The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4618: , Who would be so busy?

The Scarlet Mall has become more and more influential in Uptown, which has also allowed some wingmen led by Henry Bol to slowly throw away their prejudice and begin to have a more objective and fair understanding of the human race.

But that doesn't mean that everything is smooth sailing.

In fact, there are still many wingmen who resist and reject them.

In order to stabilize their rule, religious factions have carried out brainwashing among the winged people for so many years. Their influence can be said to be deeply ingrained. How can they be shaken so easily?

The Wingmen who started to consume in the Scarlet Mall now, to put it bluntly, are not fanatics of the Wingmen religion, they are just some ordinary Wingmen, or ordinary believers.

These days, there are already quite a few wingmen boycotting organizations that have started large-scale demonstrations and public speeches to promote the so-called theory of human harm.

To put it bluntly, this has been completely smeared.

If it weren't for the deterrence of the border army, those wingmen who organized these activities would have rushed into the Scarlet Mall with mad believers and smashed them.

Under this premise, with a just-in-case mentality, Henry Boll added another patrol near the Scarlet Mall, and also set up a police booth opposite the mall.

This deployment is undoubtedly a lesson from Luo Ji. Since the two sides reached a cooperation and he was temporarily in charge of managing the city, Henry Bol often went to Xiacheng District. While discussing business with Luo Ji, he was also talking to Luo Ji. Learning from the scriptures made him gain a lot.

"This is the mastermind behind the organization of the parade and fanning the emotions of the winged people, which can basically be confirmed..."

"The church side, right?"

In the private meeting room in Xiacheng District, Luo Ji answered calmly.

This answer is really too good to guess.

Under normal circumstances, some winged people with extreme psychology are just a piece of sand to put it bluntly. Even if they are dissatisfied with human beings in their hearts, with the support of the border army, they basically can't do anything.

Taking this as a premise, this is a speech, and a large-scale demonstration is organized, and it is also a high-frequency organization.

This kind of thing, if you don't invest a lot of time and energy, you will definitely not be able to do it, but where do you get so much time and energy to fix this?

Although the winged people are idle, but they are not idle to this extent, right?

Not to mention, an ordinary wingman, who would really be idle and have nothing to do with the current ruler of the city and the border army?

The guy who can do this can't be an ordinary wingman, and there must be huge interests involved.

Putting several conditions together, who else could it be besides the church?

The development strategy of Henry Bol and the Frontier Army was devastating to the original ruling system of religious sects.

And leave aside such long-term issues, talk about immediate interests.

That's the opening of the Scarlet Mall, which is making the church's monthly donations dwindle…

"So how does Lord Bol plan to solve this problem?"

Luo Ji, who said this, didn't seem to care.

The current ruler of this city is the military faction, there are border troops, and the wingmen of the religious faction, even if they are unhappy, it is useless.

At most, those wingmen are like now, hold a parade, give speeches on the hour, and pour dirty water on them.

But to be honest, those dirty water are basically splashed and splashed, it is really nothing new.

So far, these guys are at best annoying to Luo Ji, but as long as they don't watch or listen, the substantial damage that the other party can cause to the Scarlet Group is almost negligible.

The Wingmen in Uptown are indeed rich, but they are few in number.

The main profit of Scarlet Group still comes from consumption in the lower city.

Of course, after having business contacts with the border army, the border army is now their big customer, and those wingmen in Shangcheng can only be ranked last.

This is also the biggest reason why Luo Ji's performance is so indifferent.

At the same time, he also knew that if this matter could not be settled, it would definitely not be him, but Henry Boll.

Because this is a huge stumbling block for Henry Bolle in his future development policy!

Sure enough, after mentioning the problem of the church, Henry Boer's face showed a clear headache.

The existence of the church is not just a stumbling block. It is a stumbling block that cannot be easily removed.

The rulers of the military faction and the religious faction, albeit in an adversarial relationship.

But with their 'God' as the core, religion itself is the foundation of Holy Light Holy See country!

After all, the wingmen of their military faction are also believers of "God". The religious faction and the military faction only distinguish their behavior and position.

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They can defeat the rulers of the existing religious sects, and then manage and develop the sect better in their own way, but they can never destroy the sect.

This also makes even in this city ruled by the frontier army, the clergy of those religious factions still have energy that cannot be underestimated. UU reading

You know, the winged people are basically all believers, and these clerics can even incite some fanatics to directly stage a coup.

Although that civilian force seems vulnerable to the frontier army.

But once there is a war, and there are casualties of the people, the subsequent impact will be very bad.

Especially in the early stage of the revolution, this will directly shake the subsequent governance of the border army.

This also led to the fact that in this city, even Henry Boll could not easily attack those clergymen.

Unless there is a legitimate reason enough to convince the public, once the knife is used, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Okay, Lord Bol, I'm not interested in listening to you spit grievances here. You can talk to Father Willun about these things."

While speaking, Luo Ji put a glass of golden-yellow bubbly drink in front of Henry Bohr.

"what is this?"

"Our group's food development department, the latest 'wheat beverage' developed."

Hearing this, Henry Bol didn't think much about it, he took a sip directly, his expression was very rich, and finally after drinking the 'wheat drink', Henry Bol said with emotion...

"You always have a way to empty people's wallets."

The Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light does have beer, but they are all relatively crude rye beers, not only with a lot of impurities, but also with poor taste. In comparison, their new wheat beer is refreshing and delicious. There are too many, and it also has a wheat fragrance, which is more in line with the taste of the public.

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