The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4591: , tax collection is a hassle

As the obvious boss of the Scarlet Group, the current Luo Ji has transformed into the actual ruler of this lower city.

However, this lower city area is big after all, and there are not many good channels for transmitting information here.

Although this major incident has attracted the attention of countless residents of the lower city, this does not prevent some residents far from the suspension bridge area from living their own lives with an attitude of nothing to do with them.

After Luo Ji came to power, the core of their next plan was undoubtedly to develop.

To develop, you must first have money.

Their Scarlet Group is located in the Xiacheng District. Although they belong to the wealthy and lucrative level, they are still the size of the group after all.

It is actually unrealistic to use the Scarlet Group's money to develop an entire lower city.

And really speaking, developing in Xiacheng is a public development project, and the group's money belongs to Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's small treasury, not public funds.

Therefore, in theory, such development projects generally spend public funds.

And where does this public money come from?

The biggest source of public funds, without a doubt, is taxes!

There is no doubt that the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light also collects taxes, but it is also due to the problem of the times. The tax money is also messed up by the wing people.

But the wing people don't care.

Because for human beings, those winged officials have always stabbed to death.

The core idea is that they may charge more, but they can never charge less.

Usually tax collection, most of them are more casual, whoever dazzling jumps under their noses, they will collect whoever.

Under this premise, the wing people will regularly collect taxes from house to house at regular intervals, and the overall behavior is similar to collecting protection fees.

By the way, when the winged guards came to the door of their tool shop aggressively, they just wanted to take people for crazy exploitation called "tax collection".

On that trip, if people were really caught, according to the censor's urination at that time, when they came out, they would basically have to go bankrupt.

But unfortunately, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had foresight and sacrificed Father Weilun, which made the Wingren miserable.

Now, for the development of Xiacheng District, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan will undoubtedly begin to collect taxes.

But if you want to collect taxes, you must first let the people in the lower city know who will be in charge of this place in the future, and who will you pay the taxes to?

At the same time, only after everyone clearly knows the news, some policies you will publish next can be better implemented.

In this way, after Luo Ji took office, in order to let all the people in Xiacheng fully understand this information, as the owner of the Scarlet Group, he directly launched an event. All the properties of Wright Group are discounted, and all products are sold at 40% off.

Don't underestimate this 40% discount, except when the Scarlet Tool Store just opened, they had this kind of discount, and at other times, even if they hold an event, the discount is only 20% off at most 10% off.

This also makes the products of 'Scarlet' keep their value very well, and the golden signboard has always been bright.

Under this premise, the industry of Scarlet Group has already penetrated into all aspects of people's life in Xiacheng District.

Therefore, as soon as this activity with the scope of all industries of the whole group was launched, the entire Xiacheng District was immediately boiled.

When a large number of Xiacheng residents turned their attention, there was news about Scarlet, the boss of the Scarlet Group, who has now become the actual ruler of Xiacheng, and a series of relevant information that needs to be disseminated. Naturally Imbue them with the past quickly.

After that, it took ten or ten to a hundred. In just a few days, the entire Xiacheng District, with millions of people, basically no longer existed, and who didn't know about this matter.

Immediately afterwards, Luo Ji promulgated his first policy after he took office, which was the tax policy.

After the promulgation of the policy, the Xiacheng District was full of cheers, and no one was dissatisfied and protested at all.

The reason is quite simple, it all depends on the predecessor to set off.

Previously, Yiren collected taxes too harshly, basically taking 90% or more directly.

On the other hand, after Luo Ji came to power, he directly divided the account by 50 to 50 percent.

After comparing before and after, who will be dissatisfied? Unless you get kicked in the head by a mule!

But that doesn't mean it's easy...

Although Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan have already drawn up plans, and with the help of the Group's financial department, they have developed the framework of the tax department in advance, and even the candidates for the tax officer have already been selected, but in this era, tax collection is still exhausting. trouble.

After that, the newly established tax department was undoubtedly busy, so Ye Qingxuan had to go to the tax department temporarily and made a cameo appearance as a tax officer to help.

During this period, it is worth mentioning that Luo Ji had no plans to move into the Supervision Bureau.

The location of the Inspectorate is near the drawbridge.

At the beginning, the wing people in Shangcheng set up this way, UU reading www.uukanshu. The purpose of com is to make it easier for them to guard the suspension bridge, and at the same time, when there is an unexpected situation, they can block the only way to connect the upper city and the lower city in time, but Luo Ji does not need this.

If he moved into the Inspectorate, considering its geographical location, wouldn't that be equivalent to moving his base to the border?

Although he didn't think that the bishop suddenly couldn't think of it, he flipped the table to start, but this way of putting his base camp in danger is really too stupid.

Therefore, Luo Ji of the Supervision Bureau directly changed it into a police station. The first director was Wade, the former head of the security department of the Scarlet Group, and dispatched enough police force there. Needless to say.

After that, Barenke took over as the head of the security department.

Luo Ji himself, on the other hand, set up his city master's mansion in the center of the Xiacheng District, and opened a civic center nearby.

This was established in consideration of subsequent long-term development.

Compared with their predecessors, they have a lot of conscience about paying taxes, but to be honest, no matter how much your taxes drop, some people will still escape.

If you want everyone to pay taxes voluntarily, in addition to legal constraints, there is a very, very important point, that is, you have to let them know the benefits of paying taxes!

Medical insurance, endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, and various types of living security have all been put on the agenda, and will be implemented one by one.

And those who can enjoy these social benefits are undoubtedly the taxpayers who abide by the law...

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