The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4558: , the role model of the believers

Looking at the carriage parked in front of their church, and the winged guards, what happened here, Father Wei Lun basically already knew what was going on.

Walking into the church, facing the smiling inspector who was approaching him, Father Wei Lun just nodded at the other party with a flat expression, and then in the next second, his eyes fell on the extremely restrained Sister Mana. body.

"Mana, did anything happen while I was away from church?"

Father Wei Lun's question caused a slight stiffness in the expression of the inspector who was still smiling, and a sense of displeasure rose in his heart, but at the same time, there was also a little happiness.

He has long heard that Father Wei Lun attaches great importance to this human being. Fortunately, when he came here, he controlled his subordinates.

Unlike the Ombudsman, Sister Mana, who didn't have so many thoughts in her mind, quickly shook her head after hearing Father Wei Lun's question, indicating that nothing happened.

During this process, Father Weilun was also looking at Sister Mana, looking up and down. After confirming that it was all right, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Mana, it's getting late, go and prepare dinner first."

Hearing this, Sister Mana felt as if she had been granted amnesty. After bowing slightly to the Inspector, she hurriedly left the church.

After Sister Mana left, Father Willon turned his attention to the Inspector again...

"Lord Inspector suddenly came to my church, what's the matter?"

Father Wei Lun said these words politely, but from the unsalty tone of the other party, the Inspector did not feel much politeness about it.

Of course, he could probably guess the reason for Father Wei Lun's behavior.

Afterwards, I saw the inspector laughing dryly as he took out the money bag he had prepared for a long time...

"I have heard about today's incident, disturbing the priest's mission, it is my subordinates who are wrong, I have already punished them, this time, I also made a special trip to apologize to the priest, and at the same time, attach this statement Donate to the church, I apologize."

Looking at the purse handed over by the inspector with a smile, the other party's intention was obvious. As long as he took the purse, the matter would be turned over.

Father Wei Lun is not a person who sees money, but at the same time he also knows that it is not interesting to hold on to such a thing.

Because even if this matter is really investigated, the inspector in front of him is at most a helpless emperor, and it will only be the two winged guards who are miserable.

Thinking of this, Father Weilun took the purse and put it into his pocket without looking at it, saying that this matter is over.

"The church thanks you for your donation, Lord Ombudsman."

This move made the inspector slightly relieved.

Even if the other party really wants to pursue it, he can completely push the responsibility to his subordinates, but this is a troublesome thing after all, if it can be avoided, it is better to avoid it.

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Of course, according to his temperament, it is impossible to pay for two subordinates who don't even know their names.

You know, that money bag contains ten silver coins!

Even for him as an inspector, it is definitely not a small amount, let alone a church in Xiacheng District, which is basically donated by no one, these ten silver coins are definitely a huge sum of money.

And the inspector who took out this huge sum of money naturally has another purpose, that is, to inquire about the 'Scarlett' from Father Wei Lun's side, and let the other party not interfere in the next thing.

To put it bluntly, I want to bribe the other party.

But Father Wei Lun put away the money bag without even looking at it. The inspector really did not expect this.

It made him feel like the whole thing was a bit out of his control.

After all, at this point, he couldn't signal Father Weilun to open the purse and count how much money he had?

It was already obvious what Father Wei Lun did just now, that is, 'This is the money donated to the church, no matter how much it is, it has nothing to do with me personally. ’

Under the circumstances of Father Wei Lun's statement, if the inspector hinted at something, it would be suspected of bribery, although he did intend to do so at the beginning...

But aside from these careful thoughts, bribing the clergy is also a felony!

Moreover, such serious clergymen are not the same as those wingmen who have been reduced to serving in the lower city.

Because if you want to become a clergyman, there is a very important criterion, that is, piety.

Although some clergy will accept some 'private donations' for trivial matters, when a clergyman has clearly shown that he does not accept 'private donations', if you mention this again, then But it's kind of dead.

The current situation made the inspector secretly regret it.

If he knew it would be like this, he put five silver coins in the money bag.

But now it is useless to struggle with this issue. After adjusting the mentality, UU reading only listens to the Inspector's silent opening...

"Speaking of which, Father, why did you go to preach there today?"

As soon as these words were said, the inspector's intentions were completely revealed.

In this regard, Father Weilun did not have too many surprises, and he was obviously mentally prepared.

At the same time there is nothing to hide.

"Scarlett and his wife received relief from our church when they were in despair. Now they have gone out, but they have always remembered this kindness. Every once in a while, they will come to the church to donate."

"Among them, Mrs. Scarlett is also a devout believer. She is not only a devout believer in our Lord, but also keen to spread the teachings. This time, it is the case. She specially spent manpower and material resources and gathered the masses to come and listen. doctrine."

In the end, Father Wei Lun was already full of relief.

Leaving the church and returning to his carriage, at this moment, the Inspector's face was already as ugly as it was ugly.

This matter has been much more troublesome than he expected.

According to Father Wei Lun, such missionary activities are not only held once, but will be held from time to time.

At the end of the conversation, they exaggerated and praised Scarlett and his wife. In that battle, they almost didn't directly call their husband and wife a model for believers.

After this wave, the inspector's eyelids jumped.

Because from the point of view of behavior, everything the other party has done is really to compare the large number of Wing Ren believers in the upper city.

After all, even Wing Ren believers rarely have the kind of people who invest a lot of manpower and material resources just to promote their teachings... Click to download the APP of this site, massive novels, free to read!