The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 507: Rescue in a blizzard (3)

"After he woke up, he might not be born to die, or even want to kill himself, but in any case, he should not die in your hands now!"

After some words, Luo Yong waved his hand.

"Take him to the hospital."

As soon as the voice fell, the soldier of the Xuanjia army behind him suddenly carried the seriously injured man and rushed to the hospital.

Even if the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army and the defending city troops arrived, this is undoubtedly a huge boost.

When Ichikawa saw it, he quickly stepped forward and said,

"Since the two generals have arrived, the matter here will be handed over to General Luo and General Zhou. The servant position will also be rushed back to report to the Majesty."

Luo Yong, who heard this, naturally nodded.

"Well, go, let us know here."

A long-lived meson, he quickly rushed back to Luo’s residence.

And reported to Luo Ji what happened outside.

After listening to the collapse, it turned out to be a residential building, and after collapsed two collapsed.

The mood of Luo Ji’s moment is undoubtedly heavy to the extreme.

But Luo Ji is very clear in his heart.

What he needs to do now is not sentimental.

But make a decision!

"All the wounded were transferred to the hospital for treatment. If there were no injuries or the injury was very light, they would be temporarily placed in the military camp! The military grain reserve in the military barracks should be enough."

In this blizzard, Ichikawa, who served as a messenger, is obviously not free for a moment.

However, once I went out, I rushed back to the mesons here, but brought back a report that was enough to torture the spirit of Luo.

There was news from the hospital that many survivors had been seriously injured to the level of disability.

One of the most serious, almost both legs were crushed into meat.

Not to mention two legs, it is a problem to keep life.

The current resources within the hospital are limited.

It is only for the treatment of those patients who are ill, they have to consume a lot of human and material resources every day.

In this emergency report sent by the Minister of Medicine.

The other party’s concealed question is whether resources should be used for patients who need it more.

Those wounded who have been injured to the point of being disabled.

What can I do if I save my life?

According to Luo's current development of Wanxiang civilization.

More than 90% of the positions do not have their place.

And less than 10% of the posts are left.

There are also a lot of people who can do better than them.

In other words, they have basically lost value.

Do everything in their power to save these lost people.

There will only be two results...

The first result is that the hospital is working hard and investing a lot of resources to rescue the other party. As a result, people are still dead.

In this way, the resources invested will become meaningless in an instant and become a waste of plain.

The second result is that people are saved.

But like the above, what can I do if I save my life?

The other party can only continue to consume resources, but it is basically unable to provide a corresponding labor force.

The ugly thing to say is that it loses its value and becomes a parasite that eats white rice.

Look at this matter from a rational and cold stand.

There is no point in saving them.

According to the Minister of Health, it is the right thing to use resources on patients who need it more.

Once the Luoji series agrees, it is basically equivalent to calling those who have been injured to die.

When such a thing happens, the hearts of those people are already desperate.

And he, have to make up another knife?

The matter waiting for him to make a decision in front of him seems to be constantly interrogating his humanity, causing his spirit to suffer and suffering.


A heavy bit of vomiting spit out from the mouth of Luo.

His whole person leaned on his office chair with one hand.

I can't make a decision for a long time.

This is not a simple multiple choice question.

No matter which choice you make.

He has to pay the corresponding price.

If he wants to save people, he does not mean to save the last sentence.

If you want to save.

Then he has to think about how to resettle people after they have been saved.

Otherwise, what is the difference between a person who has lost his ability to live and a labor force, and who is going to kill himself?

At the same time, he chooses to save or not.

It is bound to cause dissatisfaction among some people.

This is a decision that is doomed to the best of both worlds.

In other words, most things in this world can't be the best of both worlds.

He has to make difficult choices again and again.

One side is value, and the other side is human nature.

In front of the enemy, he can become a cold-blooded ruthless executioner.

Unrelentingly ordered to kill thousands of soldiers.

But for his own people, it is difficult for him to say the word.

At this time, Luo Ji, as if to see a balance in front of his eyes, where he kept swinging left and right.

He doesn't have much time and has to make a decision quickly.

After making a deep breath with force, Luo Ji gave a firm answer to the answer...

"Help me with all my strength!"

Izumikawa did not know what was written in the emergency report.

But at this time, it has already been guessed one or two ~ After responding, I quickly rushed to the medical department with the hand of Luo Ji.

Received the hand of Luo Ji from the hands of me.

And after reading the content.

The look of the medical minister Zhou Jingsheng's face was first revealed a bit strange, and then the corner of the mouth unconsciously evoked a shallow curvature.

Followed by respectfulness...

"Wei Chen Zhou Jingsheng led the life!"

At the same time, the other side.

As a decision is made, Luo is destined to be busy.

Because of this decision, he had to make a series of arrangements and arrangements.

At the same time, the medicinal materials are acquired.

Although the current number of medicinal materials is enough.

However, Luo Ji does not guarantee that there will be insufficient medicinal materials in the future.

Thinking of this, he made some arrangements.

Decisively launched a new round of invasion.

The accumulated pressure on his body made him more and more powerful and violent in the post-invasion war.

At the same time, it began to search for various resources to maintain the consumption of its own civilization.

It can be said that it is a further determination of its notoriety in the bronze section.

But now, Luo Ji does not matter.

A few more enemies will have more enemies.

There is a lot of debts, and there are more scorpions.

Since the horizontal and vertical must be enemies.

It would be better to just offend a few more.

Now, don't worry about defending the city now, take a little more snowballs.

Let your strength grow stronger.

Big deal, wait until the spring, after the ice and snow melted.

In the face of those who seek revenge, he can't keep it.

Fight for a few months or even years.

Speaking of fighting the city, he really didn't fear anyone!