Lu is obviously more difficult to fight.

The continuous firing of the three-bow bed and the large-scale arrow rain suppression of the archers have brought the brutal casualties, but they have not stopped the momentum of their advancement.

The group of barbarians who rushed to the front had already rushed under the wall.

Holding a rope suspected of flying claws in his hand, after a high-speed rotation, the wall of Baihe City was suddenly slammed.

One of the claws was suddenly buckled on the wall.

Then the barbarian, who was holding the rope, began to climb up, and the action was unexpected.

At this time, standing on the wall, naturally, will not let them do whatever they want.

Decisively signaled the soldiers to greet them with rolling wood and meteorites.

Wherever you can’t call it, it’s natural to send a knife and shield directly to cut off the flying claw ropes that are fastened to the wall.

Even if one or two barbarians are lucky enough to climb up, there will be a large number of knife shields blocking up and hacking them.

As far as the current situation is concerned, the situation is slightly anxious.

However, Zhang Xiao’s heart is clear, the other’s killer, that is, the long-haired monster like a hill is still behind.

And not only the long-haired monster, but also the ice bears.

This group of barbarians is obviously jealous of the means of fire attack he used yesterday.

So this time, they are not rushing to rush.

Instead, the ordinary barbarian warriors were sent to the front, and they stayed behind to wait for opportunities.

A group of barbarians and indigenous people can still have this calmness, which undoubtedly brought a little pressure on Zhang.

For a time, the whole battle against the city is also a trend that has to evolve into a protracted war.

At the same time, the other end...

The army of the orc tribes along the way made him delay a lot of time.

Until now, Luo Chengcai, who led the five hundred cavalry, finally rushed outside Baihe City.

At this time, across the distance, he has already heard the almost shouting sound of another battlefield.

"The barbarian is attacking the city?"

Listening to the movement in the distance, Luo Cheng could not help but frowned.

During the war between the enemy and the enemy, the cavalry without the ability to defend the city was useless in the city.

Realizing that this point of Luo's results broke his hand, "the whole army listened to the order, followed me and raided the enemy's rear!"

Luo Cheng, who is familiar with the terrain, quickly bypassed Baihe City with his five hundred cavalry and went straight to the battlefield in the north.

In the same way, the horse ran wildly around the northern battlefield.

At this time, looking at the opportunity, the behemoth that was approaching the Baihe City Wall suddenly caught the attention of Luo Cheng.

This time, he can understand that facing the barbarians in the district, Liu Meng why they will pick up the wolf.

"Blow the horn, send a signal, the whole army will charge with me!!"

There is no time to hesitate, and once the huge long-haired monster approaches the gate of Baihe City, what happens next can be imagined.

With the horn of the charge, Luo Cheng led five hundred cavalry into the battlefield.

The cavalry's goal is clear, like a sharp arrow from the string, directly to the moving long-haired monster.

The heated offensive horn reminded the soldiers of the Zhang Lu and the defending forces who stood guarding the wall.

Looking at the cavalry units that were killed from the battlefield, Zhang Lu and Liu Meng, both of them are excited!

"The reinforcements are here! The reinforcements of the Imperial City are here!!"

This scream shouted, and the morale of the defending soldiers who had been suppressed by the barbarians broke out instantly.

Zhang slightly looked at the opportunity and decisively waved the bronze sword in his hand. "The spearmen and the knife and shield troops will follow me out to meet the reinforcements!!"

The Baihe City Gate rises again.

Now that Liu Meng is seriously injured and unable to go to the front line to command the battle, then he can only take over.

Between the thoughts flying, Zhang slightly directly signaled the soldiers of the defending forces to open a classic contradictory formation and began to push outward.

On the other hand, the cavalry team led by Luo Cheng personally broke into the battlefield.

Realizing that he was the target of the cavalry, Hill brows slightly wrinkled.

In the bitter cold, there is no such creature, but there is no fear in Hill's heart.

Only when these cavalry are similar to the ice bear warriors of the Ice Bear tribe.

The speed is much faster than the Ice Bear Warrior, but watching the power is obviously far worse than the Ice Bear Warrior.

Pat Huck's back, the mammoth suddenly screamed at the cavalry that rushed to the ground.

This is a deterrent between animals. However, it is useless for the war of the world.

The horses that their cavalry team rode used special earplugs and eye masks to block their ears and blindfolded their eyes in order to prevent them from panicking on the battlefield.

The roar like this, the horses can't even hear it, how can they be scared?

"Target, the long-haired monster! Prepare the blood-sucking gun!"

The cavalry under Luo Cheng’s team, although not a bowman, but in order to ensure the lethality, each cavalry is also equipped with two blood-sucking guns placed on both sides of the saddle compared to the horseback The upper bow bends the arrow, and the difficulty of throwing the bloodshot gun is obviously a lot smaller.

After a little training, the five hundred cavalry has already made this hand look like a decent.


With the order of Luo Cheng, the blood-sucking guns in the hands of the cavalry were thrown out with a burst of dense wind and whistle.

This battle is undoubtedly amazing, and the exaggerated battle directly shocked Hill sitting on the back of Huck.

Let her voice completely disappear from the cold and calm of the past, almost screaming on the spot...

"Huck! Get away!!"

It is not necessary for Hildo to say that the mammoth like Huck is undoubtedly also feeling the almost death threat.

The beast's crisis instinct allowed it to drive its huge body and began to madly head in one direction.

The **** gun attack followed, and even the ice bear warriors with the surrounding ice bear tribe suffered.

On the spot, several ice bear warriors were killed by this overwhelming blood-sucking gun, and even the ice bears under the seat were not spared.

The huge mammoth, Huck, is the target of live detachment.

Wanting to retreat under such an attack is simply like an idiot talking about a dream.

The relatively timely blow, although it is to avoid most of the attacks, but the huge body is still hit by six or seven bloodshot guns on the spot.

The violent pain constantly spurred the mammoth like Huck's every nerve, almost to make it fall into a state of irrational violent state.

However, the characteristics of the blood-sucking gun is that the more the entrant is struggling, the faster the blood flow.

In the blink of an eye, a taupe of fine hair is instantly soaked.

For a moment, the sound of mourning and sorrow rang through the entire battlefield!