The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4697: , engage in business, engage in business

The database of the individual masterminds of the machine race is relatively limited in capacity.

And since he was a combat body, Luo Ji had to carry his own combat module, and then the remaining storage space was used to store intelligence data.

This makes him have to regularly clean up some useless or outdated intelligence information to ensure that their database has enough storage space at any time to store the intelligence data collected later.

According to the analysis of the known information at this stage, the information related to 'Sun Lun Kingdom' can be classified into 'archaeology'. It is absolutely impossible for Luo Ji to exist in the database of this fighting body. this kind of information.

But it doesn't matter too much.

From the current point of view, Miyamoto Shingen has no malicious intentions towards them, and there is no reason to have malicious intentions towards them.

Taking this as a premise, compared to the origin of the 'Sun Lun Kingdom', what everyone present was more concerned about was undoubtedly the broken secretary set in Luo Ji's hands.

Sensing everyone's gaze, Luo Ji said directly...

"The two miniature reconnaissance robots have been damaged, and the secretary robot is also seriously damaged and cannot function normally."

Hearing this, Ye Feixing's face suddenly showed shame.

This time, if Bai tossed a bit, then from the perspective of the whole incident, the main reason will undoubtedly fall on his head.

It also cost them two important reconnaissance units.

But just as Ye Feixing was thinking so, Luo Ji's voice sounded again...

"But I just checked it. The data board of the secretary robot seems to be relatively complete. I can try to read the information and see."

While speaking, Luo Ji had removed the data board of the secretary's section.

And under the slightly nervous eyes of everyone, they connected with it and began to read the information.

It didn't make everyone nervous for too long. According to Luo Ji's main body performance, when the secretary's part itself was not fortified, his reading speed was very fast.

"It's read, and the data in it is still there."

As soon as these words were uttered, Ye Feixing's whole heart that had been hanging in his throat could undoubtedly be put back into his stomach.

Although there is still an additional loss this time, as long as the collected data can be read, it is not nothing.

"Wait a minute, the intelligence data is being checked."

Although Luo Ji had basically never faced the Zerg, he had a large database of Mechanic to provide information.

After the appearance of the zerg, considering the safety of the inner universe and the possible battles, Luo Ji had already downloaded the intelligence data about the zerg from their large database of the machine race in advance.

"The verification is completed. The Zerg currently appearing on the Holy See Nation side of the Holy Light is basically consistent with the Zerg we know that we have encountered in the universe, and it can be confirmed that they are the same race."

Although Luo Ji had said it long ago, even if it is confirmed that they are of the same race, it is impossible to be sure that they have returned to their original planes.

After all, there are also humans here, and they know that there are humans in the universe. Is this the same universe?

But even so, the confirmation of this information still brought Ye Qingxuan and the others some excitement.

In any case, the probability of 'they have returned to their original plane' has increased.

But just like when Li Ke was operating on the front line before, it was the premise that the two miniature reconnaissance robots could be preserved, and the intelligence was probed there.

Considering their current situation, regarding the question of 'whether they have returned to their original plane', if they can confirm it, this is indeed a matter worthy of their time and resources to confirm.

Gu Yan

But this is definitely not their top priority right now!

For them, the priority right now is the life in front of them.

When the life in front of them can be guaranteed, they will pursue other things, such as returning to the original universe.

From this point of view, the confirmation of this intelligence, the impact on them, at best, further locked the follow-up direction of action.

For example, when conditions permit, they can try to find out the orientation of their original universe.

From the current point of view, fighting the Zerg is what they have in common with the known universe and the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light.

So in terms of orientation, they could use the Zerg as a breakthrough point.

Of course, this matter is also a big project when you think about it, and you must go through multiple universes during the period.

Although the spaceship they hid outside was considered a battle-hardened one, it was also prepared for long-distance interstellar voyages.

But the previous interstellar voyages were basically within the scope of their known universe, and generally used subspace shuttles.

But this time is different. They don't know anything about the situation over there, and they can't use the warp to shuttle.

Under this premise, exploring with that spaceship requires a lot of courage, and at the same time it takes a huge amount of time.

In the era of interstellar voyages, the discovery of multiple universes took an extremely long time.

To put it bluntly, their spaceship was hiding outside the Sacred Light Universe, with Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan taking care of them, and Xu Ji and Cerilia on the spaceship basically had nothing to worry about.

But if you let them explore...

You may die outside accidentally, and at the same time, there is a lot of possibility that you will lose your way in the universe.

Considering this risk, the price/performance ratio is undoubtedly too low.

In addition, the appearance of Miyamoto Shingen really gave them a wake-up call.

That's a matter of time.

They had been trapped in the subspace for many years before. Although their spaceship was timing, the question was who could guarantee that their original space plane and that special subspace would have exactly the same flow of time? ?

Maybe there is something wrong outside.

Watching the current battle of the Zerg, UU reading www. may be thousands of years later, they know that the universe has been defeated and fallen in the war many years ago, and even destroyed.

Once this idea appeared, Ye Qingxuan and the others really didn't know whether to be afraid or happy.

The fear is that everything may be irreversible, and everything they know may have disappeared in the torrent of time.

Fortunately, they escaped by accident, at least they are still alive.

All kinds of thoughts, the more they analyze, the more frowning everyone is.

In the end, Ye Qingxuan pulled her back to her thoughts with applause.


Feeling everyone's attention, Ye Qingxuan coughed twice, and then said solemnly...

"According to the results of this committee's deliberation, the specific implementation of this matter is temporarily put on hold, and the preparation work is the main work. Comrades, our focus must still be on the cause of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, and the cause and the cause!!"