The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 6: Luo Ji, who is getting better

All the way to kill, the barbarian of the enemy tribe can not stop him, in the face of lethality has improved more than one level of stone axe, coupled with the exaggerated brute force, how can a few wooden sticks in the district be able to stand up? The four words of the wolf into the flock are simply too apt to describe!

On the other hand, holding the stone spear in his hand and playing a unique dance, the result is that he did not kill an enemy. As a prospective college student born in a peaceful era, can he not count in his own heart?

In this way, he gradually adapted to the battle, began to use some more intelligent fighting methods, and his eyes quickly turned to a barbarian who was fighting the warriors of his own tribe. Looking at the opportunity, Luo Ji took a breath. Directly stabbed a powerful spear!

At that time, only heard a scream, the peculiar touch of the stone spear into the flesh and blood suddenly spread to his hand, so that he felt a scalp numb on the spot, but Luo Ji did not let go, even adding gravity ! At the same time, I kept telling myself in my heart, "This is the enemy! This is the enemy! This is the enemy!!"

The change of the play of the Luo series can be described as a strike, this is a more intelligent way of fighting for him, of course, the ugly point can also be described as insidious or mean, however, he will care? not at all!

At the same time, it turns out that his tribes don't care at all, even shouting cheers, and even morale is improving.

For the people of this era, the eight words of "weak meat and strong food, the survival of the fittest" are the truth! There is nothing despicable and not mean, only can you live!

Under the leadership of Luo Ji, the warriors of his tribe can be said to have high morale, and the more the more the war! The barbarians of the enemy tribes defeated and reversed the situation in a short period of time. Two weapons with obvious civilized advantages obviously played a significant role. After all, this is the gap between the Stone Age and the ancient times, but At the same time, Luo Jixin also knows that his 'ruler' talent has improved the effectiveness of 20% of the force, and it is estimated to play a very important role.

"Run! Everyone runs!!" Two soldiers were folded in succession, and the rest were all wounded. The barbarians of the enemy tribes apparently had no war at this moment. They ran one by one faster than rabbits. It is the victory of the first battle of Luo.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Ross' to win the first battle, get 100 points of civilization points and 5 points of military points.

No time to go to the system prompts, watching the war is strong, one by one roaring to prepare to chase the tribal warriors going up, Luo Ji quickly screamed, "Okay, don't chase!"

The soldiers who heard the orders of the patriarchs stopped their actions, but all the eyes in their eyes were full of doubts. Obviously they did not understand why their patriarchs had let go of such a good chance of chasing.

In the face of the doubts of his own people, Luo, who has calmed down at the moment, is not too slow to speak. "The most important thing now is to establish the camp first and then solve the food problem. As for the barbarians, it is a waste of effort to solve it. They don't have any benefit, let's slow down first."

As soon as the words were spoken, the soldiers suddenly realized that the doubts in their eyes had changed to reverence for Luo Ji, and at the same time they were more determined that the patriarch of Luo Ji could lead their tribes to advance!

The situation gradually returned to its own control, and the threat of the barbarians was temporarily lifted. The state of Luo’s moment can be said to be getting better. “But, you can’t leave them alone...”

During the speech, Luo Ji rushed to the scouts he had appointed. "Come, I have a dangerous thing that you need to do, dare?"

The scout's loyalty to Luo Ji is very high, plus just won a victory, morale is prosperous, how can there be anything dare? On the spot, I shot the chest, "The patriarch, you are told!"

Seeing this, Luo Ji nodded with satisfaction, and then put the stone spear into the hands of the scouts. "When the barbarians fled, they left obvious footprints on the snow. I want you to keep up with them and confirm their Tribal location, then come back to report to me."

"The patriarch, you can rest assured! I promise to get things done!"

Looking at each other's expression of excitement, Luo Ji is inevitably worried. Although this kid is very talented to be a scout, but ultimately he did not receive any professional training, such a good seed, in case of any accidental sacrifice, then It is a big loss.

But confirming the position of the other tribe is also something that has to be done. In this way, you can only say a few more words. "Everything takes its own safety as the first priority. Don't conflict with the other party. Once you are discovered, you may feel that you have been discovered. Just retreat immediately, understand?"


"Okay, go."

After the scouts caught up, Luo Ji took the other warriors of his own tribe and began to go back to the materials needed to build the tribal camp.

On the way back, he naturally inevitably had to talk to the first warrior of his own tribe. After a round of conversation, he discovered that the people in his own tribe did not even have a good name. Most of them were It is quite casual.

"The first warrior in the tribe, how can you even have a decent name?" During the speech, Luo Ji’s brain turned. "Would you like me to give you a name, and how about my last name?"

For the surname, they obviously don't have that concept right now, but in any case, the patriarch is open, and according to his current loyalty, it is naturally impossible to refuse.

"Just called... Rayong! How about Luo Yong?!" After all, Luo Ji’s first impression of him was bravery! When I was going to give him a name, The first thing I thought of was the word 'yong'. This name is more common in modern society, but it is also appropriate to be placed on this first warrior.

"Rayong? Thank you patriarch!" For this so-called name, while feeling fresh, Luo Yong obviously likes it very much. More importantly, Luo Yong and Luo Ji, these two names are very similar to him! Being able to have a very similar name to the patriarch is undoubtedly a thing that makes them feel glorious for them!

That is, at the same time, the system's prompt sounds again...

System Tip: Congratulations to the player ‘Luo Ji’ to create the concept of ‘name’, gaining 50 points of civilization and 10 points of culture.

Listening to the system's prompts, Luo Ji just returned to God, and found that other tribal warriors are looking at themselves with their eyes, that is simply self-evident, this can give him a hard time, take the name of this kind of thing, He is not particularly good at it. Just giving Luo Yong a name is a momentary rise. It is quite normal. If he really wants to give a name to a large group of people, let alone he has thirty-four people. These few in front of the light can make him drown.

Fortunately, his brain turned fast enough, and after the flash of light, he suddenly said that he was the only one who had the best performance in the tribe or had a good contribution, so I was qualified to give him the name. If you want a name, you will give me a good performance!"

Luo Ji’s statement is also convincing, although this is just an excuse he used to avoid his own name, but what he does not know is that his excuse is from this moment. It became one of the important traditions of their entire civilization, and the name that he had personally acquired became one of the highest honors of their civilization at this moment.