The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4844: ,Secret key

Between the roars and filial piety, Ajel's face was hideous, and the tyrannical wind element force burst out directly. From the looks of it, he just wanted to kill on the spot!

However, this is the Elf King Castle. With the Elf King Castle as the center, the entire area is shrouded in a huge magic enchantment.

Entering the enchantment, all elemental forces will be suppressed, and the closer to the castle, the stronger the suppression.

In addition, the enchantment has its own built-in prohibition method!

Almost as soon as Ajer made a move, the surrounding restrictions quickly lit up, turning into seven spell shackles, instantly imprisoning Ajer in place.

Ajer is naturally brave and good at fighting, and with enough resources for him to use, in the Elf Kingdom, Ajer is undoubtedly one of the strongest.

But under the double suppression of the castle enchantment and the ban, he was basically unable to move.

In the process, Ajer, who was suppressed, looked at the chief guard standing beside Yin Wan with disbelief.

Needless to say, it was the captain of the guard who triggered the ban in time and imprisoned him.

However, what Ajel couldn't believe at this time was not the actions of the other party, but the fact that the other party was able to control the castle ban!

The people of the elf kingdom may not know very well, but among the elf groups with a certain status, this is not a secret.

That is the secret key that controls the enchantment of the Elf King's castle, which is controlled by three elves.

These three elves are the Elf King, the Imperial Guard Commander of the Elf King's Castle, and the Guard Chief of the Elf King's Guards!

The secret key in the hand of the elf king, because the elf king Jason Rust died in the palace of the dark iron empire, his relics also fell into the hands of the dark iron empire, and it was lost.

Of course, Ajer doesn't know that yet.

But it doesn't matter at all. Ajer is now shocked that why does Yin Wan's chief guard have the secret key to control the castle's ban? !

Although there is no express provision, as an important item related to the safety of the entire castle and even the Elf King, this secret key, except for the Elf King and the Castle Guard Commander, is only qualified to hold the Elf King's bodyguard!

The secret key in the hands of the commander of the castle's forbidden army is definitely still there. Under this premise, where did the secret key in the hands of the chief guard Yin Wan come from, there is no need to think about it at all.

At this moment, as soon as the secret key came out, let alone Ajer, even Marshal Philip and the elders and ministers who were present were a little surprised, and various ideas came into their minds.

After all, if this move goes further, it can be directly understood that the previous king has made a decision, that is, to let the second prince Yin Wan succeed the throne!

Combining that news and this secret key, why the second prince Yin Wan held the meeting so recklessly makes sense. At the same time, it is also clear that the eldest prince Ajer can't shake him at all.

Under this premise, this meeting may be a bait specially thrown by the other party, and its fundamental purpose is probably to completely defeat Ajer and completely eliminate the other party's intention to succeed!

And the actual situation?

The actual situation is that Yin Wan doesn't know the existence of this secret key at all!

As mentioned earlier, his chief of guard was his father's original deputy chief of guard, and he was also his father's old comrade-in-arms.

This secret key, Jason Rust has one in his hand, and Lambert, the captain of his bodyguard, also has one in his hand. When they are all leaving the castle and going to the Dark Iron Empire, they are holding two secret keys in their hands. The key isn't really useful.

Under this premise, out of prudence, and considering the safety of his youngest son, Jason Rust signaled Lambert to hand over one of the secret keys to Yin Wan's chief of guards, so that the other party could use it when necessary. time to use.

But this matter, Yin Wan actually did not know.

Jason Rust, who made this arrangement, undoubtedly did not expect that he would die in the Black Iron Palace.

According to normal thinking, with the natural lifespan of the elves, Jason Rust is far from the time to abdicate.

Taking this as a premise, Yin Wan is the second son, and the tradition of the elves advocates primogeniture.

In this way, if Yin Wan wants to take the throne smoothly, it is not just his words. More importantly, Yin Wan himself has to gain the support of some people, ministers, and even the elf family in the country.

The number of elves who support him cannot be said to need him to surpass Ajer, but it can't be too much worse, right?

Under this premise, compared to Ajer, who has accumulated a lot of fame in the army, Yin Wan's background is undoubtedly far from enough, and it takes time to accumulate.

So even if Jason Rust had already made a decision in his heart at the time, he wouldn't show it so quickly.

Considering this, the act of giving the secret key is undoubtedly too obvious, and it is easy to push Yin Wan to the forefront.

But he was really worried about the safety of his youngest son, so he asked Lambert to secretly give one of the secret keys to Yin Wan's chief guard. UU Reading

If Yin Wan did not encounter the danger of having to use the secret key to remove it, then the existence of the secret key would always be a secret, and naturally it would not affect Yin Wan.

On the other hand, if there is no way to ensure Yin Wan's life without using the secret key, then as long as he can save his life, what's the point of being pushed to the cusp of the incident?

Looking at the secret key in the hands of the captain of the guard, Yin Wan was not a fool, and quickly reacted.

Then he seemed to remember something, and hurriedly looked back at his elder brother Ajel.

The next second, Ajel, who was obviously frightened, his heart thumped violently.

"Big brother..."

At this moment, the eyes and expressions of his elder brother Ajer looking at him were so hideous, so hideous that Yin Wandu felt a little strange.

However, Yin Wan, who has gone through a lot of things during this period, has undoubtedly grown rapidly, and has long since reached a point where he can be on his own.

During this whole process, maybe a second later, Yin Wan had forced himself to calm down and was about to speak.

However, there was a figure who grabbed Yin Wan before he could open his mouth. With a stride, he rushed directly in front of Ajer and punched him hard in the face!

That figure is Marshal Philip!


Do you know what you are doing? ! Yin Wan is your brother-in-law's brother!


At that time, Ajel, who was imprisoned in place by the castle's ban, was unable to avoid the fist of Marshal Philip, and was punched out on the spot! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!