The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4674: ,a bolt from the blue

After several rounds of fighting, the top powerhouses on the coalition side have not shown up for a long time.

Logically speaking, this should be a good thing for Balsa.

Because according to its previous inference, it means that the opponent's top powerhouse is likely to be dead, or also suffered heavy losses, and cannot recover its combat power in a short period of time.

In comparison, on their Void Zerg side, there is also a Bazam who can stand a fight.

In the absence of the enemy's top powerhouse, when Bazam goes out to battle, isn't he still free to enter and exit the battlefield?

Although Bazam itself lacks large-scale lethality, as long as it penetrates the enemy's rear, it can still pose a sufficient threat.

With this idea in mind, Balsa just wanted Bazam to fight, and to strengthen the offensive and launch a fierce attack.

But when the words came to his mouth, it suddenly felt that something was not right.

Among the enemy army, there is a very cunning guy who likes to play some underhand tricks. If this is a trick set up by that bastard, Bazam was immediately besieged by the strong enemy when he appeared. Seriously injured or tragically killed, what can I do?

Although Bazam's speed is amazing, and he can travel through the void freely, it is not so easy to kill him, but it is definitely not impossible.

At the moment when His Majesty the Insect King is cocooning, once Bazam is seriously injured or tragically killed, then their Void Zerg will completely lose the top combat power they can take on this side of the battlefield.

When Bazam was still alive, even if he didn't fight, he could intimidate the opponent to a certain extent, so that the opponent would not be afraid to do whatever he wanted on the battlefield.

But once he dies or is seriously injured, the top combat power on the opposite side can really do whatever he wants.

Before His Majesty the Insect King arrived on the battlefield, the allied forces relied on the two great martial gods of Nanhuang Jun Xu Yu and Bei Xuan Jun Zhao Hao to do whatever they wanted. It is still vivid in my eyes now. In this way, even worse than then!

Thinking of this, Balsa immediately became a little cautious and planned to test it again...

The next offensive of the worm tide directly reflected the commander's thoughts. After the latest round of confrontation, it turned out that this wave of Balsa was completely controlled by Zhou Yi.

This made the dignified atmosphere at the coalition headquarters suddenly become much lighter.

However, Zhou Yi, who was the party involved, did not show too much optimism.

"Although the Zerg commander on the opposite side is suspicious, he is not a fool. At most, this move is to help us buy more time, and the other side will react sooner or later."

Regarding Zhou Yi's concerns, the commanders basically knew what they had in mind, but it was a good thing to be able to buy time.

In the next period of time, thanks to the continuous exertion of the nine-turn purple gold pill and the elf elixir, Xu Yu, who emptied the toxins in the body, recovered better day by day.

But as Xu Yu's attending physician, Huang Jinglue seemed a little worried recently.

The fundamental reason is because Nanhuang Jun Xu Yu has not woken up yet!

Although Nanhuang-Jun had suffered severe injuries and was corroded by neurotoxins, his life was hanging by a thread, and he was in a coma for a while, but it seemed that there was nothing unusual about it.

But the problem is that under the action of the two magic medicines, her meridians and injuries have been steadily improved, and the toxins have also been cleaned up. Logically, she should wake up.

But it turned out to be uncharacteristically slow to wake up, which made Huang Jinglue not even worried about it.

They couldn't check the problem here, and of course they didn't forget to use the power of technology.

Seriously speaking, the medical equipment on the technology side is also used by the physicians of the Yanhuang Empire, but the emphasis on both sides is different.

According to the performance of the most advanced medical equipment, basically, put Nanhuang-Jun in for a scan, and within a few minutes, a report with extreme detail will come out.

The results of the report made everyone's heart sink to the bottom in an instant...

Simply put, it is a vegetable.


Accompanied by low-pitched curses, the expressions of everyone present were extremely ugly.

The reason for this is undoubtedly easy to guess, or basically there is only one possibility, that is, the neurotoxin injured Xu Yu's brain nerve before, which eventually led to the current result.

This is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for everyone who was relieved before.

Even with the development of civilization, there is still no good way to treat this kind of brain damage and become a vegetative state.

This news is only known to a very small number of people, including the commanders of the various armies. It is claimed that Nanhuang Jun has spent a lot of money in the previous battle and is now in retreat.

The soldiers below didn't even know about Xu Yu's poisoning.

After all, in the past battles with the Zerg, there have been cases of 'betrayal' among their coalition forces.

This has made the commanders suspect that there are spies within the coalition.

Under this premise, they naturally have to pay more attention to avoid any unexpected situation.

During this period, I don’t know if the misfortunes are not coming alone, and the Zerg commander on the opposite side has also reacted. The recent offensive of the worm wave has obviously become more ferocious, which makes the coalition feel more pressure.

At this stage, the Allied Forces can still withstand the Void Zerg's offensive for the time being, but Xu Yu's matter makes the part of the Allied Forces who know about it not optimistic at all.

In a short while, the news from the front line has been transmitted back to the imperial city of the Yanhuang Empire at the fastest speed.

On this day, along with the sending of the secret message, and within a short while, accompanied by a loud roar, the imperial study room inside the palace collapsed. turned into dust in an instant.

This sudden situation shocked many insiders in the palace, thinking that there was a strong enemy attacking, and the internal forbidden army also quickly assembled and rushed to the scene at the fastest speed.

However, when they arrived at the scene, they didn't see any suspicious figures. They only saw the center of a huge basin that had been obviously sunken. A man in a unicorn robe was closing his eyes and head He raised his head slightly and stood there motionless, while the Imperial Study Room, which was supposed to be there, had apparently disappeared, and now he could not even see a shadow.

Needless to say, the man in the unicorn robe standing there is the current emperor of their Yanhuang Empire!

Whether it was a large group of experts or the Imperial Army who rushed over, they all breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the figure of His Majesty the Emperor.

Regardless of whether there were assassins before, there are definitely no assassins now.

After all, His Majesty the Emperor is the most recognized powerhouse in the Yanhuang Empire today!

The existence of the great masters and the Imperial Army is not so much to protect their Majesty the Emperor, but to protect other people in the palace and some important objects, and by the way, within the scope of their ability, deal with some troubles for His Majesty the Emperor.

Otherwise, the bigger matters of sesame and mung beans will need to be handled by His Majesty the Emperor personally, so how could they be so busy?

And just when everyone was ready to symbolically step up to ask what happened just now.

The voice of their majesty the emperor has already passed over, resounding throughout the entire palace!

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