The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4686: , border reconnaissance

Without encountering any accident, the supply fleet led by Li Ke and Ye Feixing arrived at the military fortress of the winged people on the border unharmed.

This made Li Ke and Ye Feixing a little disappointed.

Obviously, the two of them still hope that there will be an accident. If there is no accident, how can they confirm the identity of the 'Zerg'?

The frontline battlefield is undoubtedly in a more peripheral area.

But that's not where they can go anymore.

Their responsibility is to transport the materials from the rear to the fortress. When all the materials on the ship are unloaded and handed over to the military fortress to be counted, it will be temporarily over.

Of course, they can rest here for a while after a long journey.

But just now, Li Ke, relying on his old-fashioned chattering ability, had a small chat with the wingman officer in charge of supervising the transportation of materials.

From the simple conversation, Li Ke learned that since the Holy See Nation launched a counterattack, their offensive has been extremely fierce.

At this stage, the 'Zerg' on the opposite side was completely pressed and beaten by them.

From the beginning of the counter-offensive to the present, the opposing 'Zerg' troops have not been able to cross the newly drawn battlefield boundary even once.

This makes it difficult for Rick to look forward to the next few days.

Now it seems that if they want to confirm the identity of the 'Zerg', they must find an opportunity to approach the frontline battlefield.

This time when they came over, Luo Ji gave them two miniature reconnaissance robots while handing them a secretary set.

This is not something that Xu Ji picked up and transformed, but a serious mechanical technology.

Luo Ji had that number of them in total, and it is no exaggeration to say that one is bad and one is less.

Fortunately, the technology of the mechanical family is still very strong. After so many years, under normal use, there is no loss.

After nightfall, they took out the secretaries, and they were undoubtedly going to try to launch micro-reconnaissance robots to scout intelligence.

The entire control program of the miniature reconnaissance robot, Luo Ji had already been embedded in the processor of the secretary section.

At the same time, the micro reconnaissance robot itself is also equipped with intelligent programs. Even without rear control, it has the ability to perform tasks autonomously. As a micro reconnaissance unit, this performance can be said to be very powerful.


Accompanied by two light beeps, at first glance, the two miniature reconnaissance robots that were basically the same as flying insects flew out of the secretary's body.

There is no hurry to fly away. In order to ensure that it can fly back, the miniature reconnaissance robot will lock the coordinates here and scan Li Ke, Ye Feixing and the secretary section before taking action.

After the task is completed, they will find it back by themselves through this spatial coordinate and the appearance of the three of them.

However, what Li Ke and Ye Feixing didn't expect was that after one scan was completed, the red light for the secretary's section would turn on...

"Warning, there is a strong energy magnetic field interference in this area, which may affect the reconnaissance mission. Please confirm whether to continue?"

As soon as this situation came out, Li Ke and Ye Feixing exchanged glances subconsciously.

Afterwards, I just heard Li Ke say in a deep voice...

Gu Ruo

"Go ahead."

"Confirm the command, the coordinate position is locked, and the mission begins."

During the announcement, the two miniature reconnaissance robots quickly flew away, out of sight of Li Ke.

Originally thought that they would just have to wait for the results, but who would have thought that the miniature reconnaissance robot would send out 'Didi' again within half an hour after flying out as the secretary of the 'host' warning sound.

"Warning, due to the interference of the strong energy magnetic field, the miniature reconnaissance robot continues to extend the distance, and there is a 79.35% possibility that it will lose contact with the machine. Do you want to continue the mission?"

Hearing this wave of reminders, Li Ke couldn't help frowning.

"Can you confirm where the tiny reconnaissance robot is flying to now?"

"Please wait…"

During the speech, the electronic eyes of the secretary's part beat a few times, and a virtual projection was quickly cast from it.

The image is divided into two parts, one part is the environment where the miniature reconnaissance robot was at that time, and the other part is a rough virtual terrain map.

From the environmental image alone, there is not much to see, but if combined with the general virtual topographic map, it will undoubtedly be much clearer.

The reconnaissance of the micro reconnaissance robot has logic to follow.

In the absence of accidents in the middle, the reconnaissance mode of the micro reconnaissance robot is mainly based on divisional reconnaissance.

They will use the coordinate position they marked as the center point, and then draw an area for reconnaissance.

Under normal circumstances, they will first conduct a quick general reconnaissance, confirm the general topographical distribution of an entire area from a high-altitude bird's-eye view, and generate a general topographical map, and then carry out further divisions and analyze each block. , to conduct a more detailed reconnaissance.

What they are doing now is undoubtedly rough reconnaissance. The first step of rough reconnaissance is to step on the edge. In simple terms, it is to step on several edge points of the reconnaissance area, and then circle around the edge to connect them in series. stand up.

In this way, a large area can be considered to be divided.

The result is that there is a problem in this link...

Before the miniature reconnaissance robots could reach the farthest distance, there was a problem with the signal connection between them and the secretary section due to the interference of the energy magnetic field.

Just like the judgment given by the secretary section, if you fly farther, there is a high possibility that you will lose contact.

When this happens, UU Reading omits the interference of the energy magnetic field. This time, the main reason is not the miniature reconnaissance robot, but the secretary.

This secretary series was made by digging out parts from the garbage mountain, and then let Xu Ji refit it.

So a lot of performance has been compromised.

In the case of this kind of magnetic field interference, if the miniature reconnaissance robot flew farther, with the performance of this secretary series, it was very likely that it would not be able to receive the signal.

In this way, the secretary section has no way to actively recall the miniature reconnaissance robot, and at the same time, there is no way to obtain intelligence information in the first place through the miniature reconnaissance robot.

Of course, Li Ke and Ye Feixing can choose to ignore this and let the miniature reconnaissance robot continue to explore.

Only in this way, all the situations encountered in the future can only be judged by the intelligent system built into the micro reconnaissance robot itself.

Where did the miniature reconnaissance robot fly? Was there any accidental damage or malfunction? When are you coming back? For these problems, to a large extent can only be left to fate, relying on their own play.