The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4444: , The rational Huo Qiguang

Driven by interests, in the known universe, leaders of major cosmic nations have expressed their opinions.

Among them, the leaders of the first-tier and second-tier powers, almost without thinking, decided to continue their expedition.

But when it comes to the third line and those cosmic countries below the third line, the situation is different.

It's not because the leaders of these cosmic nations don't want to continue the expedition. After all, this matter has been said very clearly. The expedition continues. From the long-term benefit point of view, it is undoubtedly beneficial to them.

However, compared with the first-tier and second-tier powers, the third-tier and lower-tier cosmic countries have undoubtedly much weaker national power.

The leaders of a powerful country can continue to maintain their expeditions by relying on their own national heritage while ensuring their interests. However, the cosmic nations at and below the third line do not have such a profound background.

Simply put, it's a little overwhelming.

At this stage, considering the development status of their respective universe nations, the leaders of the weak nations undoubtedly intend to accept them as soon as they see them well, so as not to continue to invest funds in the expedition and eventually destroy their own national development, which of course also includes Karen Bell is a small country in the universe.

For small cosmic countries like them, whose territory is limited to one planet, naturally they have won fewer spoils in this expedition.

Because their combat power is weaker, by themselves, even if the Zerg army has retreated, it is definitely not a simple matter to win a planet with a large number of worm nests.

In the end, even if they can win, they are likely to pay a very painful loss of force.

The small countries that did not want to suffer this loss of military strength finally came up with a way, that is, to form an alliance of small countries and attack together.

After invading a planet, their various small nations will jointly carve up the land within the planet.

Therefore, the spoils obtained by these small countries in their expeditions cannot be compared with those of the big countries.

But there is no question of fairness or unfairness, and it can even be taken for granted.

After all, you are a small country, and you have little effort in this expedition.

The leaders of these small countries, including Ye Tianxiong, are well aware of the statements of the leaders of the major powers.

While understanding the other party's situation, I also feel that the other party has made a relatively sensible choice.

With regard to the expeditionary forces in the known universe, the withdrawal of these small country forces cannot be said to have no impact at all, but the impact is very small.

In comparison, the cautious leaders of individual third-line universe nations will have a slightly greater impact on expeditionary forces with their withdrawal.

But it was far from the point where they needed to feel nervous.

After the meeting, Ye Tianxiong, who turned off the remote meeting equipment, was about to confirm with his secretary about the next itinerary.

As a result, at this moment, a private communication contacted him.

Ye Tianxiong took a closer look. It was Karen Bell’s current president, Huo Qiguang.

After all, he is a national leader and a member of their Seven Star Alliance. In addition, they also have trade cooperation with their Ye's Chamber of Commerce. It is obviously not uncommon for Huo Qiguang to contact Ye Tianxiong.

In the past, his daughter Ye Qingxuan was solely responsible for matters with Karen Bell...

Although Ye Tianxiong has always trusted his daughter’s survival ability, so many years have passed since Ye Qingxuan’s disappearance. One reality.

Time can smooth the pain to a large extent, but even so, whenever he thinks of this, Ye Tianxiong's eyes still can't help but feel a little sad.

After taking a deep breath, Ye Tianxiong adjusted his emotions and connected to Huo Qiguang.

"Hello, Your Excellency..."

For Ye Tianxiong, this conversation with Huo Qiguang was easy and simple, but the content was not.

The purpose of Huo Qiguang's approach to him this time can be summed up in one sentence, which is to sell the territory that the other party wants to seize Karen Bell from the front line to the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

It must be said that Huo Qiguang is still very sensible. When people are faced with too large interests, they are often easily confused by the interests and eventually do some stupid things.

But Huo Qiguang did not.

Even from the current situation, Huo Qiguang's mind is very clear, so he knows that for Karen Bell, that territory is a hot potato.

Unlike those cosmic nations whose strength and scale far exceed them, Karen Bell is just a small cosmic nation with limited power. They don't have the extra power to manage a territory that is so far away from Karen Bell.

Now that the expeditionary force is still there, whoever dares to stand up and challenge the situation will be targeted by all the expeditionary forces.

That's why a small country like them has never been violated.

But the problem is afterwards?

The expedition alliance cannot be maintained forever. Basically, after the expedition is After disbanding, the small nations holding the outer space of the universe suddenly become lambs to be slaughtered, and they simply can’t keep it. Live in that site.

Rather than taking time and effort, and not holding it in the end, it is better to sell it quickly while the situation is still stable, in exchange for some ready-made benefits.

For Karen Bell, the most preferred trader is undoubtedly the Yip Chamber of Commerce.

Their diplomatic relations between Karen Bell and the Yip Chamber of Commerce have always been good, and at the same time they have maintained close trade cooperation with it, which is only one of the reasons.

Another main reason is that compared with other cosmic countries, in Huo Qiguang's view, as a "businessman", the Yip Chamber of Commerce undoubtedly cherishes feathers the most and pays attention to the credibility of its chamber of commerce.

This allows their transactions to be adequately protected.

After all, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce has a big business, there is no need to smash the golden sign that has been operating in the known universe for so many years for such a thing, right?

With this mindset, through remote communication, Huo Qiguang and Ye Tianxiong expressed this intention.

Faced with the fact that Huo Qiguang wanted to sell their territory in the outer universe to the Ye Family Chamber of Commerce, as a businessman, Ye Tianxiong had no reason to refuse.

Because from a long-term development point of view, they will certainly not lose money, and even make a lot of money.

Of course, specific matters cannot be settled with such a simple two or three sentences.

If Huo Qiguang really wants to sell, then after that, their Ye's Chamber of Commerce will send someone to the territory to confirm and make a valuation, and then send the relevant person in charge to discuss the price with the person in charge of Karen Bell problem.

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