The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4917: , Return of Ajer (7)

Civilization Lord of the Worlds Chapter 4917, Return of Ajer (7)

The existence of individual 'bad habits' made Ajel frequently miss and fall into a disadvantage, but there was nothing he could do.

After all, how many years had he used his previous fighting style? And how long has it been since the transformation? This fighting habit, if it can be changed at once, it will be a ghost.

At the same time, due to this reason, Ajel's current combat ability must have been greatly affected.

This is also one of the reasons why Ajel, taking advantage of the tight frontline battle, and relying on his familiarity with the kingdom, chose to attack the Elf King City directly and seize the opportunity to take the throne.

Obviously, he has a relatively thorough understanding of his current situation.

It stands to reason that after completing the transformation, he will need some time to adapt and adjust his fighting style.

But the existence of Yin Wan and the situation in the Elf Kingdom made Ajel not dare to wait.

Apparently, Ajel was afraid that his defeat would be passed back to the Elf Kingdom, which would lead to the exposure of the previous incident, and eventually his reputation was ruined, while Yin Wan took the opportunity to sit on the throne of the Elf King.

Therefore, he wants to grab the throne before all this happens!

At that time, all the unfavorable remarks about him can be classified as slander by the hostile party.

But this thing did not go well.

The reason why it was so unsatisfactory was because he acted too hastily, and Ajel knew this in his heart.

At the same time, under this situation, some of the admonitions that Marshal Philip had given him in the past also appeared in his mind out of his control.

"The Female President's Almighty King"

Marshal Philip in the past has also been talking about this issue of his.

Now it seems that he has not changed it until now.

So Marshal Philip was right, but so what?

For Ajer at this time, Marshal Philip's past good intentions will only make him more and more irritable at this time.

That irritable mood, like a vicious beast, rampaged in Ajer's body.

Before this evil beast devours him, what he needs is a catharsis!

"Death to me!

! "

Looking at the fire snake that was slaughtering towards him, Ajel roared and waved the elemental sword in his hand!

At that moment, Ajel himself didn't know exactly what happened.

He only felt that the evil beast that made him irritable, and was even about to swallow him, roared out with his sword swing!

In an instant, I saw a solid black slash slashed from the edge of Ajer's elemental great sword.

The elf mages who controlled the slaughter of the fire snake obviously did not expect that Ajer would have such a move.

That pitch-black slash was so powerful that it split the fiery snake in two on the spot.

After that, the pitch-black slashing attack continued unabated. At that time, he stayed behind and wanted to pinpoint the attack node of the first fire snake. Another fire snake that was waiting for an opportunity did not even have time to react, so he stepped forward. In the footsteps of a fiery snake.

The spell was forcibly broken, and the fire elf mages who teamed up to perform the flaming snake dance were immediately backlashed. Some were pale and shaky, while others fainted on the spot, and their life and death were unknown. This made the situation on the deck. child becomes complicated.

But Ajer doesn't care about that.

Along with that pitch-black slash, Ajel at this time only felt an indescribable comfort in his body and mind.

Of course, there is also consumption. After hitting such a powerful blow, it is impossible for Ajer's own state to have no effect at all.

However, Ajer's own hard power is there after all, and it is not to be said that it is directly dragged down by the consumption of this blow.

Leaving aside these consumptions, this blow can be described as full of deterrence. After the blow, the two fire snakes that were the biggest obstacles in Ajer's advancement process were already wiped out by him with one blow. The elf mage group has temporarily lost the ability to fight.

Seizing this opportunity, Ajel naturally approached at full speed while riding the Nightwing under his seat.

During the period, the Elf Mage Corps and the Elf Demon Archers also took action one after another, obviously trying to save the situation.

But their entire core strategy at this stage is undoubtedly revolving around the two fire snakes, which is a very stable and classic dual-core strategy.

As a result, who would have thought that the two fire snakes, which were the core of the two tactics, were actually slashed by Ajer with one blow!

In the state of losing their core, even if the elf mages and the elf magic archers tried their best to save the field, it would be difficult for them to recover the suppressing power they had shown before in a short period of time.

But this time, it was enough for Ajer to rush out of their shield!

As for the defense mechanism of the elf warship or all the defense shields of the elven army, Ajel undoubtedly knew very well.

To put it simply, if you want to break the shield, it is best to directly strike with all your strength, so that your attack strength exceeds the upper limit of the shield, so as to quickly destroy the shield.

Otherwise, with enough elemental power to support it, the defense strength of the shield will continue to recover, and eventually it will become a real battle of attrition.

Even Ajel doesn't want to spend it on this piece. UU reading

With this thought in mind, Ajel quickly began to charge up as he rode Nightwing to approach.

There is no skill, nor is it a move, Ajel simply concentrates his maximum strength directly on the next sword.

Between the lightning and flint, Ajer swung out a sword, and the fleet shield dissipated immediately, but Ajer's face was not even half happy.

Because at that moment, he clearly realized that the shield was not blown up by his attack at all, but the opposite party took the initiative to remove the shield before his attack fell!

After the shield was lifted, Ajel's full blow landed directly on the elf warship that was at the forefront of the fleet.

Even without the blessing of any moves, the entire bow deck of the elven warship was completely shattered by Ajer's blow!

However, Ajer's face was extremely ugly.

The reason for it was revealed in the next instant. I saw that the dissipated fleet shield was actually covered again after his blow!

This can be regarded as a relatively common practice method.

Since the shield cannot be opened in a short period of time after it is blown up, some generals will take the initiative to release part of the shield when they realize that the shield will definitely not be able to stop the attack, and let the attack hit. A move to come in and then re-deploy the shield.

Take the Royal City Guards as an example, this operation at this time, to put it bluntly, is to sacrifice an elf warship as a price, in order to prevent the shield of their elf fleet from being forcibly blown up by Ajer! +Bookmark+