The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 5005: , survival probability

In fact, in the current situation, it really depends on Li Ke and the others, let alone saving Ye Qingxuan, they can't even enter Karen Bell.

For this reason, under Luo Ji's repeated requests, although the Machine Race fleet did not plan to take action immediately, it provided minimal help for Li Ke and the others for the time being.

That is to lend them a newest model of a submarine.

After all, at this time, in this area, even their mechanical family can't ensure the stability of the space gate.

Even if it is forcibly opened, who knows where the other end will lead?

Even if your front foot just gets in, the rear footwell channel may collapse.

In this way, considering the fact that the space magnetic field is extremely unstable in the area, Li Ke and the others want to enter Karen Bell, and they can only see if they can sneak in if they lack the strength to rush in. went in.

And the mimic camouflage technology of the mechanical family can be said to be the strongest in the entire universe at present.

In other words, with this technology, the submarines developed are naturally the strongest in the universe.

In order to reduce the possibility of being discovered, this submarine of the mechanic family has basically no fire weapons installed. While saving the load and space as much as possible, the size of the submarine is extremely simplified to increase the dexterity and dexterity of the submarine. walkability.

This type of ship was originally developed for the purpose of performing some infiltrating reconnaissance missions, or secretly transporting small-scale troops for operations.

For the sake of overall consideration, at Luo Ji's request, when the vanguard team was on their way out of the main force, they temporarily brought a few submarines with them in case of emergencies, but now, they could undoubtedly come in handy.

There is no need for Li Ke and the others to drive and operate by themselves. The ships of their mechanical family all have intelligent systems. Under the condition of confirming the instructions, they can completely be handed over to the intelligent system for driving.

In this way, Li Ke and the others who boarded the submarine will officially set off soon.

As a member of the mechanical clan, Luo Ji was also restricted by the mastermind of civilization, so he negotiated with the mastermind of civilization here, hoping to convince him.

Li Ke's battlefield experience is still very rich.

Under this premise, on Karen Bell's side, a certain amount of chaos was formed just because of Wall's intervention, allowing Li Ke and the others to seize the opportunity and sneak into the interior of the planet.

Looking at the entire known universe, although Karen Bell is only a small planet, its specifications are as big as a planet. Now Li Ke and the others have sneaked into the planet, but without knowing Ye Qingxuan's whereabouts, they think Finding a person on a planet is as difficult as finding a needle in a haystack.

Fortunately, they are not without a thought.

"Go to Luo Jin first!"

Luo Jin is the general manager of the intelligence network on Calum Bell's side.

Their eldest lady should also be aware of her situation. If something unexpected happens, they will most likely not be able to find her.

So logically, according to the temperament of their eldest lady, they will definitely go to Luo Jin's side to leave clues.

As for Luo Jin's whereabouts, they can't say clearly, but they know how to get in touch with each other.

Although the submersible ships of the mechanical family did not carry any firepower weapons, their performance was indeed very strong. After entering the interior of the planet, they went straight to their destination.

Then, according to the guidance of the password and the message, he soon saw Luo Jin in a shelter in a block.

Luo Jin has always been a well-dressed and elegant barista to the outside world.

However, the recent life in the shelter has made him a little dejected, and it is difficult to continue to maintain the external image of the past.

It has been decades since Luo Jin met them last time, and now Luo Jin is in his 60s or 70s.

For today's human beings, sixty or seventy years old is young, but it is not enough, but for the time being, it can be called a prime age.

Looking at Li Ke and others who came over, Luo Jin slowly opened his mouth after a brief recollection...

"It's been a long time."

Obviously, Luo Jin had already remembered Li Ke.

Knowing that the man in front of him was the captain of their eldest lady's bodyguard, Luo Jin's doubts were also eliminated at this moment.

Of course he knew the purpose of Li Ke and others coming.

Originally, their eldest lady was hidden among the refugees. After the Otto Empire took over Karen Bell, she could easily leave if she had a chance.

After all, the Otto Empire is also afraid that something will happen to their eldest lady here. Invisibly, the Otto Empire has also become their eldest lady's bodyguard, which can be said to be the best policy.

But now that this accident comes out, the instability factor has undoubtedly increased.

In fact, Ye Qingxuan had not imagined the situation of some guys jumping over the wall in a hurry.

But where in the world is there a 100% safe plan?

If she is timid just because of a little probability, then she basically doesn't have to do anything.

Now, according to the intelligence information obtained by Luo Jin, some guys are indeed starting to jump over the wall.

Just before, I don't know if something fell or the enemy's attack landed. The underground shelter where Luo Jin was located felt a clear vibration, which made the people in the shelter panic.

According to the original plan, Ye Qingxuan would definitely hide to the end.

In this situation, compared to going out and running, it must be hiding in the shelter, betting that the other party can't find her, and the attack will not spread to the shelter where you are.

But the situation is a little different now, because from the previous shock shock, the last attack probably landed in the capital city where they were located.

Regardless of whether the opponent's attack was an accident or not, Luo Jin can only deal with it now as if it were not an accident.

Under this premise, although the capital city of UU Reading is already the largest city in Kalembert, in the final analysis, how many shots can it endure in the face of the attack of the main gun of the interstellar battleship?

If the other party recognized this place and single-mindedly wanted to raze their capital to the ground, then they would not be spared.

Originally, they had no other way, so they could only continue to hide, resign to their fate, and bet that Calumbell's planetary defense army, or simply the troops of the Otto Empire, could help them relieve the threat in time.

But now, the arrival of Li Ke and the others has undoubtedly brought them some more choices.

If nothing else, even if you can't take them away from this planet, it's fine to take them out of the city and out of the firepower range of the spaceship in the sky!

As long as they can safely leave the firepower range of the enemy space battleship, their survival probability can be greatly increased!

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