The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4787: , Unexpected (3)

For this kind of situation, the forces of all parties are really unexpected.

Although after the outbreak, the combat power of the elf army will decline, but the previous high-level spell bombing of the elf army is not meaningless.

In the outbreak just now, the elf army almost destroyed the biggest problem as an attacker, that is, the enemy's home field defense facilities, in other words, home field advantage.

The entire frontier positions of the Black Iron Empire have been reduced to ruins under the bombardment of superior spells, and at the same time, they have also paid a certain price in terms of military strength.

Under this premise, even if the Dark Iron Empire stayed behind, the follow-up advance of the elf army was restrained.

It definitely won't be directly suppressed by the reverse like it is now...

After several rounds of negotiation, the elf army not only failed to stabilize its position immediately, but the black iron garrison was blown by the counterattack horn, all the way out of the border.

Although the elf army is fighting and retreating all the way, in the process of retreating, it is also slowly adjusting its state and stabilizing its position, but anyone can see that the situation in front of them has an advantage. Who is it.

"how so?"

On the frontline battlefield, the information sent back puts everyone in the known universe at risk.

Today, a large number of cosmic nations have directly blocked their borders and entered a state of wartime alert.

During this process, while the forces of all parties are guarding against all abnormal actions around them, the war between the two first-line powers, the Black Iron Empire and the Elf Kingdom, has undoubtedly attracted the attention of a large number of forces.

After all, the impact of the two great powers fighting against each other should not be underestimated, especially for the surrounding cosmic kingdoms, if they are not careful, they will be shot down.

This is also the main reason why representatives of various forces are so concerned about this war.

But the development trend of this war is completely beyond their expectations.

The evenly matched battle did not take place. The elf army that took the initiative to attack, after a round of outbreaks, seemed to have exhausted all their fighting strength and fell into a clear disadvantage.

Although so far, they have not retreated, but from the current situation, retreat is probably a matter of time sooner or later.

"What happened to the army of elves?"

In response to this question, all forces quickly found the answer after a brief period of doubts.

The answer lies in the number of people!

The elves are a sparsely populated race. With a large army already dispatched to participate in the expedition, the number of troops to stay in the country to garrison is undoubtedly relatively limited.

Under this premise, this time on the expedition, it is impossible for the elf army to leave the border alone and go out in full force.

This led to another division of their already limited forces.

Originally, when all countries agreed to send troops to support, the problem of the Elf Kingdom was almost negligible, but now the situation has undoubtedly changed.

On the other hand, in the Black Iron Empire, the population of the dwarves themselves is not too large, but relatively, it is not too small.

Therefore, with the same large army dispatched and participating in the expedition, the Black Iron Empire's military strength is actually far more abundant than that of the Elf Kingdom.

This is also the root cause of the current situation.

As the commander-in-chief of the attack on the Dark Iron Empire this time, Bakas, who led this elf army, undoubtedly tried his best.

Affected by the expedition, there are relatively limited elf mages in their army who can cast upper-level spells. In this case, Bakas can of course choose to use the limited upper-level spells in batches.

But what are the advantages of their elven army?

Their advantage is the explosive power that can directly destroy the enemy regardless of any means!

Using high-level spells in batches can indeed make the battle more secure in a short period of time, but at the same time, it is also the biggest advantage of their elf army.

And don't forget, their opponent is the Dark Iron Empire!

Although Bakas and the others were full of resentment towards the Dark Iron Empire, as a general who commanded the army, Bakas had to admit the strength of this opponent.

Facing such a formidable opponent, to give up one's own advantages and go for some moderate play that their elf army is not good at, what is the difference between that and suicide?

So as early as the moment he decided to go out, Bakas had already confirmed the plan in his heart and was mentally prepared to gamble.

What he is betting is that their elf army can explode in one wave, destroy the defense line of the Dark Iron Empire, and disintegrate the opponent's will to resist. Even if they cannot advance all the way, they should be able to establish a dominant advantage for them, so as to master the whole battle rhythm .

But obviously, he lost the bet this time, but Bakas was not discouraged by it.

Bakas's teacher, Marshal Philip, often told him that tactics can be aggressive, but you have to keep your head calm, and at the same time you have to be prepared for how to deal with the aftermath if you fail!

A tactic without aftercare plan cannot stand up to setbacks. com can even be vulnerable sometimes!

And Bakas, who followed the teacher's instructions, naturally had a good expectation of failure.

As the attacker, they had enough retreat space behind the elf army.

To put it simply, if the tactic fails, then simply retreat and pull with the opponent.

Under this premise, if the Black Iron Garrison actively pursues and kills, it is equivalent to giving up the follow-up home field advantage, which is not harmful to them.

On the other hand, if the other party does not chase and kill them, then they can rest and recuperate more calmly, and there is still no harm.

In this situation, for the elf army, in fact, it will not suffer a big loss either horizontally or vertically.

In this process, as the defender, after the border defense line was bombarded into ruins by the elf army, considering the amount of work, it was impossible to repair it in a short time.

From this point of view, if they insist on defending, then when the elf army is finished resting and advancing again, in all likelihood, this line of defense will not be able to constitute any obstacle to the elf army.

After that, the battlefield where the two sides fought must be transferred to the territory of their Black Iron Empire.

This situation will undoubtedly further increase their losses.

Therefore, even with a loss-reducing mentality, facing the temporarily retreating elf army, the defenders of the Dark Iron Empire resolutely issued a pursuit order, wanting to end the battle outside the border.

After confirming the situation, Bakas fought and retreated all the way.

At this stage, although the border garrison of the Black Iron Empire has the upper hand, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to defeat them in a short period of time.


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