The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4655: , Insect King Attacks

The action of the large army was too slow, and the Insect King, who could not wait to quickly fight against the powerful enemy, went directly one step ahead of the large army and rushed to the frontline battlefield.

Through the information provided to him by Balsa in the neural network, he was one step late, and one of the strong men in the enemy line had already withdrawn ahead of time before he arrived, which made the insect king who rushed to the battlefield feel a little bit. pity.

After all, at the beginning, he came with a mentality of wanting to play two games.

Fortunately, the other one is still on the battlefield!

Although the long journey had just ended, the Insect King did not intend to restrain himself. As soon as he arrived on the battlefield, he locked on Zhao Hao and immediately killed him.

In the first face-to-face, he hit him casually, and the hit was very casual. In the view of the insect king, if the opponent could resist, he was considered qualified.

And this blow, the result is undoubtedly beyond the expectations of the insect king.

At the moment when his attack collided with it, he could clearly feel that the opponent's body possessed a very amazing strength, completely above Beimon, and the strength of the anti-shock actually made his fist Slight pain.

Judging from this situation, Bemon died without complaint!

At this moment, compared to the very calm and comfortable Insect King, Zhao Hao was undoubtedly facing a formidable enemy.

Although the blow just now came too fast and too suddenly, he was not able to increase his defense to the extreme.

But you must know that he is a peak powerhouse with a complete Martial God Realm, and supplemented by the "King Kong Indestructible Magic", which has already reached its peak, the practice has long been practiced into the bone marrow. There are only a handful of enemies who hurt him.

And the opponent's blow can make his blood surge, almost vomiting blood, this strength is at least one level stronger than that of Beimeng, or even higher!

As the thoughts flew around, the worm king had already shot again, the flesh wings behind him vibrated, bursting with astonishing speed, approaching Zhao Hao. Combat experience has made many countermeasures integrated into Zhao Hao's instincts.

After all, in a real high-intensity battle, it is difficult for them to have time to think too much.

During the operation of the exercise, the Vajra bodyguard unfolded again, and at the same time, with an angry shout, the all-round Great Vajra lion roar erupted, and the tyrannical sonic attack, under the wrapping of Zhao Hao's thick qi, spread madly in all directions. Going out, the Insect King who made the rush kill was unavoidable. .

The fast-moving insect king directly collided with the sound waves that spread in all directions.

At that moment, relying on his own powerful strength, the insect king seemed to break through the sound barrier, forcibly piercing the swept sonic attack!

Although the power of the spreading Donkey Kong lion roar is far less than that of a concentrated attack, it should not be underestimated. There are undoubtedly very few enemies that can directly penetrate it like this.

However, Zhao Hao didn't mess up because of this. He could see that his roar of the King Kong lion just now didn't have any effect on the insect king.

As the thoughts flew around, Zhao Hao made a decisive decision. At the same time as Wushuang was activated, the Donkey Kong Lion's Roar burst out again with a heavy slash.

Above the blade's edge, the strong qi directly turned into a solid piece of training, slashing towards the insect king!

The combined attack of Donkey Kong Lion's Roar and Daomang is simple, but it is one of Zhao Hao's usual methods to kill and injure countless powerful enemies.

Now supplemented by the blessing of the peerless state, the threat is naturally greater.

It is impossible for the Insect King not to notice this change. Unlike Beimon, from the overall combat style, the Insect King does not particularly like to confront the enemy head-on.

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Now facing Zhao Hao Wushuang's combined attack, the Insect King didn't appear overly conceited, but chose to avoid it relatively soberly.

This evasive move will inevitably slow down the approaching speed of the insect king, and what Zhao Hao wants is undoubtedly this!

Received the signal in advance, Zhao Hao's pro-army is already ready to go, seeing an opportunity, with the cooperation of both parties, with Zhao Hao as the center, the Northern Xuanwu Great Array is quickly formed!

At that moment, the Xuanwu Qisu illuminated the void, and under the condensed power, one of the Four Saints, the Northern Xuanwu came to the battlefield!

On top of the huge dragon-headed black turtle, a dragon-like green snake coiled on the turtle's back, staring at the void.

At the moment of his appearance, the boundless power suddenly erupted. Under the raging power, there is no one piece of the surrounding void that is intact.

At this moment, what the huge Xuanwu brings to this battlefield is not terror, but tyrannical coercion!

Even the Insect King felt the astonishing sense of oppression from Xuanwu.

But this did not frighten the bug king, but made him more excited.

"It's really right!"

Since defeating the 'God' of the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, the long-lost strong enemy has excited the insect king. The completely shattered void around him has not affected him at all. The fleshy wings behind him vibrate continuously, making his speed rise. up again.

There are no tricks in the attack of the insect king, UU reading www. uukanshu. com has always been simple and rude, and after getting excited, it doesn't hold back anymore.

I saw the fast approaching Insect King used both fists and feet, and with the three tails like gun blades behind him, the storm-like attack swept out directly.

In the face of the powerful attack of the insect king, who no longer kept his hand, Zhao Hao led the avatar of Xuanwu to resolutely attacked.

At that moment, I saw Xuanwu's body, boundless power constantly surging, and the surging Gang Qi turned into black waves and circulated.

During the circulation, the insect king's attack like a violent storm was actually resolved as much as possible!

A set of onslaught, the insect king was suffocating, the fists and feet onslaught, it seemed that it failed to hit the ground at all, the attack fell, and there was no point of focus at all.

Although Balsa had mentioned to him in the previous information, these humans have many strange methods.

However, when he actually met, the method still surprised the insect king, and he wondered what kind of strange method the other party used to defuse his offensive, but for a while, he couldn't find it. Answer.

And at this time in the battle, when there was no time for him to think about it, the insect king did not intend to retreat, but chose to continue the onslaught without hesitation.

Xuanwu is the main defender and is not good at attacking.

Facing the powerful play of the Insect King, Zhao Hao calmed down and led the Xuanwu Great Array.

Let the opponent's all kinds of fierce attacks turn into violent storms and fall on his side, and under the flow of the black waves, they are finally transformed into drizzling rain, moistening things silently.

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