The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4421: Black hole

On the expeditionary side, as the follow-up troops continued to arrive, a stronger offensive began to launch wave after wave.

If they attacked the territory of the Republic of Vanega, they were counterattacked by the coalition forces and lost a series of battles on the front-line planets, as the first stage of this large-scale war.

So, now that the universe is known to form an expeditionary force, and launching a counterattack against them is undoubtedly the second stage of this war.

And it is only at the beginning of this second stage.

The core tactics of the Void Zerg are the worm tide tactics, which are known for fighting attrition wars.

Once this type of army encounters an opponent that can't be easily resolved, then the key to their victory or defeat will basically be placed in the middle and late stages of this war.

And now, obviously it is far from the time when they decide the outcome.

Under this premise, on the expeditionary side, due to the gathering of forces from all countries in the universe, there is no obvious shortcoming in the composition of their army. As long as appropriate adjustments are made, basically, they can fight any type of battle. .

However, through the experience accumulated in the first stage of the battle, the commanding generals of the expeditionary army have undoubtedly understood.

The decisive point for the Zerg army is in the later stage.

And how can they make the Zerg do what they want?

The opposite is going to play late? Then they have to increase their offensive in the early stage, and decide the victory or defeat against the opponent.

In fact, when the vanguard led by Liu Meng discovered the coordinate position of the Zerg planet and sent back a message, the mobilization efficiency of the expeditionary army in the rear had already begun to greatly accelerate.

They are all gathering on the front line at the fastest speed.

In order to destroy the Zerg in the early stage!

Even if there is no way to defeat them, we must create a clear advantage for them.

Anyway, there is only one core idea, and never delay with the opposite side!

This makes the expeditionary force's offensive look particularly fierce after the completion of the assembly.

In this process, they naturally unceremoniously let the army of the orc federation charge into battle.

In the void battlefield, the super giant Leviathan, like a small planet, is advancing!

In the face of such a behemoth, even Baltha, who has experienced countless wars of all sizes, feels a bit tricky.

At this moment, under its command, countless low-level soldiers and insects have launched a siege on the behemoth for a period of time.

However, even with the super corrosive liquid of the thorn cannon worms, reducing the defense strength of the target unit, countless soldiers gnawed their teeth and grabbed their claws, but they failed to smoothly break through the outer planet of the giant beast. Layer defense.

The planet they are now entrenched is not a large scale, and it can barely be regarded as a medium-sized planet.

Under this premise, the threat that the behemoths of the planet can pose to their planetary base becomes even greater.

If it hits it all at once, for them, it will really break the ground and stop the advance of this giant planet. For Baltha, it will suddenly become a matter of urgency.

In this state, the only thing to be thankful for is that while the opponent has a planet-level size and super defense, his own movement speed is very poor, which gives Baltha the opportunity to observe and study targeted tactics.

Through intelligence feedback, Baltha could confirm that the surface of this giant planet beast was covered with very fine scales like fish creatures.

Compared with the size of the creature, although these fine scales are small, their strength is surprisingly high.

From the current point of view, even if it is the super corrosive liquid of the thorn cannon worm, the effect is not particularly satisfactory when hitting the fine scales.

However, thanks to his rich experience in warfare, Baltha soon had an idea in his mind.

Upon receiving the order, on the battlefield, a group of troop carriers flew out quickly and flew towards the giant planet beast.

Leviathan itself is the frontline unit of the orc army, so in a round of offensive, Leviathan tends to be at the forefront of the army. While opening the way for the army, it is also helping the army attract and consume the opposite firepower. .

In other words, it is Leviathan's responsibility to protect the army. Under normal circumstances, the army will never protect Leviathan, the most defensive unit of their entire army.

With this kind of thinking, even though the orc army did not relax its vigilance in the face of the approach of the troop transport insects, it did not appear to be too nervous. Leviathan itself is fearless.

As the distance between the two sides kept getting closer, the huge troop carrier was undoubtedly dwarfed in front of the planet-level Leviathan.

In the next second, Leviathan's huge mouth that looked like a void black hole opened, and at the same time, the powerful suction from the mouth was to swallow all the flying soldiers!

At this moment, nothing can stop Leviathan from enjoying the meal in front of him.

In fact, it had already swallowed a large number of low-level warriors in the same way before.

This severe battlefield, to it, is like a huge dining table full of food.

Although most of the units of the Void Zerg have some insect poison or corrosive liquid on their bodies, the Leviathan is a planet-level behemoth unit of the Orc clan, and its resistance and strength are almost fully stretched. Some insect poison and corrosive liquid are not worth mentioning for it.

At least for now, these cannot pose a threat to it.

There was no room for resistance at all, and a large number of soldiers flying over from the front were swallowed by Leviathan's black hole.

Through the images of the battlefield returned, leaving aside the generals from the Otto Empire, the generals of the rest of the world, facing Leviathan's performance, flashed a touch of surprise in their eyes.

The military power of this orc federation is indeed well-deserved.

In the past, they were far away after all For the understanding of the military power of the Orc Federal State, more of it remained at a relatively pure level of intelligence, and few people had seen it with their own eyes.

Now that I have seen this giant beast like a planet with my own eyes, it is hard not to be shocked by its scale and posture.

There was even such an idea in the hearts of many generals for a moment...

"Maybe we don't need to take action, the army of the Orc Federation will be able to end this battle easily."

It has nothing to do with the size of the army. The point is that from the current situation, the Zerg army on the opposite side lacks the means to effectively prevent Leviathan from advancing.

Under this premise, as long as Leviathan rushes to that planet, then the planetary stronghold of the Zerg side will definitely suffer a devastating blow.

When the time comes, the Zerg will lose the stronghold that can support them to fight, and the entire line of defense will be defeated. Isn't the battle in front of it about to end?
