The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4472: , Quick attack

It's not that the expeditionary army has never thought about it, directly opening the subspace channel, and directly attacking the battlefield of planet 6.

However, if you think about this method a little bit, you will find that it doesn't work at all.

It wasn't that the Zerg had done any tricks.

It was because there was a large force of Zerg who was sweeping toward them.

If they leave at this point in time, as soon as the Zerg’s follow-up reinforcements arrive, planet 7 will probably fall.

Of course, the generals also considered leaving a portion of their troops to garrison, and then command the large forces directly to planet 6.

But the question is how much to keep?

They don't know how many troops the Zerg has deployed.

At the same time, due to previous battles, the original garrison on planet 7 suffered almost half of the casualties, and the defensive facilities built inside the planet were also destroyed.

With this in mind, there is basically no home court advantage on Planet Seven.

If you stay less, there is no small possibility that it will be directly given for nothing. In the end, Planet 7 will still not be able to escape the fate of falling under the attack of the Zerg.

On the contrary, if they keep more, it is equivalent to distracting their expedition forces.

They are going to fight a tough battle with the main force of the Zerg. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the most important battle at this stage.

Under this circumstance, it would be unwise to dispatch a large number of troops to stay on Planet 7.

Considering all these factors, for the sake of caution, the safest way is to fight a wave of defensive counterattacks on Planet 7 first, and after killing the Zerg’s reinforcements, we can urgently support Planet 6 again. .

At this time, the orc army should still be able to withstand it.

At the same time, just in case, during this period of time, the garrison on Planet 7 must hurry up to repair and redeploy the defensive facilities on the planet to increase the defensive strength of this planet. Let the expeditionary army's actions become more comfortable.

In this process, in a certain area on the periphery of Planet 7, the space door opened, as if it had opened a weird fountain. Countless worms continued to gush out from it, and in this piece of void The middle berth unfolded.

Now it is an expeditionary force that has taken control of the surrounding area, and undoubtedly caught the spatial fluctuations coming from here the first time.

Without any hesitation, the fleet that was performing patrol missions in that area at the time gathered at one place at the fastest speed, and directly attacked the Zerg reinforcements that had just arrived.

Of course, the offensive was dominated by fighting and harassment. It was not until the arrival of the follow-up army that a formal offensive was launched.

From this move, it can be seen that the generals of the expeditionary army did not intend to move the battlefield to the defense line of Planet Seven.

As mentioned earlier, the defense facilities on Planet 7 had already been destroyed in the Zerg’s previous attack.

In order to provide defensive forces to the garrison in the future, it is undergoing urgent repair and redeployment.

Taking into account their entire big plan, at this stage they undoubtedly want to avoid as much as possible to the defensive facilities that are being redeployed and bring new losses.

Therefore, the generals of the expeditionary army, with a mentality of not having much home court advantage anyway, directly set the battlefield on the outer void of Planet Seven.

With the Zerg forces pressing on Planet 7 almost completely wiped out by them, the forces that were subsequently supported would not be able to pose much threat to them in the face of their main force.

And the facts did not exceed the expectations of the expeditionary army. Valley

At this moment, the thinking of the opposing commander was also clear.

The other party's previous purpose was to send troops to limit them to planet 7 and delay time so that they could capture planet 6 or planet 5.

Thinking about it now, the Hundred Ghost Army has been paddling before, and it is not without benefits.

At least their paddling behavior caused the commander on the Zerg side to misjudge the explosive power of their expeditionary force.

In the previous battle, the outburst of the Hundred Ghost Army not only caught the Zergs by surprise, but also greatly improved their offensive efficiency. This allowed them to successfully defeat the entrenched force before the arrival of this support force. The enemy's army on Planet No. 1 finally formed the present new situation.

Otherwise, once this support force converges with the army originally entrenched on Planet 7, the whole situation may have to be changed again.

In any case, the plan of the opposing commander has been disrupted by them.

After the original plan was disrupted, no matter what the opponent had, they had already taken the offensive rhythm anyway.

The next step is to fight a wave of fast breaks, destroy this reinforcement as quickly as possible, and then attack the battlefield on planet 6 without giving the opponent the opportunity to send troops here, and at the same time dominate the war. Fight!

In order to achieve this goal, in the previous battle, the Elf Legion, who had just consumed another round, directly handed over their last Tier 6 spell, Burning Sky Fire!

At that moment, along with the casting of the spell, the elemental flames that burst out, directly and the entire void within the area were completely burned!

With the crazy diffusion of elemental power, the energy shock formed by UU Reading almost set off a void storm.

One blow, just one blow! The aggressive Zerg reinforcements were hit **** the spot.

After this, the science and technology side forces fully fired and launched a raid with long-range firepower. At the same time, the Yanhuang Army and the Hundred Ghost Army joined the battlefield.

Among Yan Huang's army, Nanhuangjun Xu Yu personally entered.

A Suzaku sword in his hand swept back and forth, invincible in all directions!

In this wave, the expeditionary force can be described as a series of ultimate moves in the true sense. How can the Zerg reinforcements that arrive at the scene withstand such a battle? Soon it was a complete failure.

The follow-up clearance mission will be directly handed over to the garrison troops on the 7th planet.

In addition, due to continuous outbreaks in a short period of time, the elven legion, which was seriously consumed and greatly reduced in combat power, also stayed on Planet 7 to assist in the eradication and suppression. At the same time, it was considered to be on Planet 7 side. Save some deployment, just in case.

The expeditionary army, who arranged all these things at the fastest speed, did not stop this time, opened the space door directly, locked a relatively safe interstellar coordinate behind planet No. 6, and directly launched the subspace shuttle.

At the same time, on Planet Six, through the neural network, Baltha had already received the latest intelligence.

The explosive power of the expedition army exceeded its expectations twice in a row in a short period of time.

It's hard to imagine that in that terrible state, the other party could show such an amazing explosive power.

This news is undoubtedly bad news for Baltha, but amidst this pile of bad news, there is still a good news for the time being, that is, Nanhuang Jun Xu Yu has appeared on the battlefield of Planet 7.

In other words, the other party is not here...

