The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4869: , no opportunity (2)

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In the current situation, even though the elf army has stabilized its position, it is still passive.

Passive until they have the opportunity to counterattack only when the opponent reveals their flaws.

Note that this is just an opportunity to counterattack, it does not mean that they will be able to counterattack successfully.

This kind of thing, even a veteran like Marshal Philip, can't guarantee it.

From this point of view, it is not an exaggeration to say that their situation is extremely passive.

Under this premise, Marshal Philip had to consider another question, and that was whether Ajer had destroyed the ground nuclear cannon on the opposite side.

That's right, they are still not sure about this question, after all, no one has given Marshal Philip a clear answer.

This leads to this question now full of unknowns.

If the nuclear cannon has been completely destroyed, it will undoubtedly be a good thing for the current elf army.

On the other hand, if the ground nuclear cannon is not destroyed, or the destruction is incomplete, the other party can still fire...

The trouble was undoubtedly big.

As I said before, under the command of Marshal Philip, their elf army has just stabilized its position. In this state, if the nuclear gun on the opposite side hits again.

That would be a tragic blow to the elf army, both at the army level, as well as at the morale and spiritual level.

Enough to make the elf army that had just stabilized its position collapse again!

Regarding the purpose of his coming this time, Marshal Philip has not forgotten that if he cannot break the defense line of the Black Iron Empire in a short time, then considering the military reserves of the Black Iron Empire and the threat of the nuclear artillery, he should undoubtedly consider it. It's time to save the troops and withdraw troops rationally.

But now I don't know whether the troops sent out have successfully merged with Ajer, and it is not realistic to withdraw at once...

As the thoughts flew around, Marshal Philip made a decision to fight and retreat.

In short, let's get out of the attack range of the nuclear artillery on the opposite side.

Otherwise, there is always a nuclear cannon aimed at them that may fire at any time, which really makes him uneasy.

"Huh? Start withdrawing?"

Pompeii Rand, who received the feedback for the first time, flashed thoughts in his eyes.

Because Marshal Philip did not retreat at full speed all at once, but fought and retreated all the way.

This move can undertake many subsequent operations.

If the other party intends to withdraw like this, then there is nothing to say.

But if the opponent intends to fight and retreat all the way first, get rid of the coverage of their defensive firepower, and lead them out to fight, then he obviously needs to prepare.

In any case, it is not good for the Black Iron Garrison to fight outside the coverage of defensive firepower.

But to some extent, this is an unavoidable problem.

After all, if you must play in an area where you can play a defensive advantage, the opponent will not be able to retreat. Do you still want to chase?

Or, let the other party go as soon as they want?

According to this line of thinking, his defensive battle may never be finished, and Pompeii Rand must have no such plans.

At least not completely away from their second line of defense, in the state that their black iron garrison can withdraw at any time if they want to withdraw, Pompeii Rand still doesn't mind chasing after the retreating elf army.

After exceeding this range, although the black iron garrison under the command of Pompeii Rand did not retreat directly, and the pursuit continued, but the whole operation became obviously cautious.

As long as the opponent is cautious, the pace of the battle will slow down, which gives Marshal Philip and his army of elves a chance to breathe.

Marshal Philip, who received the news feedback, did not relax because of this. He undoubtedly knew the plan of the other commander.

While sighing that the opponent is indeed a difficult opponent, he also confirmed what he was thinking.

In this battle, the elven army on the front line has basically no more to fight. For him, it is victory to be able to bring these elven soldiers under his command back to the elven kingdom as completely as possible!

Of course, before that, he still has to confirm Ajer's whereabouts...

"No news about Ajer and the Royal Griffin Knights yet?"

At this moment, Marshal Philip, who asked this question, had an undisguised anxiety in his tone.

Faced with this question, his adjutant shook his head.

"I heard that His Royal Highness Ajer and the others were pursued by the troops of the Dark Iron Empire. I don't know what happened in the middle. They didn't flee to the direction where the army was located, and the support troops sent out did not find them. Marshal, we will pick them up. What should I do when I get down?"

Speaking of this, the adjutant's voice paused, and there was a hint of hesitation between his eyebrows, but in the end he firmly stated what he was thinking...

"Marshal, I'm sorry to say bluntly, on this side of the battlefield, the black iron army is approaching step by step, and the opponent has made it clear that reinforcements have arrived. In recent times, the opponent's style of play has become more and more powerful, and the price we pay has also become It’s getting bigger and bigger, and if it goes on like this, we probably won’t be able to withdraw even if we want to.”

What the adjutant said at this time can be said to be the truth. In order to preserve his own troops, UU Kanshu Marshal Philip avoided fighting with the black iron garrison as much as possible. Now they are fighting all the way. If you retreat, you have already retreated to the border area.

The black iron garrison on the opposite side is gradually recovering lost ground, and with the replenishment of its troops, the recent actions have become more and more powerful.

In recent times, they have been unavoidable.

According to this state, if they don't withdraw, they will not be able to withdraw until the Black Iron Empire has assembled its forces and made a layout.

How could Marshal Philip not understand this situation?

But Ajer's bastard, no matter how bastard, is his nephew after all! Could he really care? !

Thinking of this, there was a trace of struggle that could not be concealed on Marshal Philip's face.

Taking a deep breath, one side is his own nephew, and the other side is the countless elf soldiers of their elf kingdom. This is a painful choice for Marshal Philip, but it is definitely not a difficult choice.

After a few deep breaths, Marshal Philip, who had completely adjusted his mood, ordered in a deep voice...

"Forget it, it's all fate... The order goes on, the entire army retreats! Return to the Elf Kingdom!"

Yes, this choice is painful but not difficult.

As the marshal of the elf kingdom, on the one hand, there are countless elven soldiers under his command, as well as the life and death of the elf kingdom;

This multiple choice question is not difficult, just painful.

Pain himself had to give up this pro-nephew.

"Sorry, sister...I couldn't take care of Ajer..."