The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4690: , withdraw from the battlefield

Taking advantage of the chaos, Ye Feixing unfolded his movements and left quietly at the fastest speed while maintaining concealment.

He had been resting and resting in the warship's resource warehouse before, so he was in excellent condition now.

Ye Feixing slowed down after the distance was confirmed and there were no traces of Zerg and Wingmen around, but he did not stop moving.

Out of caution, he thought it would be better for him to run farther.

To be honest, the current situation has somewhat disrupted the plan he just made.

He originally wanted to follow the winged warship more easily and return to the interior of the planet.

Now, due to the fact that the warship was attacked by the Zerg units, he was forced to leave the warship and enter the void environment.

After rationalizing his thoughts, he now has two plans to use.

The first plan is to find an opportunity to return to the battlefield, and then re-mix into a warship.

In this way, he can smoothly return to the previous planning steps.

As for the second plan, that is the plan he confirmed with Li Ke at the earliest, not to go back to the interior of the planet directly, but to wait until their supply fleet returns, and join it on the way back.

If the first plan needs to take some risks, then the second plan is more laborious.

In their Yanhuang Empire, basically the warriors of the Hundred War Realms already possessed the ability to fight in the space environment, not to mention the warriors of the Thousand Armies Realm.

In fact, the military of the Yanhuang Empire often sends their soldiers into the space environment to train them in this harsh environment. While allowing them to adapt to this environment, it is also for the sake of more Thoroughly torment their physique.

The consumption of battle and training is often higher than normal movement. Therefore, without the need for battle and training, Ye Feixing, who now has a martial arts cultivation of the Thousand Army Realm, is not difficult for him to look forward to in the space environment for a long time. .

Moreover, even if it is really a last resort, Ye Feixing still has the 'Turtle Breath Dafa' as a trump card to ensure that he is safe.

The big deal is to move to the only way for their supply fleet to return, then find a place to hide nearby, and run the Turtle Breath Dafa directly, enter the state of Turtle Breath, and wait for the supply fleet to come.

With such thoughts in mind, Ye Feixing undoubtedly chose the second option.

He would rather work **** his own than take the risk of possible exposure and sneak back in again.

Now, what he has to do is to confirm the position first.

In the space environment, there is no sense of direction, and now there is no astral reference as far as he can see. Fortunately, the secretary series is in his backpack.

The secretary section itself has its own coordinate positioning capability. This way, the secretary section combines two miniature reconnaissance robots to generate a map of the star field, and also leaves the interstellar coordinates all the way, which is convenient when needed. , to locate at any time.

With the release of two miniature reconnaissance robots to assist in positioning, the secretary section quickly locked the position and generated a crude map.

Although the large area here is still unknown, but looking at the generated map, Ye Feixing knows exactly where he is.

He stuffed the secretary section back into his backpack and carried it, but this time, he didn't turn it off, but kept it activated, so that the secretary section could navigate and locate him at any time.

Just moved a distance.


If Ye Feixing's previous position was still near the battlefield, then now, he should be basically far away from the battlefield, which made his entire state more relaxed.

I didn't think about it, and before I could relax for a few more minutes, the secretary section that he put in his backpack suddenly sounded a vibrating alarm. At the same time, Ye Feixing felt it himself, about 200 meters from the right back of his body. In the void of , there was a sudden wave of space fluctuations!

"What's going on? Is there a space door to open? In this position?!"

At that moment, many questions flashed in Ye Feixing's mind, but he didn't have time to think about the answers. His first reaction was to run! Unfold your movements and run as fast as you can!

If possible, if there is an asteroid or a meteorite big enough in this nearby area, it would be better for him to hide.

But unfortunately not.

The void where he is now is simply empty and scary, and there is basically no cover.

Although now he is wearing a black night clothes, on the visual level, it is almost integrated with this black void.

But in such an empty and pure black environment, the probability of being discovered is still not small.

While the thoughts were flying, a space exit was already opened at the position where the spatial fluctuations came, and in the next second, a large number of Zerg units flew out of it so quickly.

Ye Feixing, who turned around to confirm the situation at that time, obviously changed his face.

Judging from this situation, it is clear that there are Zerg troops who want to detour and attack the winged troops!

In the end, he was so immortal that he just happened to be bumped into it.

There is not even a place to hide around. He has rushed very fast, but the Zerg units that rushed out of the space channel still discovered his existence at the first time, and then caught up!

He didn't even have time to get mad. Through a short judgment, in terms of speed, he should have the advantage.

In addition, at the beginning, he kept a distance from the Zerg troop behind him. In theory, if he continued to run, he should have a good chance of being able to get rid of the Zerg troop.

Judging from the current situation, UU Reading is indeed the case.

Although the Zerg troops at the back discovered him and launched a pursuit to kill him, the distance between them was not shortened because of this.

To be honest, the distance is now being pulled farther and farther.

As a result, before he could think about it, on the only road ahead of him, there was another wave of spatial fluctuations.

This space fluctuation made Ye Feixing's whole heart twitch violently.

"Damn it!"

Without time to think about it, Ye Feixing immediately changed direction and fled to another direction.

At the same time, the void where the space fluctuations came, quickly tore open a crack, and a terrifying Zerg unit was slaughtered from it, but due to Ye Feixing's emergency, it went to the air.

But Ye Feixing was not able to escape ascension just like that.

Because soon, more spatial fluctuations around it came over...