The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4565: , without blood

Remember [New] for a second,! With the continuous expansion of the scale and industry of the group, the business of the Scarlet Group has extended to all aspects of people's lives in Xiacheng District.

Among them, the most surprising is actually the takeaway service.

This was a business temporarily launched by the Scarlet Group during the gang strife at the time.

Originally, even within the group, many people thought that after this wave of turmoil passed, the business should be cold.

After all, as I said before, most of the human beings in the lower city are not well-off, and the act of ordering takeout itself will increase their purchase cost in terms of money.

Before, it was too dangerous outside, and there was no other way. For the sake of personal safety, everyone could only order takeout.

And now that all the major forces have died down, there should be peace for a long time in the future, so everyone must have bought it by themselves, and it is impossible to pay the extra takeaway fee.

However, what everyone did not expect was that although the business of takeaway services was affected to a certain extent at the beginning, soon, the business began to pick up again.

The reason is also very simple, that is, don't underestimate the lazy cancer of human beings.

Especially in this era of inconvenient transportation, if you go out to buy something, it will take a lot of time and effort to go far.

Not to mention, they are already tired enough from their usual work. Who doesn't want to save more effort when they can?

Of course, there is also a very main reason that in the past few months, many people have developed the habit of ordering takeout.

After the neighborhood has returned to peace, these people may be able to pick up the energy at first and go shopping on their own.

But after that, whenever they encounter a situation, for example, they are a little tired today and don't want to move when they get home, they will have the idea of ​​'ordering takeout'.

The more times this idea occurs, the more shaken they will be, and the more they will be defeated.

Based on this, the Scarlet Group has also launched a new slogan, or a publicity concept, for the takeaway service.

The core idea is very simple: 'Time is money, and your time is very valuable! ’

Humans living in the Holy See Kingdom generally do not have this concept.

But this logic is actually very simple and easy to understand.

To give a simple example, how much money can you make if you spend the time you spend shopping for things at work?

Or, if you spend the time you spend going out to buy things on rest, will you be able to raise your spirits, devote yourself to the next work in a better state, and show higher work efficiency and earn money? to more money?

On this premise, Scarlet Group has also launched a new campaign for takeaway services.

That is the package season and package year activities.

Due to the restrictions of the times, in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, if you want to build a take-out service, you first need a take-out box. After all, there is no app here, which allows you to convey your demands and understand the situation on the Internet.

To install a takeaway box, you need to pay ten copper coins every month.

This expenditure is not large, but it is not small either.

Under this premise, in order to mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, Scarlet Group launched activities.

If you buy a seasonal package, that is, you can order a three-month delivery service in one go, you can enjoy a 10% discount, and you will be eligible for a free delivery fee once a month.

By analogy, the annual package is divided into half-year package and full-year package. The half-year package enjoys a 20% discount, and there are two free delivery fees per month. Eligibility for delivery charges.

Due to the Scarlet Group, the residents of the lower city are basically very clear about the concept of 'discount'.

Therefore, this activity is quite attractive to the residents of Xiacheng District who have already enjoyed the takeaway service.

Under the combination of the two, since the launch of the event and the new publicity concept, the business of this takeaway service in Xiacheng has really increased layer by layer, and it has also made the takeaways painful and happy.

The workload suddenly became too much, and every day, it was the rhythm that made them run and break their legs.

Although the money is made, people are also tired and stupid.

With more and more people ordering takeout, now from time to time, there will be cases where no one takes the order.

Once this kind of thing happens, it will not only be as simple as making less money, but it will also affect the reputation of the Scarlet Group.

In response to this situation, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had not thought about giving the delivery drivers personal tricycles or something.

According to their current technology, it is very simple to make a simple human tricycle.

The existence of man-powered tricycles can allow the delivery staff to bring more goods at a time, while being more labor-saving and efficient.

But after thinking about it for a while, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan quickly realized that they couldn't do it.

In this era when animals are still pulling carts, it is really eye-catching that they come out with personal tricycles.

In this way, castrate a little bit, and provide a cart for the takeaways.

If not, then recruit more takeaways.

In this Xiacheng District, everything may be lacking, but there is absolutely no shortage of people.

Maintaining this rhythm, the peace between the various forces in the Xiacheng District lasted for two or three months.

With the gradual increase in temperature, the season gradually enters summer.

Among them, Barenque, who bought a batch of weapons from Luo Ji at the beginning, was considered a successful revenge. Later, relying on his own bravery and bringing a group of brothers, he was considered to have survived the turmoil.

But Barrenk is undoubtedly a sensible person, knowing that their current situation is not optimistic, and he has also heard about the reputation of the Scarlett Group.

In the end, after weighing it up in his heart, he simply took the initiative to join the Scarlet Group. UU reading

Now in the security department, with a cadre Dangdang, life is also very moisturizing.

And the effect of this force headed by Barenke seems to have brought about some kind of chain reaction, and the surrounding forces have come into effect one after another.

The reason for this is because the Scarlet Group is too strong today.

It has already become the most powerful force in Xiacheng District.

Their existence, for other forces in Xiacheng District, is basically a dimensionality reduction attack, and other forces have no way to compete with them.

Joining if you can't beat it is now the most sensible approach in the Xiacheng District.

This kind of behavior made the territory and scale of the Scarlet Group, like a snowball, continue to grow exponentially.

Some of the forces that had not planned to act like this at first, after seeing the actions of other forces and the scale of the Scarlet Group, they no longer wanted to fight.

After this back and forth, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan actually completed the great unification of the forces of Xiacheng without bloodshed!