The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4701: , the expedition of 'God'

The 'God' awakened from a deep sleep is going to the frontline battlefield?

This news fell into Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's ears. Right now, they really couldn't judge whether this matter was good news or bad news.

From the perspective of morale, according to the status of that 'God' in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, once it appeared on the frontline battlefield, the morale of the winged army would certainly be high.

Now the front-line battle situation is that the winged army has the upper hand, and with this wave of morale bonuses, even if the individual combat power of the 'God' is not considered, the advantage of the winged army can be further expanded.

But there is a problem here, that is, why did this 'God' fall into a deep sleep before?

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan actually had a rough idea of ​​the answer to this question.

Although everything is guesswork, they feel that the answers they guessed are basically inseparable.

After all, it's not convenient for them to ask this kind of question directly.

Among the winged men, Henry Boll has a good relationship with them, right?

But if you go and ask him, 'your god, did you fall into a deep sleep after being beaten half to death by the enemy on the battlefield? ’

As soon as this question is asked, even Henry Boll will definitely turn his face on the spot.

Of course, they can try to be more euphemistic, but Luo Ji's individual mastermind deductions have been deduced, and it seems that they have not deduced any good results.

Really, don't challenge these wingmen's reverence for their 'god'.

But at the same time, this problem is indeed unavoidable.

Your 'God' was beaten half to death last time, so who can guarantee that it won't be this time?

Originally, the winged army played well on the front line, and after the advantage was stabilized, it gradually began to expand.

As a result, the 'God' ran up and made a show. If there is something wrong, the morale of the winged army will collapse, and it is estimated that it will be in an instant.

In fact, Rodlin also has this concern. Although the opposite insect king has not appeared on the battlefield for a long time, the existence of the other party is indeed a huge threat that cannot be ignored.

But on the other hand, 'God' also has his own ideas.

In the previous battle, the insect king actually came very suddenly, making him passive, but the 'God' relied on his own great Nirvana technique to save his life, so he was not afraid to fight with the opponent at all.

In the end, it was a lose-lose situation and their lives were in danger, and each thought the other was dead.

Even the Insect King still doesn't know that the 'God' is still alive, and that his opponent is so capable, which neither of them thought of.

The Insect King is a formidable enemy, I have to admit that.

But the dignity of being a 'God' does not allow him to back down.

For their existence, inner strength is very important, once they retreat, there will be flaws.

Therefore, even for the sake of a strong and perfect self, the 'God' will do whatever it takes to obliterate the Insect King!

The "God" officially set off, and the news that he led the Knights Templar and the Knights of Judgment to the front at the same time came soon.

During this period, even the presiding judge who had been in confinement was released.

For this matter, Rodlin doesn't care.

After all, everything has long been a foregone conclusion, and the 'God' has awakened. Even if the presiding judge is dissatisfied, there is nothing he can do.

In this incident, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan also wanted to open up.

Mainly because at this point, it is useless for them to tangle any more.

Even though Luo Ji is now in the Holy Light Holy See Kingdom, he has already become a Star Region Archon, and Ye Qingxuan also bears the title of 'Honorary Bishop', which is considered a high position.

But considering the system of Holy Light Holy See Nation, if that 'God' speaks, then the entire Holy Light Holy See Nation is the other party's one-word hall.

Not to mention Luo Ji and the others, even if all the six-winged holy-winged species were tied together and petitioned together, it would be impossible to shake the "God"'s decision.

So take it easy and be optimistic.

On the bright side, if this time goes well, the intervention of this 'god' may be able to end this war sooner, then their development funds and internal resources will be gradually enriched. good thing.

Of course, if things get bad, they'll just get away in their own spaceships!

Now on their spacecraft, compressed food and all kinds of materials that can be obtained are basically ready.

Control the consumption and support it for a year is not a problem.

At the same time, they also stocked up a lot of genetically modified crop seeds, and even dismantled the gym in the spacecraft and some other surrounding rooms to make room for a large greenhouse cultivation house.

In this breeding house, two-thirds of the area is used to cultivate various crops, and the remaining one-third of the area is used to cultivate some high-yield small poultry, and the other half is used to raise fish to ensure that they can get enough of protein.

This transformation started a long time ago. After a long period of adjustment by Xu Ji and Cyrelia, the internal environment of this cultivation house has become very stable, and a perfect small ecological cycle has even been formed.

As long as the spacecraft equipment does not fail, then theoretically, they can live in the spacecraft to the end of the day!

Such facilities are generally only arranged on super-large spaceships used for family migration.

Within the limits of the known universe, there is no need for ordinary spacecraft at all.

From the perspective of the spaceship itself, it would not make much sense to build this kind of cultivation house if it was small, and if it was large, it would take up too much space inside the spaceship, and the cost-effectiveness would be very low.

From an environmental point of view, the known universe has basically been developed. There are cosmic kingdoms everywhere. Once you open the subspace channel, no matter where you go, it will only take a few months at most. Make it seem like you're going to live on a boat for decades?

Not to mention that if you really need to stay on the ship for decades, wouldn't it be fragrant to just lie down in the dormant bin and sleep? Have to farm in a boat?

So Ye Qingxuan really did not expect that such a day would come to her.

But there is one thing she has to admit, that is, it is quite interesting to do it like this, and that kind of feeling is basically impossible to experience in the modern society where they were originally super convenient.

After all these preparations were completed, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan tried their best not to contact the spaceship.

This is undoubtedly a fear of the 'God''s ability to predict.

This spaceship is their last life-saving trump card, and it is with this trump card that they can let go of their hands and feet in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

In case it is broken, the big deal is to apply oil on the soles of the feet, and you will be fine!

But if this hole card is exposed, or if it is completely clicked, it will simply be erased.

Then they will lose the most important guarantee in Holy Light Holy See country!