The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4641: , Tian Ji horse racing

Every move of the frontier army is a major event for the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, and the news cannot be concealed at all.

Henry Bol was able to obtain first-hand information faster than ordinary people through internal channels, but the people would know this information sooner or later.

For example, the winged men of the religious faction who have shrunk in the hinterland have begun to persuade them to surrender after the military faction has slowed down the offensive.

That means, to put it bluntly, 'You withdraw your troops now, and we can pretend that this never happened! ’

But this is clearly unrealistic.

After all, can this even happen?

Do you believe it or not? Anyway, I don't believe it, do you really think we are stupid? !

Facts have proved that the wingmen of the religious faction are indeed very bad. The front foot has just finished talking and can pretend that this has never happened.

Fortunately, the generals of the frontier army never believed in the nonsense of religious factions from the beginning, and they were all prepared long ago, so that the attacking religious legions did not find anything cheap.

Of course, at this stage, it is also a fact that the state of the border army is not so good.

According to the strategy of the border army, and looking at the battles on both sides, it is estimated that there will be a stalemate for a while.

Under this premise, the key point is really the Chief Judge and Judge Knights who are on the border. If this force can break through from the border and withdraw to the hinterland for support, then the border army will definitely be difficult to fight next.

But as I said earlier, the presiding judge and his knights of judgment were basically surrounded by the frontier army as soon as they arrived at the frontier army.

At the same time, in order to contain the presiding judge, the six-winged holy-winged species, the military faction also specially sent a six-winged holy-winged species to the border.

The six-winged holy-winged seed sent by the military faction, in their own faction, the strength belongs to the middle range, neither strong nor weak.

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From the standpoint of individual strength alone, the strength of the presiding judge is absolutely above it.

But the other party's purpose is not to defeat or kill the presiding judge. Essentially, it only needs to contain the other party.

Although there is a gap in individual strength, everyone is a six-winged holy-winged species. It is unrealistic for the presiding judge to easily kill him without risking his life. He can basically be restrained. means inside.

Not to mention that the border army still has a huge advantage in strength.

On the premise that the Chief Judge and the Knights of Judgment were restrained, in the hinterland of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, the Religious Legion took advantage of the respite of the frontier army to strike hard, but failed to achieve any major results.

Then continue to fight according to this rhythm, and adjust the border army in the state, it will only become more and more stable. This approach of the religious legion, at most, increases the adjustment time of the border army, but it cannot fundamentally change the situation. .

It must be said that compared with religious factions that are accustomed to playing with authority, military factions are still more professional when it comes to fighting.

In this stalemate, the stability of the rear naturally becomes more important.

Therefore, for Henry Borne's application for the civilian fleet, the powers in the military faction also readily approved, and the entire fleet was quickly put in place.

In the entire fleet, there are ten large civil spaceships, twenty medium civil spaceships, and forty small civil spaceships.

Although it was a civilian spaceship, Luo Ji was given seventy spaceships as soon as it came up, which was undoubtedly a big deal.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely sufficient for transportation and trade between two planets.

In addition, and more importantly, the military faction even gave a small warship as Luo Ji's vehicle.

After all, under the premise of needing to govern multiple planets, Luo Ji, as the planet's consul, naturally has to travel between multiple planets.

And now, the internal situation of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light is in a state of turmoil. For the sake of prudence, the leaders of the military faction gave this small warship.

The purpose was not to let Luo Ji encounter any unexpected situation, and use this small warship to eliminate the threat.

After all, the firepower of this small warship is very general, and its advantage lies in speed.

The above means that Luo Ji should run away when he is in danger.

It can also be seen from this point that the leaders of the military faction still value Luo Ji, who has excellent governance ability.

Other human rulers do not have this treatment.

To be honest, Luo Ji should be the only human being at this stage who has become a planetary consul.

For other human beings, it is not easy to manage a lower city.

Along with the delivery of this fleet, the other planet's work naturally fell to Luo Ji's head.

Originally, Luo Ji could have set off directly, but considering that this was a new planet after all, it would be a headache if he encountered any trouble, so he decided to wait for Henry Boll to be with him.

This made his departure time directly delayed by more than a week.

Nine days later, Henry Bol was ready to embark on a voyage to a new planet with Luo Ji. UU reading

This Wingman's spaceship is very different from the spaceship on the technology side. Like this kind of magical spaceship, ordinary humans basically cannot operate it. Therefore, the crew responsible for driving the spaceship must naturally be the Wingman. .

This is somewhat of the meaning of looking at Luo Ji, so that Luo Ji won't have any thoughts when he gets the spaceship.

On the other hand, in order to ensure Luo Ji's safety, the Wingmen crew who were in charge of operating the spacecraft were all selected from the main planet where they had been operating the longest.

After assembling the team to be brought to the new planet, after everyone boarded the spaceship, the winged man spaceship took off and quickly broke through the planet's atmosphere and entered the cosmic environment.

This experience is still very impactful for many native humans. After all, this is the first time they have stepped into the universe in their lives.

As for the other group of humans, their mood is much more complicated.

Looking at the endless black void, for a while, each of them didn't know what they were thinking.

As for the planet they were about to take over, before the official departure, Luo Ji had already learned the basics from Henry Boer.

It's not far, and it belongs to the neighbor relationship with their current planet.

However, considering the efficiency of movement, their fleet will still shuttle through the subspace.

Of course, the winged people call this "God's Walk", but in essence, they are all about the same thing.

In the case of using the warp shuttle, although the speed of the civilian spacecraft is limited, it only takes three days for them to reach the planet, and the distance is indeed close...Click to download this Station APP, massive novels, free to read!