The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4882: , investment projects

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With the successive statements of the two grandfathers, the core backbones of the chamber of commerce kept up with each other, making Ye An, the president, instantly emptied, without the power to resist.

After the incident, Ye An was immediately locked up by the third grandfather, so that he could think about it behind closed doors.

At the same time, the power was handed over to Ye Qingxuan, who had just returned, by voting at the banquet table.

Of course, they did not immediately announce this matter to the outside world. As mentioned earlier, in this already unstable environment, suddenly changing the chairman will also bring a lot of damage to their chamber of commerce. shock.

It takes a while for them to ease up.

During this period of relaxation, Ye An continued to serve as the nominal president, while the real power was gradually transferred to Ye Qingxuan.

From this point of view, this whole thing has undoubtedly gone smoothly to an unbelievable level.

But in fact, as long as you understand the purpose of Ye's Chamber of Commerce, you will not be surprised by this.

Don't forget, Ye's Chamber of Commerce is fundamentally a chamber of commerce, with a group of businessmen in it.

Business people do things, one is about interests, and the other is about credibility.

Putting interests first is because of reputation itself and for longer-term interests.

In this way, if Ye An is compared to an investment project, then this investment project will not see any long-term benefits while the recent economic returns are in a mess, it has always been negative growth, and even more and more losses. .

In the face of such a terrible investment project, from the perspective of a businessman, if conditions permit, it is natural to stop the loss in time and cut it out.

And Ye Qingxuan is equivalent to a new project that just appeared at this point in time, and in their opinion, has more investment value.

However, Ye Qingxuan would not relax about this.

In fact, she was far from being able to relax.

As a 'new project', countless 'investors' around are waiting to see her performance.

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan actually understands the mentality of these "investors".

After so many years of disappearance, Ye Qingxuan recognized her influence, and before she came back, she could make the core backbone of the Chamber of Commerce directly turn to support her as the president.

The reasons for this effect can be roughly divided into three aspects.

The current president is too disappointing, needless to say, and the influence left by her father, Ye Tianxiong, makes the core members of the chamber of commerce today still have some thoughts about her.

Of course, the more important point should be that in the eyes of the core members, in the current situation, instead of letting Ye An sit in the chair and continue to break the jar, they might as well take a gamble and support Ye Qingxuan in the top position, maybe Really leads to better results.

And even if it didn't, the situation couldn't get any worse.

From this point of view, they are not at a loss.

Next, considering the current situation of Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the known universe, it is obvious that there is no rest time for Ye Qingxuan.

First, with the cooperation of Miya and the core backbones of various departments, we will have a more in-depth understanding of the current Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

After so many years of blankness, the amount of information now piled up in front of Ye Qingxuan is so huge that it makes the scalp numb, far from being comparable to the information that she and Mia had learned between questions and answers before.

But she obviously had no way out, she could only bite the bullet.

During this period, Ye Qingxuan certainly did not forget the matter of trying to find a way to take Luo Ji out of the Holy Light Holy See.

But to achieve this goal, she must first gain enough power.

In order to gain enough power, she must first deal with the things in front of her.

With such a state of mind, Ye Qingxuan was full of energy and plunged into the work in front of him.

Different from that time in Holy Light Holy See Kingdom, Ye's Chamber of Commerce has all kinds of the most advanced technological equipment, which can assist her in her work, so the whole work efficiency is significantly higher.

But on the contrary, the workload has also become larger, which caused Ye Qingxuan to have no leisure for almost a moment.

At the beginning, because she had not experienced such high-intensity work for too long, she was not used to it, but as Ye Qingxuan gradually entered the state, her entire work efficiency began to improve steadily.

This speed of improvement made the core backbones who raised their hands in front of the banquet table to support Ye Qingxuan gradually saw some hope.

However, the current situation of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce obviously will not improve significantly in such a short period of time, that is unrealistic.

Not to mention the current Ye Qingxuan, who is still dealing with the mess that Ye An left her!

On this day, a special message alert sounded in Ye Qingxuan's office, which made Ye Qingxuan's attention, who had temporarily come to an end, quickly diverted his attention.

After glancing at the prompt message icon, Ye Qingxuan looked at the secretaries who were specially assigned to her.

"The work documents that need to be processed later, you organize them first, and send them to my terminal. I will rest for a while."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan got up directly and walked to the lounge next to her.

After waiting for the door of the lounge to close, Ye Qingxuan quickly opened her personal terminal device.

This terminal device was specially set up by Xu Ji to ensure that her series of operations on this device would not be monitored by some guys.

Now that the terminal was opened, it was Xu Ji who sent a message.

The content of the message was very simple, with only the word "get it done" After confirming these two words, Ye Qingxuan was slightly refreshed, and then quickly glanced at the time.

There are still less than two minutes until 12:30 noon.

When the time came, an unfamiliar encrypted communication was received on her private terminal almost on time and in seconds.

The communication was connected, and a mechanical synthesis sound without any emotional fluctuations sounded in Ye Qingxuan's ears...

"Hello, Miss Ye, this machine is 'representative at the headquarters of Ye's Chamber of Commerce' number 9613. According to what Mr. Xu Jixu conveyed, Miss Ye, do you want to have a conversation with this machine?"


Faced with this question, Ye Qingxuan directly affirmed it without thinking.

Even now, the mechanical clan maintains a relatively stable cooperative relationship with their Ye's Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, the mechanical clan also sends special diplomats to stay at their Ye's Chamber of Commerce headquarters.

Before, Ye Qingxuan asked Xu Ji to find a way to get in touch with the mechanical family.

At the same time, her purpose was very simple, she just wanted to see if Luo Ji could be rescued with the help of the power of the mechanical clan.

No nonsense, after all, the longer the lingering, the higher the risk of exposure. After successfully establishing communication with the serial number 9613, Ye Qingxuan explained Luo Ji's current situation in the most concise words.

After listening, the serial number 9613 was silent for two seconds, as if to analyze and calculate this matter, and finally came to the result...

"I'm sorry, according to the calculation results of this machine, the cost of rescuing No. 4578 from the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light is far greater than the current No. 4578 itself, so this machine judges that this action is meaningless, please forgive us for not agreeing. ."