The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4503: , acting addicted

The appearance of Luo Ji, the 'language genius', brought the formal conversation between the two of them forward.

On this day, after breakfast, the door of his room was opened again, and the moment the other party called him 'come out' in a simple tone, Luo Ji knew that the first official conversation between the two of them was finally about to begin.

At the same time, it is not surprising that in this conversation, he should be the only one on their side.

The other party is very cautious. At this point, they do not intend to let their own people easily contact each other. They should be trying to prevent them from colluding.

Of course, this doesn't hinder Luo Ji too much...

There was no accident at the place of the conversation, it was in Henry Boer's office.

Luo Ji was no stranger to this place. He didn't dare to say that he had already figured out 100% of the map and the distribution of the houses, but at least he had figured out 95% of it.

However, in order not to arouse suspicion from the other party, Luo Ji pretended to be here for the first time and looked around quietly, and let the other party see it intentionally or unintentionally.

Henry Bol had no idea about this. After seeing the guards bring Luo Ji in, he spoke out slowly...

"You go out first and close the door."


In response, the two guards retreated outside the office, and as the office door closed, Henry Boer's gaze fell on Luo Ji...

"Don't be nervous, sit down."

While speaking, he was probably worried that Luo Ji couldn't understand what he meant, so Henry Boll made a special gesture of 'please sit down'.


Expressing his thanks in words with a slight accent, Luo Ji took advantage of the situation and pulled out the chair directly opposite Henry Bol's desk and sat down.

Henry Bohr, who had learned about the situation from Luo Ji's language teacher, had already had a clue in his heart.

At this point, of course, he wouldn't be surprised when Luo Ji said "thank you".

After watching the other party sit down, Henry Bol gave a brief self-introduction...

"I'm the director of this penitentiary, Henry Bol. You can call me the director or the director of Bol. Can you roughly understand what that means?"

"Hello, Director Bol."

At this moment, Luo Ji showed in a very direct way that he could understand.

"My name is Luo Ji."

How to express the word 'Luo Ji' in the language here, he obviously hasn't learned it yet, but it's not a big problem. For this kind of thing, just transliterate it directly.

Combining with Luo Ji's previous statement, Henry Bol certainly knew that the latter two unfamiliar tones were Luo Ji speaking his name.


Just like Ye Qingxuan and the others had a hard time learning the pronunciation of this language, the intonation of the word Luo Ji was very different from Henry Boer.

But these are all minor issues, and it's not that your elementary school Chinese teacher is approving homework, and they're specifically circling you for typos. As far as Henry Boer and Luo Ji are concerned, they just need to be able to guarantee their communication at a minimum.

After a simple greeting and an exchange of names, Henry Boer's next question was undoubtedly about Luo Ji's origins.

Of course, Luo Ji couldn't just ask the other party to ask him unilaterally, so usually after answering the other party's question, he would often throw a question of his own to ask Henry Bohr.

While obtaining information, this is undoubtedly a test of Henry Boer, to test the attitude of the other party.

If the other party is willing to exchange information with him, it at least shows that the other party's attitude towards them is okay. On the contrary, if the other party only wants to unilaterally get information from him, but has no intention of handing over his own information, then they will undoubtedly Reconsider the current situation.

For now, Henry Bohr did not refuse to answer Luo Ji's question.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Luo Ji not asking any sensitive questions.

Luo Ji's question is nothing more than centered on 'Where is this place? ’ and ‘What race are you? ' on such a 'superficial' issue.

According to Henry Bol, this is a cosmic country called the Holy See Kingdom of the Holy Light, and their race is called the Winged Men.

But when Luo Ji asked where in the universe this 'Holy Light Holy See Nation' was located, Henry Bol gave him a new, unfamiliar and convoluted term called 'Holy Light Cosmos'.

This was obviously their own way of naming things. With Henry Bohr's simple explanation and Luo Ji's own understanding, he finally figured it out.

It turns out that this so-called 'Holy Light Universe' is actually a huge territory composed of multiple universes. They know that the universe generally refers to this territory composed of multiple universes as a 'star cluster'.

If the other party didn't lie, then the territorial scope of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light was even more exaggerated than he imagined.

Even if those universes are all the smallest ones, when combined together, their scale will exceed any force in their known universe!

And with this question raised by Luo Ji, Henry Bohr naturally asked him where he came from and why he appeared here. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Regarding this issue, Luo Ji undoubtedly had a long time with Ye Qingxuan.

After that, let's see Luo Ji play by himself...

To be honest, Luo Ji has been feeling addicted to acting recently, and it's fun to act.

Next, what he said was called a stumbling block, which made Henry Bolt listening hard, and at the same time greatly increased the difficulty of the other party's understanding.

Most importantly, you have nothing to complain about.

People are talking to you in your language, how long have you been learning?

Henry Boer confessed that he was going to learn Luo Ji's language, and he would definitely not speak as well as Luo Ji.

People can learn so quickly and communicate with each other, so why don't you just have fun and make demands?

Finally, after Luo Ji had stumbled over the words, Henry Boll digested and understood it again, and then he could be considered to have a general understanding.

According to Luo Ji's statement, they came from a very powerful cosmic country. They were originally on an interstellar journey, but they encountered space turbulence on the way, lost their way, and finally came here.

Luo Ji's remarks can't really be said to be false, and at the same time, he didn't elaborate.

Therefore, Henry Bohr could not hear anything wrong.

Under this premise, Henry Boer was undoubtedly quite interested in the 'very powerful cosmic kingdom' that Luo Ji spoke of, and he started his inquiry centered on this.

Luo Ji's response to this was rather simple.

For some simple questions, he simply answers. As for the other party, if he asks some troublesome questions, or asks some questions that make him undecided and he doesn't know how to answer for the time being, then he will pretend not to listen. Understand, or pretend not to know what to say to fool the past.