The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 49: Zhao Wei’s decision

"There was something unexpected about the Black Rock tribe..."

Upon hearing this, Zhao Hao suddenly lifted his hand and made a gesture of 'stopping'. "This is not the place to talk, come with me."

After that, Zhao Wei indicated that Luo Yong would stay here to protect Luo Ji, and he returned to his tent with Luo Jin. "Well, let's say, what happened to the Black Rock tribe?"

Looking at Zhao Yan, a serious and cautious face, Luo Jin’s heart nodded secretly. He just deliberately played a blind eye. Now, all the unexpected situations are obviously not suitable for the public before making a clear decision and being dealt with. Talk about it. At that time, if Zhao Wei did not stop him in time, it means that the other party is not rigorous enough to do things. For his decision-making power, Luo Jin has to measure it. However, it seems that Zhao’s performance has already gained his approval. .

"The temperature in the middle of the night dropped suddenly, and the Black Rock tribe was backed by the mine. A lot of snow on the mountain wall was blown down by the wind, and several tents in the tribe near the mountain wall collapsed. Now Four members of the mining team confirmed the illness, and two others were frostbitten..." Quickly said what he knew. Luo Jin’s eyes looked directly at Zhao Wei. He wanted to see what Zhao Wei would do.

Zhao Xin, who heard this, was obviously sinking, but his emotions were not directly expressed on his face, and his character made him sink this tone.

"It is necessary to contain it." With such a thought, after Zhao Yi’s thoughts, he slowly opened his mouth. "At present, for the tribe, the importance of the mining team does not need to be said, let the four sick people and the frostbitters Come back, so as not to spread the disease in the mining team..."

"The population of the tribe is more, and it is not a good thing for the sick to come back." Luo Jin did not change his color to remind him.

"But letting it go, it will only be worse." Zhao Wei looked at Luo Jin with a calm look. "Once the disease spreads out in the mining team, the number of people sick increases further, and the efficiency of the mining team will drop." The follow-up coal supply of the Horde is likely to be broken."

"You can bring them back, and the condition may spread on the side of the Der Spiegel." Luo Jin once again stressed the threat of four patients to their Der Spiegel tribe.

"In order to build a military camp, the former patriarchs let the logging team clear out an open space on the periphery of the tribe. The open space and the camp are separated by a distance. I will let people go to the open space to set up several tents. All the patients are placed there. The resources on the tribe are relatively adequate. They are more likely to heal. At the same time, they can control the spread of the disease. Our tribes have been lacking in manpower, but the situation now makes us Can not accept more new population, but at least to keep the original population." At this time, Zhao Wei, apparently has straightened out his own thoughts, very clear what he is going to do.

"What if the condition can't be controlled?" This is not because Luo Jin deliberately blamed Zhao Wei, but the fact is that in this era, the lack of relevant knowledge and the backwardness of medical development make it impossible for the disease to be effectively controlled. At this moment, whether it is Zhao Wei or Luo Jin, both of them are just thinking about these issues in the interests of Luo Ji and the tribe, and they have raised their own doubts and methods.

"That can only expel them!"

The heart of Luo Jin who heard this answer was slightly pumped out and expelled the seriously ill person from the tribe. It was equivalent to sentenced the person to death, but it was also the most effective way to avoid the spread of the disease in the tribe. At the moment of this sentence, Luo Jin felt that he had some admiration for each other. At least he could not make such a firm statement, even though he thought of it.

"If you do this, it will make other people in the tribe become uneasy." If you are seriously ill, you will be expelled from the tribe and die. In this environment, what is more scary than this?

"What can I do then?" Zhao Wei asked, "Can you always die together?"

Luo Jin can't refute, because the fact is that, from a rational point of view of this issue, Zhao Wei's approach is correct, but why does this correct approach lead to everyone's dissatisfaction and panic? Because everyone is afraid that this kind of thing will fall on their head one day.

"All consequences, I bear! Now, as I said, do it!"

At this moment, the power of Zhao Wei’s display made Luo Jin feel surprised. In his impression, the presence of Zhao Wei, who usually doesn’t talk much, has always been very low. When Zhao Wei was chosen as a tribal warrior by the patriarch, he also The accident happened for a long time, and at this moment, he finally clearly felt the power of this person. Zhao's 'powerful' is different from Luo Yong, but can't deny that this man in front of him is very strong!

Under the decision of Zhao There was no problem with the operation of the whole tribe. After noon, according to the instructions of Luo, I simply cooked a few pots of hot soup with white radish and distributed it. After that, they continued to invest in their work.

Looking at Luo Yong, who is still standing beside the fire, Zhao Wei walked over in two steps. "Is the patriarch still not awake?"

"No." Luo Yong shook his head, his expression on his face could not help but reveal a bit of dignity.

"Your expression is too ugly, everyone will be uneasy." Zhao Wei himself is a person with a lack of expression, so he has a face, and whoever sees it in the tribe will not be surprised, but Luo Yong is not.

When I heard Zhao Wei’s words, Luo Yong slammed his face muscles hard, but he did not speak. The whole person sat there and did not know what he was thinking.

"I went in to see the situation of the patriarch."

I don't know if I heard the movement, half a dream and half awaken, Luo Ji frowned, heavy eyelids barely opened a slit, "Zhao Wei?"

Looking at the Luo series that woke up, Zhao’s face looked happy, and then he hurriedly yelled at the outside. “Rayong, come and cook the soup!”

The movement in the tent, Rayong, who had been kept outside, certainly heard it. He didn’t need Zhao Weiduo to say that he had already filled a bowl full of hot soup.

Luo Ji has some strenuous support to sit up and drink. After drinking two hot soups, the whole person feels a lot better. Then he glances at Zhao Wei and Luo Yong who are holding their faces, and they are nervous. He smiles. I am fine, just too tired. Now, what time is it?"

"Just after noon."

Luo Ji’s words obviously made the two people a little relieved, but the Luo Ji who said the words, his mood is very heavy, because he lied...