The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4683: , Minister of Logistics

Under normal circumstances, the replacement of the chief executive is definitely a major event for a country, and it will inevitably attract the attention of countless people.

However, on the Holy Light Holy See Nation, this is not the case.

The Holy Light Holy See Nation of the All People's Christians, and their people, basically don't care much about this issue.

On the contrary, the fact that the newly appointed chief executive is Thomp Best, a six-winged holy-winged species, has caused a certain degree of discussion, but it is limited to that.

There are pros and cons to this situation.

The benefits are undoubtedly already in sight, that is, for this kind of normal change, which is enough to cause national turmoil, it will basically not have much influence in the Holy See Kingdom, which makes this kind of replacement very smooth. And it goes smoothly without accident.

The downside is that this shows that the people lack a sense of participation in the development and construction of the country, and to put it more bluntly, it means indifference to the development of the country.

Returning to the topic, at the same time that Thomp Best took office as the chief executive officer, the assistant officers arranged by Rodlin and the others were naturally in place soon.

Although, in the previous meeting, Thomp Best made his words so righteous that they were powerless to refute.

But these soldiers are not really stupid, and they are not too big enough to give the position of chief executive to Thomp Best.

After all, when Thomp Best was in the meeting, didn't he also mention the matter of the assistant?

No matter what purpose and mentality he had in bringing this up at the time, Rodlin and the others had arranged the assistants for him clearly.

The former chief assistant officer was transferred to the position of financial officer without any accident.

Thinking about it carefully, the position of the financial officer is indeed quite suitable for his character.

At the same time, in this process, as the cause of this series of events, after Thomp Best came to power, he also quickly decided to compensate Luo Ji, which was unanimously approved by the Thirty-Six Wings Council.

"Ten years of tax exemption for the urban area under the control, and the same ten years of tax exemption for the industries in the Yiren urban area under the control of the human urban area."

Looking at the parchment in his hand with the decree written on it and stamped with the seals of the chief executive and the six members of the Thirty-six Wing Council, Luo Ji looked up at Henry Boll after briefly summarizing the contents.

The content on the parchment is definitely not as simple as Luo Ji's summary.

In order to prevent the decree from being exploited, there are still many rules and regulations.

But at its core, that's about it.

Among them, the ten-year tax exemption for the urban areas under the rule refers to the human urban areas under Luo Ji's rule, which originally had to pay taxes every year, but now, there will be no need to pay taxes in the next ten years.

Under this premise, according to the previous rules, the industry in Yiren City, even if it is a human industry, must pay taxes to the local Yiren City, because your storefront is opened on other people's land.

And now who has the ability to open a store in Yiren City, who else besides the Scarlet Group?

As soon as this decree comes out, the annual income of their Scarlet Group will undoubtedly become more, and it can also better promote the economic development of their human city.

Compared with the previous chief executive, the new one is undoubtedly a bit level.

Coupled with the empty check that was given to Luo Ji before, this compensation was tentatively within an acceptable range.

Gu Bi

After the official consensus was reached, orders from the military came quickly, and the next thing for Luo Ji was undoubtedly crazy spending.

For this situation, both Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were already mentally prepared.

The first batch of supplies before the army set off was easy to prepare.

The most terrifying part of a war is never in the beginning, but in the fact that he does not know when it will end.

This is just the first batch of supplies, but definitely not the last.

As long as the war continues, batch after batch of supplies will have to be delivered to the front line continuously, and you don't know when you will fight, and you will never reach the end. This is the most terrifying place.

Of course, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't really care much about these issues.

What they care about most now is undoubtedly the identity of the 'Zerg' located on the border!

As for the answer to this question, Luo Ji, who is now the Minister of Logistics and Supply, still has a good chance and can figure it out.

Because with the progress of the front-line battle, when the front-line troops were tight, the large-scale troops of the wingmen all began to gather on the front-line to fight the enemy.

Under this premise, there is no force of sufficient size to transport supplies.

In this way, after going back and forth, this task also fell on Luo Ji's body, and began to be escorted by the human troops under Luo Ji's command.

In the Holy Light Holy See, human troops officially joined the Winged War as facilitators. This is probably the first time in so many years.

The earlier Luo Ji's battle on the Long Bridge obviously didn't count.

In that battle, they put it bluntly, it was just to protect themselves, and it was not a formal battle with the winged people at all.

This is undoubtedly a historic moment for the winged people and human beings living in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

However, as the Star Region Archon, also serving as the Minister of Logistics and Supply, and escorting supplies, it would obviously not be suitable for Luo Ji to go into battle in person. Under this premise, Luo Ji could only send reliable and trustworthy candidates.

That is Ye Feixing and Li Ke. UU Reading

Li Ke himself was born in the military, basically needless to say.

And to let Ye Feixing go together, it is to add an extra layer of insurance, just in case.

In addition, in order to better collect information, Luo Ji also asked Li Ke and Ye Feixing to bring a secretary series.

This secretary section was modified by Xu Ji. Although the overall configuration could not be compared with their original, it was still no problem to collect intelligence.

Before the official departure of the supply fleet, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan also gave special instructions to the two of them.

Ye Feixing would definitely be better off staying hidden until it was a last resort. I believe that according to Li Ke's ability, coupled with the Wingmen's warships and their troops, most situations can still be dealt with.

Their material transportation work, after all, is carried out within the territory of the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, and it is generally relatively safe.

Otherwise, on the winged side, it is impossible to be so relieved to hand over such important material transportation work to the human troops with such poor comprehensive combat power...