The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 5018: , fate track

The successful signing of the peace agreement and the complete conclusion of the truce with the Dark Iron Empire gave the elven kingdom that had been baptized by war and finally had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

And it was at this time, that in later generations, a major accident that was recorded in the annals of their elves happened!

In the annals of history, this is how the situation was described at that time...

The enchantment of the Wangcheng was inexplicably invalid, and the great criminal Ajer, who was detained in the dungeon of the Elf King's castle, fled and launched a terrorist attack on the Wangcheng.

On that day, there was a riot in the king's city, and a large number of clansmen, together with the ancient elf tree, were devoured by dark matter and lost their vitality!

"Look what exactly you did?"

Outside the world, Bahamut questioned Tiamat slightly angrily.

In this regard, Tiamat remained calm and casual.

"I just let the elves usher in their due destiny, but you, Bahamut, you have too much control."


Tiamat's words really made him a little unable to deal with it.

To some extent, he had to admit that Tiamat was right.

Because for this world, both he and Tiamat can only serve as a bystander, watching the world run by the wheel of fortune.

Unless they feel the call of the world's will or the drive of fate, otherwise, as the "interference force", they can only stay outside the world, watch everything, and cannot easily intervene.

Because every time they intervene, it will affect the trajectory of the wheel of fortune.

And whether this effect is good or bad, and what kind of trouble it will bring in the future, even they don't know.

If there is a change in a good direction, then naturally everything is easy to say, but if it is because of their intervention that the world's operation becomes unstable by accident, then the trouble will undoubtedly be big.

Knowing this, Bahamut and Tiamat differ in their thinking and practice.

Bahamut tends to take the initiative to do something, relying on his own cognition and understanding, to consciously maintain the stability of the world, so that the world can operate more stably under his protection.

Tiamat, on the other hand, tends to go with the flow.

In Tiamat's view, as long as what happens does not exceed a certain critical point, everything that happens in this world is itself a part of destiny, and their interference is wrong.

After all, fate is a very mysterious thing.

If it's time for them to act as the 'intervention force', then the will and fate of the world will inevitably make them feel, or simply drive them to act.

Instead of letting them do something deliberately based on their own judgment.

Although Tiamat's words made Bahamut speechless for a while, but looking at the ancient elf tree that had lost its vitality, Bahamut couldn't help but ask questions...

"So, this is the result of fate's guidance?"

"Calm down, Bahamut."

While speaking, Tiamat's perception quickly shrouded the ancient elf tree.

"The dark matter contains my original power. The ancient elf tree is not dead. It is just affected by my original power and fell into a deep sleep."


Hearing this, Bahamut quickly shrouded his perception, and then stopped speaking. He temporarily accepted the situation in front of him, and then together with Tiamat, as a bystander, moved towards the messy elves below. Kingdom look.

Due to Bahamut's previous intervention, the fate of the Elf Kingdom has undergone a huge change.

Under this premise, in order to make the fate of the Elf Kingdom return to its proper track, under the drive of fate, in order to be able to achieve this goal with the help of Ajer, Tiamat naturally needs to give the other party some help .

Of course, this was in the Elf Kingdom after all, and the number of dark elves was extremely limited. Just giving Ajel a set of armor and weapons, and then giving the opponent a way to fight, might not have the desired effect.

For the time being, Tiamat, who had considered this issue in advance, showed his divine power when he left the ancient Yue Empire, swept away the black pool, and now directly moved the black pool outside the Elf King City.

One last help for Ajer.

After that, Ajel did not disappoint her, and it could even be said that it exceeded her expectations.

In the case that the enchantment of the king city fails, the other party directly leads the dark matter in the black pool into the elf king city.

Its purpose should have been to directly transform the elves of an entire elf king city, so that they can complete the Jedi counterattack.

The plan is actually good, and it is indeed Ajer's plan with the highest success rate, but as far as the result is concerned, Ajer still can't compete with Yin Wan, who has a fairy dragon to help out, and died in his own brother. hand.

But Yin Wan didn't have time to stop the spread of dark matter.

In other words, after they knew that these dark substances would erode themselves as long as they touched them, they couldn't think of a solution for a while.

I tried all the methods that could be used, but I couldn't prevent the dark matter from flooding the Elf King City, and finally eroded the ancient Elf tree and made the ancient Elf tree lose its vitality.

At the time of Wang Cheng's life and death, Yin Wan, who had just killed his own brother, didn't even have time to feel sad.

"Impossible, how can there be so much black mud?!"

Faced with this question, Yin Wan quickly got the answer.

"Because the black mud keeps increasing!"

"Big elder..."

Looking at the elf elders walking by, Yin Wan didn't have time to think about it, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

In this regard, the elder did not include the lake, and quickly reiterated his findings...

"These black muds are constantly devouring the elemental power between heaven and earth, and in the process of devouring, the size of the black mud is also growing!"

Having said that, the elder took a deep breath.

"In other words, as long as these black muds continue to devour elemental power and expand their scale, then it will be a matter of time before the elf king city is submerged."

In this black mud, Tiamat's source power was formed by swallowing each other to form the current scale.

Under this premise, the natural environment of the ancient Yue Empire was transformed into a 'land of immortality' due to the influence of Tiamat's source power. In this 'land of immortality', all things will suffer Transformation, elemental power is no exception.

This has led to the fact that there is nothing else that can be swallowed by dark matter in the ancient Yue Empire.

Now after being brought to the Elf Kingdom by Tiamat with divine power, the situation is like a hungry ghost who has been hungry for an unknown time, breaking into the grain storage warehouse, and eating wildly on the spot!


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