The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 5043: , everyone, have you ever played a virtu

The entire layout of the Myriad Realms created by him at the current stage can be roughly understood as a lot of small spaces opened up by Luo Ji alone in the new world that has just been established.

And he threw every force into a small space alone, blocking them off.

This is because the new world has just been established, and Luo Ji doesn't want all these forces to get together and cause him some trouble and affect his future plans.

Let Scarlet do a small favor, and soon, all the leaders of all parties were 'invited' to Luo Ji's creation time, considering the plan at this stage, and created a special small for himself. within the space.

The moment they saw Luo Ji's appearance, the expressions on the faces of the group of leaders could be said to be as wonderful as they could be.

But in the end, no one dared to speak out, let alone shout.

After all, whether it was the destruction of the world before, or Luo Ji, who created the world in the form of a creator god, it seems that they are not something they can afford...

Luo Ji discovered that when these lower world creatures, including humans, faced an existence that was only a little stronger than themselves, they would do everything possible to drag them down or even kill them by any means.

But if that existence far surpasses them in strength and reaches a point where they can't catch up no matter how hard they try to catch up, then these guys will worship him.

At this moment, the representatives of these major forces undoubtedly regard him as an omniscient and almighty creator god, and he has no idea that he has now lost the power of God.

But this is undoubtedly a good thing for him, and it can greatly facilitate the execution of his next plan.

"Everyone here, you should all know me by now, so I won't introduce myself any more. Please feel free to call me whatever you want."

Having said that, Luo Ji changed the subject and went straight to the point.

"Everyone should have realized that everyone here, the various forces you are in, are all isolated in separate small spaces, I know what you are thinking, the space you are in now, Strictly speaking, it is not a new world, but an independent space opened up on the basis of the new world.”

"I did this because I wanted to invite you all to play a game."

While speaking, Luo Ji's gaze swept across the faces of every leader present.

The expressions on the leaders' faces were all very subtle. After listening to Luo Ji's words, they didn't even know what to say.

"Everyone, have you ever played a virtual game?"


At this moment, their expressions undoubtedly became more subtle.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, continued talking on his own accord...

"I have a friend, you may know her. Her name is Ye Qingxuan. She is a person who likes to play virtual games. Basically, when a game is released, she has a copy."

"She often sighs with me that the game is good, not because of how interesting and fun the game is, but because of the order and rules of the game, or what she likes is the control that the game system can bring."

"In the game, the system stipulates what can't be done, that is, it can't be done. It's very simple and clear. Under this system, you don't even have the chance to make mistakes. be punished accordingly.”

"She said it was very good, especially compared to the real world where everyone doesn't like to follow the rules very much, and they like to play tricks behind their backs and make all kinds of **** that make her feel speechless."

"If there is such a system in the real world, will the whole world be much more peaceful?"

Speaking of which, many representatives of the forces present had clearly begun to hear something not quite right from Luo Ji's words.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, seemed to have not noticed their changes at all, and continued to speak his own words...

"I think what she said is not unreasonable, but there is still one thing missing. The missing point is unity!"

"There are so many forces in the world, why do wars break out? To put it bluntly, isn't there a conflict between the various forces? Negotiations fail, can we only use war to solve the problem in the end? But if there is only one force in this world , and this force will develop according to the only will?"

"Then the possibility of conflict between forces will not exist from the beginning."

"Of course, I also considered the problem of internal contradictions, so, in order to eliminate this contradiction and the gap between various races, I specially prepared this game, and at the same time, I also gave everyone here a chance to challenge me! I will also join into this game."

"This game is equivalent to the 'internal test' of the new world. By the way, I can take this opportunity to test the system. After the 'internal test' is over, the new world will be officially opened, and the final winner of this game, Will be the sole ruler of the new world!"

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of the representatives of all parties present changed.

Obviously, no one thought that Luo Ji would actually play this game with them.

"Of course, considering my status, you may have some doubts, but please rest assured, cheating is meaningless to me. If I just want to become a ruler, then I can do it now. , there is no need to waste time to do this kind of troublesome thing, for this point, I think you should be very clear about it."

At this moment, Luo Ji's remarks, while increasing the pressure on the representatives of all parties present, somewhat relaxed.

Indeed, if Luo Ji wants to become the master of this world, UU reading www. Then he is already there, there is no need to make such troublesome things.

But the fear of the unknown still makes them hesitate.

Until a voice came out first...

"Tell me, what exactly is this game about?"

With this question thrown, the owner of this voice instantly became the focus of the audience.

And after seeing the speaker clearly, the representatives of the forces present here are not surprised.

Because the person who speaks now is the master of Yan Huang, Qilin Martial Emperor Zhong Mo!

In the current situation, only this peak powerhouse at the top level of the entire universe has the courage to open his mouth.

"Since this game is to choose the only ruler of the new world in the end, it is natural to play the development, management and strategy of civilization!"

While speaking, Luo Ji waved his hand, and a huge world suddenly appeared in front of everyone...