The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4850: ,choose

If the situation after the death of the late King Jason Rast in the Black Iron Palace is compared to an abyss, then by virtue of his own ability, Yin Wan had undoubtedly climbed from that abyss step by step. Out.

Seeing that we are about to get out of trouble, hope is ahead!

However, Ajer's return pushed him and the Elf Kingdom into a deeper abyss!

"Is the elf kingdom going to collapse in my hands?"

Thinking of this, Yin Wan couldn't help covering his face with a broken face.

His father's expectations and the foundation of the Rust royal family made Yin Wan miserable at this time, and he felt that he had failed his father's expectations.

"Uncle, if... I go to my eldest brother now and promise to quit the competition for the throne and let my eldest brother succeed him, can all this be salvaged?"

Hearing this sentence, Marshal Philip, who was sitting opposite, was shocked.

Immediately looked up at Yin Wan, although he could not see Yin Wan's expression directly, Marshal Philip had already felt Yin Wan's exhaustion and the collapse gradually revealed from exhaustion from those few words!

Unlike before, Marshal Philip, who was completely disappointed with Ajer, walked slowly to Yin Wan, and then lightly held the other's cheek, his eyes met...

"Yin Wan, look into my eyes, do you really think it's okay to hand over the Elf Kingdom to Ajer?"

A simple question, if it was Yin Wan before, he would definitely affirm it without hesitation, but now Yin Wan, after going through so many things, he has to admit that he is no longer who he was. , and his eldest brother is no longer the eldest brother he used to be...

Therefore, facing the question of Marshal Philip, Yin Wan fell into silence.

"The Elf Kingdom...Is it really okay to leave it to Big Brother?"

They asked themselves, facing this question at this time, Yin Wan has no way to give a positive answer.

In other words, considering it from a rational point of view, this is a stupid decision no matter what.

After all, until now, his eldest brother Ajer has exposed too many problems.

To put it simply, his eldest brother is not suitable to be the elf king. Yin Wan can't imagine at all, once the eldest brother takes the throne and becomes a new generation of elf king, at that time, his eldest brother will bring the elf kingdom to what kind of situation.

The Elf Kingdom is not only the hard work of the father and their Rust royal family, but also the habitat of countless elves.

Handing over the elf kingdom to the big brother Ajer, wouldn't that be betting on their entire elf tribe? !

Thinking of this, Yin Wan took a deep breath and shook his head.

At this moment, facing Marshal Philip, although Yin Wan was still tired, his eyes had become firm.

"Uncle, the elf kingdom... can't be handed over to eldest brother!"

At this moment, Marshal Philip, who was also exhausted physically and mentally, felt a sense of relief in his heart.

At least this time, he didn't make the wrong choice!

At the same time, during the period when they were silent with each other just now, Marshal Philip also rationalized his thoughts.

Now he has some thoughts about what Ajer might do next.

"At this stage, our elven kingdom is facing foreign enemies. According to my understanding of Ajer, he should not cause a civil war at this time. After all, the elven kingdom has been severely damaged, and it is not good for him."

Having said that, Marshal Philip's voice paused slightly, and after sorting his thoughts a little, he continued to speak...

"And this time, he also used 'revenge against the Dark Iron Empire' as a pretext. After he said this, if he turned his head and started a war with us, wouldn't it be equivalent to breaking his promise in public? Punching himself in the face? At the same time, this move itself will damage his reputation among the people, and Ajer will not be so stupid."

"What do you mean, uncle..."

"Ajel is afraid that he really wants to gather his forces and take revenge on the Dark Iron Empire!"


"Of course, his real purpose should not be as high-sounding as it sounds on the surface..."

Having said that, Marshal Philip no longer needs to go on. Yin Wan is not a fool himself, but his understanding of Ajer is not as thorough as that of Marshal Philip. I was exhausted physically and mentally, and even my thinking ability began to decline, so I didn't react immediately.

Ajel's ultimate goal must be to become the Elf King.

Under this premise, what is the biggest problem currently preventing him from becoming the Elf King?

Needless to say, it was the serious consequence of not obeying military orders and acting without authorization.

In order to make up for this loss, Ajer needs a clearer and bigger victory!

As his thoughts flew around, Yin Wan looked at Marshal Philip again...

"Then uncle, what do you think Big Brother plans to do? Is he going to support the frontline army?"

"Support the front-line army? Not likely."

Facing Yin Wan's guess, Marshal Philip shook his head directly.

"The front-line army has run out of combat power, the rear forces are limited, and Ajer can muster even more limited forces. To support the front-line army, UU Kanshu fights against the black iron army, it is too difficult to win, so ...According to my guess, he probably wants to lead the troops to attack the border of the Dark Iron Empire!"

When Marshal Philip said these words, Yin Wan was shocked.

After that, Marshal Philip also analyzed Ajer's entire tactical thinking with him.

After all, Ajel was brought out by Marshal Philip. At the tactical level, his thoughts could not be concealed from Marshal Philip. It can be said that he was clearly analyzed by Marshal Philip.

In the end, even Yin Wan had to admit that the possibility was indeed great.

To tell the truth, considering the current situation of the Elf Kingdom, they could not gather their troops and stationed at the border. Instead, because of the existence of Ajer, they were forced to divide their troops and even attack the border of the Dark Iron Empire. For their Elven Kingdom, this may not be the case. This is a good thing, and at the same time, it also completely messed up Yin Wan's original plan.

But anyway, it's better than a civil war.

After that, Ajer's actions did not exceed Marshal Philip's expectations. After his troops gathered to a certain scale, Ajer did not continue to stay in the kingdom, but directly took his army and left the border.

Before leaving, he also vowed to hold a swearing-in meeting. During the period, he didn't forget to step on Yin Wan a few times, and he didn't know if it was a bad idea from a minister under Ajer's command.

Anyway, according to Marshal Philip's understanding of Ajer, although this guy has an impulsive personality, he is really not the kind of elf who can use this method.

The means of spreading public opinion in the past, and the follow-up behavior of trampling, are not like Ajer's style. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!