The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 481: Cavalry confrontation

"See the Central Plains people's food team!"

"Crush in one breath!!"

The horse thieves who found the trail of the grain transport team shouted loudly.

They are all for the sake of food, in order to survive, they are red eyes at this moment!

The number of looting troops of more than 1,700 rides was directly turned into a torrent of terror.

However, at this moment, Luo Cheng, who holds the killer, does not panic at all.

Under tremendous pressure, Luo Cheng sank that breath.

Waiting for the moment when the first few thieves rushed into their effective range.

He broke out completely!

"The first group, open fire!!"

The handcuffs acted, and a sharp arrow with a penetrating force flew out.

Directly brought a slap in the face of the torrent that swept through!


With the sorrow of the horse, the former cavalry was screaming in the screaming.

Even if he was lucky, he was not shot by a round of arrows.

Then rushed to the rest of the horse thief.

The iron hooves of their horses are still enough to trample them into a mass of meat!

Liu Kai is not the first time to see the power of handcuffs.

But the whole mood is still not calm for a long time.

Unfortunately, facing such a spectacular scene.

Liu Kai has no time to appreciate it slowly.

Taking advantage of Luo Cheng’s handcuffs to curb the opportunity for the horse thieves to charge.

He quickly ran with his five hundred cavalry and began to accelerate.

I plan to accumulate the speed of the assault in a roundabout way.

Luo Cheng is the action does not stop.

While using a group of volleys to give each other a head-on blow.

Looking at it, it is not easy to control the momentum of the squadron, and avoid the corpse in front to continue to rush to the horse thief.

Luo Cheng did not hesitate to give orders again.

"The second group, open fire!!"

The number of horse thieves who had dealt with before, the number of horses was the highest.

It’s impossible to show that this handcuff is really powerful.

Now facing thousands of rides.

The handcuffs in the hands of Luo Cheng and others, this is the real beginning of great power!

A group of smashing arrows are constantly being fired.

All the way blocked the way for the horse thieves.

After each round of fire, it will cause a series of serial casualties.

Only three groups of arrows were shot, and the number of casualties of the horse thieves was also said to have broken two hundred.

However, the horse thieves are not stupid.

Prairie people are good at riding and shooting, but also good at handling shooting.

This handcuffed weapon is different from the bow and arrow.

But the attack mode is similar.

After being shot by three groups of arrows, they should have figured it out.

I saw that at this moment, with the Hanal tribe six hundred rides followed by Battelle also shouted, "All people are scattered!!"

What is the best way to align the shots?

In addition to the shield, there is only an evacuation formation.

At this time, Luo Cheng, who was beaten by their hands, was in a state of horror.

Coupled with the chaos of the scene, there is no one to see.

Now I hear a voice, where is the three seven twenty-one?

Directly use that voice as the backbone.

One left and one right, the two waves of cavalry are directly dispersed.

The evacuation of the formation has greatly reduced the threat posed by the slamming arrows.

Luo Cheng saw this and decisively changed the original plan and re-ordered!

"All fires! After a round of volley, directly retreat and speed up!"

Standing on the ground, the cavalry, the horse thief who rushed to kill,

This is tantamount to squatting in the car and dying.

This speed must first run and say!

At the same time, behind the food team, a loud elephant sounded through a whole snowfield.

Realizing that the battle took place, Hill directly drove the mammoth under the seat like Huck rushed up!

Followed by the ice bear warrior headed by Harold!

Although it is psychologically prepared.

But when the horse thieves really face this giant.

The mammoths exaggerated to the shape of a hill, still giving them a strong sense of oppression.

Face the horse thief who rushed to face.

Huck’s thick elephant trunk slammed.

It was actually a momentum that swept across the army!

The horse thief who rushed to the front.

Even the man took the horse, and on the spot he was taken out by the mammoth power of this horror.

Exaggerated scene, it is simply shocking that the rest of the horse thieves are cracked!

How strong is this strength to achieve this?

However, there is no chance to make them too shocked.

After the two-wheeled axe was thrown.

Headed by Harold, the brave bears who have been brave have directly collided with the horse thieves.

The burly strong ice bear is never afraid of war horses in frontal collisions.

A face-to-face, almost a hard-to-eat horse thief who rushed to forcefully flew back.

It can be said that it has established obvious advantages at once.

However, the shortage of ice bear soldiers is a serious injury.

A face-to-face victory and defeat, they naturally take advantage of the advantages and cheap.

Once it has evolved into a melee.

The number of disadvantages is enough to allow the horse thief to quickly equalize.

Even back pressure back!

This point, Liu Xinli, who is a generalist of the wisdom, is naturally clear.

But that's okay.

Because of this collision of the Ice Bear Warriors, he has already created a chance to cut into the battlefield!

I saw him waving a bronze pistol in his hand!

"All assault!!"

A big bang ~ ~ Liu Kai directly with the knees of the five hundred cavalry broke into the formation of the horse thieves.

The horse thieves who were attacked on the flanks were cut off on the spot.

On the other side, speed up by retreating.

At the same time, Luo Cheng, who always pays attention to the changes in the battle situation, is also looking at the opportunity. He pulls the reins in his hand and returns with a squat of five hundred cavalrymen!

"Brothers, charge with me!!"

The war horse was horizontal and vertical. For a time, this snowfield directly staged a century war.

The two cavalry teams headed by Luo Cheng and Liu Kai, respectively, constantly attacked the horse thieves and divided the battlefield.

On the other hand, mammoth like Huck is also a big god.

All the way to rampage, ask which horse thief can block the pace of mammoth?

Two waves of people can't play for less than twenty minutes.

Without a unified command, the thousands of thieves who have fought each other have already been rushed.

At this moment, the gap between the rabble and the regular army can be said at a glance.

However, the other party is not all vulnerable to waste.

One-eyed dragon cloth and, as a horse thief head, can gather more than 400 rides under the hand, and escape from Bugrid's hands three times, how can it be a mediocrity.

As the existence of the emperor level on this grassland, the Hanal tribe's six hundred rides and Nabatel are naturally not idle.

In addition, some of the thieves who led the two or three hundred riders also stabilized their positions.

This horse thief is a day of **** knives.

How can it be planted so easily?

After the initial panic, one by one is quite simple regardless of others.

Commanding the brethren of your own to fight each.

Such a toss, but it has become a bit tricky.