The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 555: Influenza (2)

Outside the hospitals and maintenance centers of the city.

The pulling up of the isolation belt caused a lot of people’s commotion.

There is a man who insists on going to visit his younger brother.

But the patrol members who were kept outside the isolation belt stopped directly.

"Why? My brother is inside, I am his brother, why not let me go in and see him?!"

For the patrol members' actions, the man showed his indignation.

After the pedestrians around them heard the movement, they gathered together.

In the blink of an eye, a large number of people gathered in the periphery.

However, most of the members of the maritime patrols of the various cities are now retired soldiers on the battlefield.

This one is all rushed through the sea of ​​knives and mountains.

This point is obviously not to scare them.

Just listen to one of the leading patrol captains pointing to the notice board next to it...

"It’s very clear on the bulletin board. They are suffering from a highly contagious flu. You are in contact with the patient. What if you get infected with the flu? Then you can get it to others? Then let the sick get sick. More and more people?"


One face three questions, the man who asked to visit his brother was speechless.

The patrol captain who spoke is directly chasing after the victory...

"Now it is the high season of flu, and now there are enough people who are sick. If everyone is really good for the sick, then it is necessary to cooperate with the hospital's treatment policy, let the patients take good care of the disease, don't give the doctors again. Adding up!"

In a few words, it is reasonable to say that many people gathered together are subconsciously nodded.

Then they said that they would actively cooperate with the hospital's treatment policy.

The patrol captain who heard this said immediately hugged the crowd.

"Thank you for your understanding and cooperation, then let go!"

The crowd gathered around quickly dispersed.

The man who had been obsessed with his previous desire to visit his younger brother could only leave with the crowd at this time.

Seeing this scene, a patrol member standing behind could not help but flash a trace of accident.

"When is the captain's mouth so succinct? Is it a set?"

Another patrol member who heard this was laughing.

"Which can it? It is the Minister of the Ministry of Medicine who told him in advance that the captain is just saying it."

"It turned out to be."

What happened outside did not affect the doctors inside.

The main thing is that they don't have the extra energy to pay attention to other things.

As the patrol captain said.

There are already enough people here.

These days, it is enough to take care of the patients, enough to make them busy and faint.

"Cough, cough, cough, cough!!!"

The violent cough seemed to cough up the lungs.

The patient lying on the bed was struggling with gasping.

"Wang, Dr. Wang, I am so hard, so uncomfortable, I can't breathe, I am not, is it going to die?"

Hear the weak question of the patient.

The doctor next to him wearing a white coat and wearing a medical mask was in a heavy mood.

fear? Pleading? despair? look forward to?

Under the patient's serious illness, the eyes that became more and more apathetic are now more complicated than ever.

The mouth was bluffed a few times, and Dr. Wang could not say a word.

Just yesterday, the patient was confirmed to have worsened his condition.

It was directly transferred to this deeper isolation room.

The six patients who lived in this isolation room have now become all ashes...

Doctor Wang, who knows the truth, doesn't know what to say.

At this moment his spirit is suffering!

Until another violent cough pulled him back to reality.

Look at the patients who are almost unappealing.

Dr. Wang, who had come back to the world, quickly took the other hand.

"No, believe me, you won't have anything to do."

He said this, but he felt an unprecedented sense of powerlessness.

Even the sound is obviously hard.

However, the patient who heard this said, there was a hint of hope in the eyes.

"Really, really? I won't, I won't have anything..."

The pair of eyes with hope, just look at him.

I don't know why, and the eyes of Dr. Wang, who is looking at these eyes, have a hint of courage.

I saw that he nodded hard.

"Really, you will be fine, you will be fine!"

During the conversation, Dr. Wang quickly pushed open the window next to the bed so that the fresh air outside would come in.

At the same time, he reached out and helped the patient lying on the bed.

"Come, you sit for a while, so you can be a little more comfortable, I will pour you a glass of water."

Dr. Wang said as he walked out.

The result has not yet gone a few steps.

The almost constant coughing sound behind him suddenly disappeared...

Dr. Wang, who is taking a step, is in a stalemate.

Then he put down the step that was lifted.

The whole person stood in the same place.

In the end, I can’t get my eyes in pain...

On this day, another patient died in the isolation ward of the Der Spiegel City Maintenance Center.

The number of people who die and the number of patients are increasing every day.

At this time, Luo Ji, who is located in the hall of the government, is working hard in his own way.

On the desk, it is almost necessary to bury him in the identity file.

He looked at the past one by one.

After many comparisons, the thoughts in Luo’s mind began to gradually connect mezichuan! ”

"Being a job!"

"Run for me here, ask some things..."

In the speech, Luo Ji directly put a stack of identity files in his hand into the hands of me Zichuan.

"Follow your job."

Quickly put on the distributed medical mask, and Izumikawa left the hall of the government.

Since he took over the post of He Liang Guard Captain.

No one can deny his ability to do things.

The things that are explained to him can basically be done in a well-organized manner, and the efficiency of the work is very high, and there is no need to worry about it.

After about an hour or so, Ichikawa who had done things was rushed back to the House of the Politics.

"Your Majesty, the job was confirmed. In the chicken farm, the patient named Yang was the first to be sick. Later, the boss of the chicken farm called Lao Zhao who worked together to bring the chicken soup to visit each other."

"Then Lao Zhao found that the other party was seriously ill and rushed to the hospital."

"The next day, Zhao Zhao often went to the chicken farm to go to work. There was nothing at the time. After about four or five days, Lao Zhao began to have a fever and coughed up. He went to the hospital on the afternoon."

"After the employees in the chicken farm, many of them were sick and sick."

"Following the job, he ran to the nursing home and asked the patient named Yang."

"According to the patient's statement, nothing strange happened before he became ill. If you want to say something, the newcomers in the factory are clumsy, let the **** run, and the chickens fly in the field."

Speaking of it here, it seems that I have suddenly thought of a thing...

"Oh, yes, and when he was catching the cock, the arm didn't know what was being scraped, and some blood was gone, but that level of minor injury quickly became crusted."