The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4459: , Game

On the expeditionary side, they did not intend to make an immediate move, or that they could not do it if they wanted to make an immediate move.

Around the star field where Planet 5, Planet 6, and Planet 7 are located, the overall position is relatively biased. The reinforcements on their side are mobilized, and the efficiency is not so fast.

Although they had dispatched a small group of troops to ambush there in advance, that little force could only be swallowed up in front of the worms of this scale.

The fundamental purpose of deploying this small force in advance is not to provide support at the first time, but to provide support and cover for the subsequent reinforcements.

At the same time, at such a crucial moment, they naturally have to calm down and look for opportunities. It is impossible to rashly and ruin the opportunity.

This is a work that requires patience, because they know the Zerg army and the commander on the opposite side, it is not so easy to get a hole from the other side.

By the way, it is worth mentioning here that in this wave, the enemy commander has obviously adjusted the configuration of the insect wave.

In the past, the Zerg army launched an offensive. The early worm tides were basically composed of low-level Zergs. Their purpose was to consume their offensive targets. Zergs generally put the decisive opportunity in the middle and late stages of a war. Therefore, more High-level arms and combat capabilities are naturally behind them.

But this time it was different.

The enemy commander clearly knew that their army was in poor condition, so as soon as they came up, they allocated a large-scale high-level combat power to the insect tide, which increased the insect tide's offensive power from the beginning.

The purpose is undoubtedly to speed up the pace of battle so that oneself can take down these three planets faster.

However, even if their army is in poor condition, this battle may not be as expected.

Needless to say, the orc army needless to say. On the 5th and 7th planets, the science and technology army is stationed, and the science and technology army is quite strong in the home field defense ability.

Therefore, in the case of having a home position, the technology side unit will have a home advantage far higher than the orc army.

The battlefield space is limited, and even if the Zerg's force is huge, it can't swarm all at once.

The Zerg itself lacks the explosive power to force a decision of victory in a short period of time.

With this as a prerequisite, it is obviously not an easy task for them to eliminate the technology side garrison with home field advantage in a short period of time.

"Damn it, it's all here, why are these guys so difficult?!"

The stubborn combat that the Expeditionary Army has shown now makes Baltha secretly annoyed in his heart. It has to admit that facing this group of guys, it has already lost the unhurriedness in the beginning.

However, this level of irritation is not enough to make it perform abnormally. Its reason is telling it that it must be calm. In this situation, once the opponent seizes the opportunity, even if it does not let the opponent directly reverse the situation. , But it will definitely have an impact on its advantages, which is not what it wants to see.

On the battlefield, as the battle continued, news from both sides continued to return to their respective commanders.

On the expeditionary side, the commanders who maintained internal communications and frequently confirmed the latest battles on the three battlefields frowned slightly, and their faces were slightly solemn.

"The guy on the opposite side really doesn't reveal any flaws."

At this moment, the generals of the expeditionary army basically thought this way.

The calmness of the opposing commander was a bit beyond their expectations.

Such a large-scale Zerg army is not difficult to command, and it is still a three-line operation.

However, in this state, the other party did not let them catch anything out of the phone...

"The reinforcements have arrived nearby. Do you want to wait?" Gu

After confirming the latest information just sent back, Yuan Xi's voice sounded in the communication channel.

"You can't wait any longer, at least you can't wait without doing anything."

After Yuan Xi's voice, Zhou Yi's voice rang in the communication channel.

"The commander on the opposite side is not a fool, and the other side is very familiar with this universe, so he knows roughly how long it will take for reinforcements to arrive nearby. If we have not shown up, the other side will definitely be suspicious and will be more alert."

Having said that, Zhou Yi sorted out his thoughts for a moment, and then spoke again...

"At the same time, the state of our army is not good. Although we have the home field advantage, we continue to be besieged unilaterally by the Zerg. It is difficult to guarantee that the morale of the garrison on the three planets will not be further hit. After being captured and allowing the Zergs to re-enter in, then the next battle will be even more difficult."

"So, General Zhou Yi has a clue about it?"

Facing Delk’s question, Zhouyi, who had already deduced the plan in his mind, quickly expressed his thoughts at this time...

"It's very simple, just send an appropriate force to support the orc army on planet 6."

There is no need to say too much. With a simple sentence, the generals have already understood the thoughts of Zhouyi and quickly received unanimous approval.

Upon receiving the order, the expeditionary force, a fleet, shouldered the task of supporting the orc army on planet VI, and moved quickly.

When approaching the periphery of Planet 6, his whereabouts were completely exposed. UU reading www. uukā

On the Zerg side, a wave of worms swarmed quickly, launching an offensive against the fleet, the situation on this side also spread to Baltha in the first time.

"The reinforcements on the opposite side are here."

This was the first thought that came to Baltha's mind at the time.

It's not too surprising. It knows roughly the speed of support between the various planets and various regions in this universe.

Calculating the time, the reinforcements on the opposite side really should have arrived.

Even to speak of it, the arrival time of the reinforcements on the opposite side was still some time later than it had estimated.

However, considering the fact that different vehicles and troops of different sizes have different movement efficiency, Baltha obviously will not be entangled with this issue. In that case, it will have too many things to entangle.

All in all, first send troops to intercept the reinforcements on the opposite side, and then explore the details of this support army.

At the same time, I did not forget to exchange information with the army on the other two sides through the neural network and confirm the situation.

"Only here are reinforcements, and no traces of reinforcements were found on the other two sides..."

After confirming the information, Baltha fell into a brief contemplation.

"Does the other side intend to concentrate their troops to support a battlefield, or is there any other purpose?"

When the army is in a poor state, it is not a weird move to concentrate troops to support a battlefield. It can even be said to be normal. It is also very understandable to give priority to supporting the orc army. After all, this group of orcs is fighting. The force is indeed very strong, and when the two sides cooperate, a stronger combat force can erupt.

But considering the opposing methods, Baltha undoubtedly still had some doubts in his mind.

However, at this time, I can't even think about it, but the final comparison is the ability of both parties to react to changes and adapt to changes!